加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民五年住二年的疑惑,仔细看了司法部的IRPA法案也没找到答案


五年住二年,这个五年是从灯陆之日起算还是根据枫叶卡上的有效期计算??法案28款:28. (1) A permanent resident must comply with a residency obligation with respect to every five-year period.Application(2) The following provisions govern the residency obligation under subsection (1):(a) a permanent resident complies with the residency obligation with respect to a five-year period if, on each of a total of at least 730 days in that five-year period, they are(i) physically present in Canada,(ii) outside Canada accompanying a Canadian citizen who is their spouse or common-law partner or, in the case of a child, their parent,(iii) outside Canada employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business or in the federal public administration or the public service of a province,(iv) outside Canada accompanying a permanent resident who is their spouse or common-law partner or, in the case of a child, their parent and who is employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business or in the federal public administration or the public service of a province, or(v) referred to in regulations providing for other means of compliance;(b) it is sufficient for a permanent resident to demonstrate at examination(i) if they have been a permanent resident for less than five years, that they will be able to meet the residency obligation in respect of the five-year period immediately after they became a permanent resident;(ii) if they have been a permanent resident for five years or more, that they have met the residency obligation in respect of the five-year period immediately before the examination; and(c) a determination by an officer that humanitarian and compassionate considerations relating to a permanent resident, taking into account the best interests of a child directly affected by the determination, justify the retention of permanent resident status overcomes any breach of the residency obligation prior to the determination.

11.10.27 Montréal 13.3.27 niveau désiré atteint.Day0:长灯惊险通关记:+3m我的法语学习方法-单词篇+17m:17个月,我强化法语学习阶段结束了+20m,ma carrière,c'est bien parti. 超赞 赏 L luf_7_6 1$(VIP 0,#424) 8,6462011-09-28#2 回复: 五年住二年的疑惑,仔细看了司法部的IRPA法案也没找到答案immediately after they became a permanent resident, 疑惑在这里:什么时候算成了永久居民?灯陆当天,还是签发枫叶卡那天?

11.10.27 Montréal 13.3.27 niveau désiré atteint.Day0:长灯惊险通关记:+3m我的法语学习方法-单词篇+17m:17个月,我强化法语学习阶段结束了+20m,ma carrière,c'est bien parti.immediately after they became a permanent resident, 疑惑在这里:什么时候算成了永久居民?灯陆当天,还是签发枫叶卡那天?点击展开...当然是登陆那天,否则你在加拿大是什么身份?

回复: 五年住二年的疑惑,仔细看了司法部的IRPA法案也没找到答案根据以前的帖子,似乎是更换新卡时倒推五年


11.10.27 Montréal 13.3.27 niveau désiré atteint.Day0:长灯惊险通关记:+3m我的法语学习方法-单词篇+17m:17个月,我强化法语学习阶段结束了+20m,ma carrière,c'est bien parti. 超赞 赏 K kellychen 0$(VIP 0) 2,9192011-09-29#6 回复: 五年住二年的疑惑,仔细看了司法部的IRPA法案也没找到答案当然是登陆那天

回复: 五年住二年的疑惑,仔细看了司法部的IRPA法案也没找到答案[FONT=宋体]从登陆当天算[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]28[FONT=宋体]条款并非歧义[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]当中引起歧义的原因主要是因为枫叶卡并非一直以来都有,而是在[/FONT]2002[FONT=宋体]年(大概)才推出,但对之前已经取得移资格的人来说,如果从枫叶卡开始算则不具公平,故在[/FONT]2002[FONT=宋体]年之前获得身份的,则按成为永居开始算,之后登陆的,则从取得办理枫叶卡资格(即登陆日)开始算。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]

美国运通金卡:AMEX Gold ,开卡送25000积分(价值250刀以上),首年销卡无任何费用,成功批核后本人再额外多给Cash Bonus感谢。同时主推 AMEX SPG 酒店卡,开卡送20,000 SPG点,可以兑换最高6晚美国喜来登酒店住宿,总价值可超600刀。详情请PM(此外还有Business Gold ,感谢力度与 Gold一致)。Tangerine (ING) Orange Key: 41710691S1 (本人同样额外返点) 超赞 赏 sunny98 0$(VIP 0,#465) 6,0912011-09-29#8 回复: 五年住二年的疑惑,仔细看了司法部的IRPA法案也没找到答案5年内住满2年,是从你成为永久居民开始,你登陆当天通过机场移民官的面试后,就正式成为永久居民。任意5年内必须住满2年,跟枫叶卡有效期没有关系。

回复: 五年住二年的疑惑,仔细看了司法部的IRPA法案也没找到答案什么叫做“任意5年内必须住满2年”任意五年指的是什么?

回复: 五年住二年的疑惑,仔细看了司法部的IRPA法案也没找到答案什么叫做“任意5年内必须住满2年”任意五年指的是什么?点击展开...顾名思义,在任意的5年内,必须住满2年。并不是枫叶卡的5年有效期内,而是自你登陆那天起,移民部可以取任意的5年时间段,来看你是否住满了2年。

回复: 五年住二年的疑惑,仔细看了司法部的IRPA法案也没找到答案多谢!

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