加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民移民历程及关键时间点
1. 2006.1.21[FONT=宋体]考雅思。[/FONT]2. 2006.2.8[FONT=宋体]收到雅思成绩。[/FONT]3. [FONT=宋体]移民局[/FONT]2006.6.13[FONT=宋体]收到申请。[/FONT]4. 2006.9.15[FONT=宋体]拿到档案号,还有确认函(允许你在[/FONT]60[FONT=宋体]天之内撤销申请,然后全额退回申请费)。[/FONT]5. 2010.3.29[FONT=宋体]收到体检表。([/FONT]45[FONT=宋体]天内体检,[/FONT]60[FONT=宋体]天内按要求补料,护照有效期大于[/FONT]18[FONT=宋体]个月)。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]说明:我们的护照有效期不满足要求,于是拿上护照、体检表复印件,写了个申请才予换证的(如果在一个窗口不行,可以换别的窗口试试。)[/FONT]6. 2010.4.17[FONT=宋体]体检。[/FONT]7. 2010.7.7[FONT=宋体]签证获批。(注意有效期为:签证日期[/FONT]---[FONT=宋体]体检日期算起一年)。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]8.[/FONT][FONT=宋体]随签证和移民纸有一个函,里面说了许多注意事项和须知,其中关于保留永久居民身份的要求是:除特殊情况外5[/FONT][FONT=宋体]年内必须在加住够[/FONT]730[FONT=宋体]天([/FONT]2[FONT=宋体]年)。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体]9. [FONT=宋体]枫叶卡办理时限:[/FONT]35[/FONT][FONT=宋体]天[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体]10. [FONT=宋体]枫叶卡每[/FONT]5[/FONT][FONT=宋体]年更换一次。[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体]11. [FONT=宋体]入籍资格[/FONT]:[/FONT][FONT=宋体]提出申请时前四年内住够[/FONT]1095[/FONT][FONT=宋体]天([/FONT]3[/FONT][FONT=宋体]年)。(孩子没时间限制)[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]
回复: 移民历程及关键时间点参考:PERMANENT RESIDENT STATUS (移民身份的保留)Until you obtain Canadian Citizenship,your permanent residence status may be revoked if you are not present in Canada for at least 730 days within 5 years,except under certain circumstances.For more information about the exceptions,please consult the following website:www.cic.gc.ca or contact the Citizenship and Immigration Call Centre in Canada :1 888 242-2100. The Permanent Resident Card expires every five years. Check the expiry date and apply for a new one well before you plan to travel outside Canada. InCanada Application Processing TimesCPCPRC SydneyProcessing ApplicationsReceived Up ToCurrent Processing TimePermanent Resident Card(see note 3)Initial, replacement or renewal of PR card for existing permanent residentsFebruary 8, 2010200 daysNewly arriving permanent residents(once Canadian mailing address is provided)35 days What is the residence requirement?To be eligible for Canadian citizenship, you must have lived in Canada for at least three years (1,095 days) out of the four years (1,460 days) preceding your application. Please note that you cannot meet the residence requirements for citizenship without a minimum of two (2) years as a permanent resident.When calculating your time in Canada:only the four (4) years preceding the date of your application are taken into account; each day you lived in Canada before you became a permanent resident counts as half a day; each day you lived in Canada after you became a permanent resident counts as one day; time spent serving a sentence for an offence in Canada (e.g. prison, penitentiary, jail, reformatory, conditional sentence, probation and/or parole) cannot be counted toward residence - there are some exceptions to this rule; absences from Canada may have an impact on your residence. Only a citizenship judge can determine if you meet the residence requirements with fewer than 1,095 days of physical presence Time lived in CanadaTo become Canadian citizens, adults must have lived in Canada for at least three years (1,095 days) in the past four years before applying. Children do not need to meet this requirement.You may be able to count time you spent in Canada before you became a permanent resident if that time falls within the four-year period.
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