加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于带入加拿大资金申报,这里许多帖子提供的信息可能是错误的


我在这里看到许多帖子都说“带入加拿大的现金超过1万加元需要申报”,言外之意是不带现金就不需要申报了。但查了一下加拿大边境服务管理局的网站,发现他们根本不管你带的是现金、汇票甚至有价证券如债券股票,或通过电汇邮寄,只要带进的数额超过1万加元,都需要填E667表申报。 我想现在家底少于1万家元的中国移民已经很少了,所以大家还是好好看看原文,认真填写E667吧。免得那天谁因为他们认真起来或运气不佳赶上了,因为没填这个表被罚款就太冤枉了。 下面是加拿大边境事务管理局网站上的原文:(注意红色部分) Crossing the border with $10,000 or more? This document is also available in PDF (60 KB)[help with PDF files] Money laundering and terrorist financing are international problems. Money laundering in Canada alone is estimated to be in the billions of dollars. To help fight these criminal activities, the Government of Canada has introduced the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act.Under the legislation, there are no restrictions on the amount of money that you can bring into or take out of Canada, nor is it illegal to do so. However, you now have to report to a border services officer amounts equal to or greater than CAN$10,000, or its equivalent in a foreign currency that you are bringing into or taking out of Canada.This new reporting requirement will assist the government in its efforts to:investigate and prosecute offences related to money laundering and terrorist financing;respond to the threat posed by organized crime; andfulfill international commitments to fight transnational crime.Reporting requirementsHow to reportIn person at a Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) officeIf you are entering or leaving Canada and are carrying $10,000 or more, or its equivalent in a foreign currency including any combination of coins, domestic or foreign bank notes, and securities, such as travellers cheques, stocks and bonds, you have to complete Form E677, Cross-Border Currency or Monetary Instruments Report - Individual. If the currency or monetary instruments that you are reporting are not your own, you will be required to complete Form E667, Cross-Border Currency or Monetary Instruments Report - General. You must complete the reporting form, sign it, and hand it to a border services officer at the nearest CBSA office that is open at the time you are travelling.By mailIf you are sending $10,000 or more or its equivalent in a foreign currency into Canada through the mail, you must complete Form E667 and include it with the money. In addition, you must complete a Universal Postal Convention label and attach it to the item being mailed.If you are sending $10,000 or more or its equivalent in a foreign currency from Canada by mail, you have to complete Form E667 and include it with the item being mailed, and mail or submit a completed copy of Form E667 to the nearest CBSA office at the same time or before you mail the package.Additional postal requirements may exist when importing or exporting currency or monetary instruments by mail. Please contact Canada Post for further information.By courierIf you are sending $10,000 or more or its equivalent in a foreign currency to or from Canada by courier, the courier must have the person in charge of the conveyance complete Form E668, Cross-Border Currency or Monetary Instruments Report made by Person in charge of conveyance, and attach it to Form E667, which you, the importer or exporter, will have completed. Both forms must be submitted to a CBSA office.If you need help completing the forms, see the instructions on the back of the forms, or contact the nearest CBSA office.Failure to reportCurrency and monetary instruments of a value equal to or greater than $10,000, or its equivalent in a foreign currency which are not reported, may be subject to seizure and the assessment of penalties or forfeiture. Penalties range from $250 to $5,000.What happens with the information you give us?The completed forms are sent to the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) in Ottawa for assessment and analysis. The information provided on the currency reporting forms is subject to the general provisions of the Privacy Act and is collected under the authority of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act.To obtain additional information or a copy of the required forms, visit our Web site or the FINTRAC Web site. You can also call us free of charge throughout Canada at 1-800-461-9999. If you are calling from outside of Canada, you can contact us at 204-983-3500 or 506-636-5064.点击展开...

移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》 超赞 赏 V Vancouver landing 0$(VIP 0) 5,2132010-10-18#2 回复: 关于带入加拿大资金申报,这里许多帖子提供的信息可能是错误的lz理解有误差。仅说现金是不准确,是currency,硬币、纸币、汇票、旅行支票、股票之类的都属于currency,坛子里都归于现金,以前有人提示过。至于电汇,文字里面没有提过,文字里提示3种情况,携带、邮寄和快递currency出入境。加拿大没有外汇管制,汇入多少不用申报,但是要注意报税的问题,不小心就会被征高额税收。银行客户经理说超过1w的汇入就有监管了,但小额多次汇入也会被监控,但说新移民1年内汇入较大款项很少被追究。真是登陆前收入业绩也就罢了,登陆后的收入要考虑如何搬运喽。

回复: 关于带入加拿大资金申报,这里许多帖子提供的信息可能是错误的lz理解有误差。仅说现金是不准确,是currency,硬币、纸币、汇票、旅行支票、股票之类的都属于currency,坛子里都归于现金,以前有人提示过。至于电汇,文字里面没有提过,文字里提示3种情况,携带、邮寄和快递currency出入境。加拿大没有外汇管制,汇入多少不用申报,但是要注意报税的问题,不小心就会被征高额税收。银行客户经理说超过1w的汇入就有监管了,但小额多次汇入也会被监控,但说新移民1年内汇入较大款项很少被追究。真是登陆前收入业绩也就罢了,登陆后的收入要考虑如何搬运喽。点击展开...

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