加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民带孩子短登之前要不要把办枫叶卡的照片在国内照好?
带孩子短登之前要不要把办枫叶卡的照片在国内照好? 照片的要求又是怎样的呢? 有知道的,谢谢啦!
回复: 带孩子短登之前要不要把办枫叶卡的照片在国内照好?如果相貌改变大的话,最好在国内照好,规格材料清单上都有,或者直接跟照相馆说加拿大签证照,都知道的。短登时主动要求更改。
回复: 带孩子短登之前要不要把办枫叶卡的照片在国内照好?规格材料清单上都有,这个“材料清单”在哪里能找到呢?谢谢
回复: 带孩子短登之前要不要把办枫叶卡的照片在国内照好?我看了一下好像是这样的:加拿大移民知识:加拿大枫叶卡照片的新要求 最近几个月登陆的客人在办理完登陆手续后却迟迟收不到枫叶卡,等待周期将近3个月,签发时间上较以往有所延迟。其中有的客户尚不了解枫叶卡照片规格已发生改变,而后被枫叶卡服务中心发信告知照片不符合要求,需在一个月之内按照新的规格要求重新补交照片,在此将枫叶卡照片新规定中的重点列明: 1. 照片的数量:两张 2. 照片的尺寸:35mm*45mm 3. 最新更改的要求:25mm*30mm(下巴至头顶) 4. 照片的拍摄时间:最近6个月内 5. 照片背面需写有照片的拍摄日期 (不是冲洗的日期), 贴上去的标签不可以。 如果您身在加拿大,这一点就很好办了,一般的照相馆都知晓此事,会按照要求在照片的背后盖上拍摄时间的印章;但如果您已经回国,那事情就稍微复杂一些,您需要到一些大城市的知名照相馆问询是否可以提供此类专业服务。 6. 照片补交方式:要求照片连同IMM5455(Supplementary Identification Form)表格一同邮寄到指定的地址,不接受亲自递交的方式。(如果表格不小心填写错了,就到这个网址上https://services3.cic.gc.ca/kmsweb/...b.html.TOKEN=909b9dfeec0486b57268cb3b5749ddc5填写您的接收地址的信息,14天内便会收到。 近期,新移民在初次登陆办理手续时,新移民报到处不再提供收取照片的服务,而在签发枫叶卡时直接使用当初递交移民申请时提交的照片,因而导致很多家庭的某位成员由于照片规格达不到精确的要求而收不到枫叶卡。鉴于此类情况的发生,我们提醒您,如果您在短登后不能保证居住三个月以上,那请您提供一个确切而稳妥的可接收枫叶卡的地址和电话,以便收到枫叶卡或要求补交文件后能马上联络您并准确地转交到国内您的现地址。 以下是加拿大移民局关于枫叶卡照片拍摄要求的英文原文,请参考: TAKE THIS SHEET WITH YOU TO THE PHOTOGRAPHER *Permanent Resident Card photos are not the same as passport photos. *You may wear non-tinted and tinted prescription glasses as long as your eyes are clearly visible. *Make sure that your eyes are not hidden by glare on the lenses. Sunglasses are not acceptable. *A hairpiece or other cosmetic accessory is acceptable if it does not disguise your normal appearance and you wear the accessory on a regular basis. *The photos must clearly show your face. If you may not remove your head covering for religious reasons, make sure your full facial features are visible. *Photos must have been taken within the last 6 months to ensure an up-to-date likeness. *Photos may be either black and white or colour. THE DATE THIS PHOTO WAS TAKEN ON BACK ( only use stamps or a soft tip pen for date) (photo must have been taken in the last 6 months) Notes to the photographer: The two photos must: *show a full front view of the person’s head showing full face centred in the middle of the photo; *be clear, well-defined and taken against a plain white background without shadows; *be produced from the same un-retouched film or from the same file capturing the digital image or from two identical photos exposed simultaneously by a split-image or multi-lens camera; *be original photos (not taken from any existing photo); *** NEW*** measure between 25 mm and 30 mm (1″ and 1 1/5″) from chin to crown; *have a 35 mm x 45 mm (1 3/8″ x 1 3/4″) finished size; *be on photographic paper that has a backing which accepts and retains the date. Photos without this backing are not acceptable; *be on prints that are well-fixed and washed to prevent discolouration; *bear the date the photo was taken (not the date the photo was printed) directly on the back of one print (stick-on labels are not acceptable).本篇文章来源于 www.shandongjiacheng.com 原文链接:http://jiacheng35.11054.84g.com/immigration/201012103321.html
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