加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民读博士后,关于驾照的问题
请问大家一个问题,我要去魁省的大学呆两年,我有国内的驾照,2003年的。我查看了一下魁省交通局的网站,如下:Foreign students, cooperants and traineesYou are allowed to drive a passenger vehicle for the duration of your studies or traineeship without holding a Québec driver's licence if you meet the following conditions:1 hold a valid driver's licence issued by your country of origin; 2 comply with the conditions specified on your licence;3 drive only a passenger vehicle.里面说可以不申请魁省驾照就可以正常开车,我的驾龄已经有7年了,在国内也做了公证了,是不是到了魁省不用参加笔试和路考就可以直接开车呢,而且没有时间限制呢,两年内都可以开
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