加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民vibram fivefingers
The same view appears in a different and quainter form in the old doctrine that Equity flowed from the king's consciencethe improvement which had in fact taken place in the moral standard of the community being thus referred to an inherent elevation in the moral sense of the sovereign. The growth of the English constitution rendered such a theory unpalatable after a vibram five fingers cheap time but, as the jurisdiction of the Chancery was then firmly established, it was not worth while to devise vibram five fingers review any formal sub stitute for it. The theories found in modern manuals of Equity are very five fingers various, but all alike in their untenability. .Most of them are modifications .of the.Roman doctrine of a natural law which is indeed adopted in terms vibram five fingers kso by those writers who be-in vibram fivefingers a discussion of the juiisdiction of the Court of Chancery by laying downa distinction between natural justice and civiL CHAPTER IV. THE MODERN HISTORY OF THE LAW OF NATURE. IT will be inferred fi'om what has been said that the theory which transformed the Roman jurisprudence had no claim to philosophical precision. It involved, in fact, one of those " mixed modes of thought" which are now acknowledged to have characterised all but the highest minds during the infancy of speculation, and which are far from undiscoverable even in the mental efforts of our own day. vibram five fingers The Law of Nature confused the Past and the Present. Logically, it implied a state of Nature which had once been regulated by natural law yet the jurisconsults do not speak clearly or confidently of the existence of such a state, which indeed is little noticed by the ancients except where it finds a poetical expression in the fancy of a golde n age. Natural law, for all practical purposes, was something belonging to the present, something entwined with existing institutions, something which could be distinguished from them by ft competent observer. Thetest whicheparated the ordinances of Nature from the gross ingredients with which they were mingled was a jense of simplicity and harmony yet it was not on account of their simplicity .
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