加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民配偶是乙肝病毒携带者,能通过体检么



回复: 配偶是乙肝病毒携带者,能通过体检么体检时,不查肝功。

超赞 赏 夏 夏练三伏 0$(VIP 0) 72010-07-28#3 回复: 配偶是乙肝病毒携带者,能通过体检么真的么,那太好了,那他们都检查什么项目呀

回复: 配偶是乙肝病毒携带者,能通过体检么你搜搜论坛,就知道了。

超赞 赏 K kellychen 0$(VIP 0) 2,9192010-08-03#5 回复: 配偶是乙肝病毒携带者,能通过体检么Has the applicant been previously examined for immigration into Canada? (Yes or No, if Yes, please show Date, City and Country)申请人是否曾经为移民加拿大而接受体格检查?(是或否,如果是,请提供时间地点)Has the applicant used addictive or mood alerting drugs? (Yes or No)申请人是否服用上瘾药物或兴奋剂?(是或否)Does the applicant consume alcohol? (Yes or No, if Yes, How much?)申请人是否酗酒?(是或否,如果是,数量?)Does the applicant smoke or has the applicant ever smoked tobacco? (Yes or No, if Yes, How much?)申请人是否吸烟或曾经吸烟?(是或否,如果是,数量?)Has the applicant ever suffered from or been told he had any of the following conditions? (Yes or No)Head or neck injury头部或颈部受伤Nose or throat trouble鼻或喉疾病Ear trouble or deafness耳部疾病或耳聋Eye trouble眼疾Chronic cough or asthma慢性咳嗽或气喘Tuberculosis肺痨Other lung disease其他肺部疾病High blood pressure高血压Heart trouble心脏病Rheumatic fever风湿性热Diabetes mellitus糖尿病Endocrine disorders内分泌疾病Cancer or tumor癌或肺瘤Rheumatism, joint or back troubles风湿性关节或脊背疾病Mental disorders 精神病Fainting spells, fitsor seizures突发性眩晕,痉挛或癫痫Chronic skin condition皮肤病Stomach pain or ulcer胃病或溃疡Other abdominal trouble其他肠胃疾病Kidney or bladder trouble肾病或膀胱疾病Sexually transmitted disease性病HIV positive爱滋病阳性反应Genetic or Familial disorders 遗传性疾病Typhoid fever, malaria, tropical disease伤寒,疟疾或热带病Operations曾经动过手术Have you ever had a blood transfusion曾经接受输血Is the applicant now taking any medication or receiving treatment which must be continued in the future? (Yes or No)申请人是否正在服药或要继续治疗?(是或否)Please elaborate on all &quotyes" answers of questions include significant dates and know treatment.对以上回答“是”的问题请详细说明,包括治疗日期。Physical examination to be completed by the examining physician.体格检查,由检验医生完成本报告。Upon medical examination are there any abnormalities of the following:体检中是否发现以下不正常的情况:Head and Neck头和颈部Mouth and throat口腔和喉部Ears耳nose鼻Eyes including fundi眼睛包括眼底Heart心脏Chest, lungs and breast胸,肺和乳房Abdomen, liver, spleen,etc.腹部,肚,脾等Genito-urinary system泌尿生殖系统Hernial sites 疝气Extremities and spine脊柱和四肢Nervous system神经系统Skin including surgical scars皮肤包括手术疤痕Lymphatic system淋巴系统Evidence of mental abnormality精神病症状Any other abnormalities 其他不正常情况Female applicant pregnant if yes, date of L.M.P.女申请者是否怀孕?如是,注明最后月经日期Is the applicant now taking medication or receiving treatment of any kind? If so, specify申请人目前是否服用药物或接受其他治疗?如是,请说明Height身高Weight体重 Visual acuity with glasses if worn视力(如近视则测矫正视力)Hearing whispered voice (normal: 6 meters(20 feet))听力Blood pressure血压If abnormal repeat B.P. after resting如果不正常,稍后再量Pulse rate脉搏Pulse rhythm脉搏节率Mental development智力发育(正常与否)Please elaborate on all &quotyes" answers or abnormalities请对回答是“是”的问题加以详细说明Routine blood serologial tests for syphils (Candidates 15 years of age and older)梅毒常规血清试验(15岁以下申请人免检)FTA-ABS.(only in VDRL positive) Urinalysis (Candidates 5 years of ages and older)尿检(5岁以下免检)Protein蛋白Sugar糖Microscopic显微镜检验结果If abnormal, repeat. Large postero anterior chest X-ray film and report (required for all applicants 11 years of ages and older)所有11岁以上人士必须进行X光检查。Skeleton/soft-tissueCardiac shadowHilar & mediastinal nodesHemidiaphragms and CPAsParenchymal infiltratesPulmonary nodulesPleural fibrosis/effusionInterstitial fibrosisCavitationOther abnormalities说明:以上项目来自加国体检报告书,其中并没有提到对肝功能的各种检查,大家尽可放心。

回复: 配偶是乙肝病毒携带者,能通过体检么配偶是乙肝病毒携带者,能通过体检么,会不会因为体检检查出来,把我也pass了,有没有前辈知道一些通过或被拒的先例点击展开...不查乙肝的。前提是你不说!

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