加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民新移民是否可以自带车入境?
回复: 新移民是否可以自带车入境?应该可以,不过国内的车质量很烂,这里买个二手的都比国内的好
回复: 新移民是否可以自带车入境?我曾经想过要带的.不过考虑再三, 算了, 卖了算了
加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%... 超赞 赏 食为天 0$(VIP 0) 562010-07-19#4 回复: 新移民是否可以自带车入境?空运费估计在加能买个新的了
人生短暂,有健康才有一切,多看看,多玩玩,多乐乐,多吃吃,多喝喝,有条件多生生 超赞 赏 N ntchris 0$(VIP 0) 3,1002010-07-19#5 回复: 新移民是否可以自带车入境?车怎么会空运, 肯定海运了.
加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%... 超赞 赏 H happyny 0$(VIP 0) 1,0442010-07-19#6 回复: 新移民是否可以自带车入境?北美的车大白天前面的大灯都亮着。
回复: 新移民是否可以自带车入境?http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/roadsafety/safevehicles-importation-other-than-index-446.htmLZ看看这里,我们也很想把车带过去,这几天正研究呢。。。
09-11-04快递悉尼>09-11-10Paul签收>10-01-26扣款>10-01-27 RN>10-03-06鸭子熟了4H 70分>10-04-01补料妥投>10-04-07 FN>10-04-26 ME>10-05-10 港澳中心体检> 10-05-11 护照登陆费妥投>10-05-24 变8>10-05-25 变7>10-05-28 变12>10-06-03变13>10-06-04变17>10-06-08毕业!北美的车大白天前面的大灯都亮着。点击展开...这个好像是必须的。
回复: 新移民是否可以自带车入境?北美的车大白天前面的大灯都亮着。点击展开...为什么啊?
回复: 新移民是否可以自带车入境?放弃吧 美国和加拿大的法律是,在加拿大美国以外的国家进口旧车,除非是15年以上的旧车,否则不能入口。 LS那位朋友提供的加拿大政府官方网页已经说得非常清楚了 VEHICLES PURCHASED OUTSIDE CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES .............. Vehicles manufactured for sale in countries other than Canada and the United States do not comply with the requirements of the Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Act, CANNOT be altered to comply and CANNOT be imported into Canada. The only exceptions to this rule are vehicles fifteen (15) years old or older as determined by the month and year in which the vehicle was manufactured and buses manufactured before January 1, 1971. ....................
回复: 新移民是否可以自带车入境?放弃吧 美国和加拿大的法律是,在加拿大美国以外的国家进口旧车,除非是15年以上的旧车,否则不能入口。 LS那位朋友提供的加拿大政府官方网页已经说得非常清楚了 VEHICLES PURCHASED OUTSIDE CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES .............. Vehicles manufactured for sale in countries other than Canada and the United States do not comply with the requirements of the Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Act, CANNOT be altered to comply and CANNOT be imported into Canada. The only exceptions to this rule are vehicles fifteen (15) years old or older as determined by the month and year in which the vehicle was manufactured and buses manufactured before January 1, 1971. ....................点击展开... 官网上下边内段儿Vehicles acquired in foreign countries other than the U.S. and designed, built, tested and certified to meet either all applicable Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standards or all applicable United States Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and bearing a statement of compliance label affixed by the original manufacturer, as required by the Regulations, may be eligible for importation into Canada provided the vehicle has not been altered and the certification from the original manufacturer is maintained, which may be subject to verification at the time of importation.
09-11-04快递悉尼>09-11-10Paul签收>10-01-26扣款>10-01-27 RN>10-03-06鸭子熟了4H 70分>10-04-01补料妥投>10-04-07 FN>10-04-26 ME>10-05-10 港澳中心体检> 10-05-11 护照登陆费妥投>10-05-24 变8>10-05-25 变7>10-05-28 变12>10-06-03变13>10-06-04变17>10-06-08毕业!官网上下边内段儿Vehicles acquired in foreign countries other than the U.S. and designed, built, tested and certified to meet either all applicable Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standards or all applicable United States Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and bearing a statement of compliance label affixed by the original manufacturer, as required by the Regulations, may be eligible for importation into Canada provided the vehicle has not been altered and the certification from the original manufacturer is maintained, which may be subject to verification at the time of importation.点击展开... 你看明白这一段的意思了吗? 人家说的是如果不是在北美购买的车辆, 除非在不经任何改装的情况下就已经在设计,生产,测试等程序都符合Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 或者United States Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 也就是说你买回来的车不能够有任何改动就已经必须符合相关条例. 而且并不仅仅是能够通过加拿大所有的测试, 还要是从车型设计上已经是加拿大版, 生产这台汽车的厂房也要是符合所有加拿大认证. 最后还要必须由生产厂家出具证明该款车由设计开始的每一个步骤都符合北美规定. 你觉得这对于在北美以外生产的, 面对其他国家市场的车来说, 可能吗?
回复: 新移民是否可以自带车入境?你看明白这一段的意思了吗? 人家说的是如果不是在北美购买的车辆, 除非在不经任何改装的情况下就已经在设计,生产,测试等程序都符合Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 或者United States Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 也就是说你买回来的车不能够有任何改动就已经必须符合相关条例. 而且并不仅仅是能够通过加拿大所有的测试, 还要是从车型设计上已经是加拿大版, 生产这台汽车的厂房也要是符合所有加拿大认证. 最后还要必须由生产厂家出具证明该款车由设计开始的每一个步骤都符合北美规定. 你觉得这对于在北美以外生产的, 面对其他国家市场的车来说, 可能吗?点击展开...当然看明白了=。=买的纯进口米国车也不成么?
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