加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民在上海亲身实践BMO开户、退社保(养老、医保)、退公积金事宜


[FONT=宋体]在家园里混了很久啦,都是获取大家的信息,在此表示感谢了!今天把这几天内实践的经验也和大伙分享一下,尤其给上海的移友做个参考(各地的政策略有不同,无法全部适用,实属中国悲哀啊)文字比较简短,但愿已经说明了问题。[/FONT] 1、 BMO[FONT=宋体]开户[/FONT][FONT=宋体]带着护照、身份证、移民纸就可了。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]地址[/FONT]:[FONT=宋体]广东路[/FONT]689[FONT=宋体]号海通证券[/FONT]3208[FONT=宋体]室[/FONT] [FONT=宋体],电话[/FONT]61363612 ,[FONT=宋体]去了前台小姐给你带到客户经理那,请到一个小会议室,给你倒杯水,和国内的银行开户礼遇不同啊。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]介绍(此处略过[/FONT]1000[FONT=宋体]字)[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]很方便的,[/FONT]2[FONT=宋体]天内账户就开好了,收到邮件通知。随时都可[/FONT]T/T[FONT=宋体]加币进去。[/FONT]3[FONT=宋体]天就可以获得存款证明,带着证明方便你入境。[/FONT] 2、 [FONT=宋体]提取公积金[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]需要公积金提取证明[/FONT][FONT=宋体]退工后,公积金账户封存,带着护照、签证、签证翻译(浦东出入境管理处[/FONT]3[FONT=宋体]楼可翻译,[/FONT]60[FONT=宋体]元一人)、身份证去公积金中心(各区都有)开提取证明,是当场给开的。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]或者让单位给开提取证明。提取证明有的单位有(建行有卖)或者从网上下载打印,单位盖章有效。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]再带着以上材料去建设银行(不是每个建行都有公积金业务,之前要打电话问一下)当场办理。有建行的卡就直接给你退到卡里,没卡的就给开个汇单,第二日随便哪个建行都可以提现。[/FONT] 3、 [FONT=宋体]提取养老金[/FONT][FONT=宋体]单位退工后,带着护照、签证翻译件、身份证、银行卡去社保管理中心办理[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]当场填写申请表,再写一个申请书(就是一句话的申请书)[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]办好后[/FONT]1[FONT=宋体]周内养老金到账。[/FONT] 4、 [FONT=宋体]提取医保[/FONT][FONT=宋体]养老退完社保中心给你的个人凭证带着,加上个人的医保卡、身份证到户籍所在区域的医保中心退钱,就是卡里那些钱。据说是当场给现金,我还没有去退,这点不能保证权威。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]注:几个地方都没有用到户籍证明,如果是集体户口的人,不必瞎折腾了[/FONT][FONT=宋体]镇保(小城镇保险)是不能退的,也不要奢望了。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]户口没有被要求注销。[/FONT]

回复: 在上海亲身实践BMO开户、退社保(养老、医保)、退公积金事宜楼上真实破釜沉舟呀。佩服。另外说一句,入境不需要什么“资金证明”!

回复: 在上海亲身实践BMO开户、退社保(养老、医保)、退公积金事宜楼上真实破釜沉舟呀。佩服。另外说一句,入境不需要什么“资金证明”!点击展开... 楼主看清楚了伐,人家明明讲的是“存款证明”哦。。。


回复: 在上海亲身实践BMO开户、退社保(养老、医保)、退公积金事宜我不想取出来,想续下去。

超赞 赏 O o0迷失Oo一代水王 0$(VIP 0) 3,9432011-02-18#6 回复: 在上海亲身实践BMO开户、退社保(养老、医保)、退公积金事宜有用信息 送花花!~

回复: 在上海亲身实践BMO开户、退社保(养老、医保)、退公积金事宜我当时退保险时给一农民工返乡的单子给我填了!~很晕~~~

回复: 在上海亲身实践BMO开户、退社保(养老、医保)、退公积金事宜lS的,真的么? 农民工返乡的单子,呵呵。

Sept 12 CIC签收; Oct 30 DM1; 11 Dec CSQ; 14 Jan AR2; BJ case博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1278744560微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/1278744560/profile 超赞 赏 go2quebec 0$(VIP 0) 5012011-02-19#9 回复: 在上海亲身实践BMO开户、退社保(养老、医保)、退公积金事宜可不可以只提养老,不提医保呢,是知道是不是还得回来拔个牙什么的公积金已经不用提了,用完了。

Sept 12 CIC签收; Oct 30 DM1; 11 Dec CSQ; 14 Jan AR2; BJ case博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1278744560微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/1278744560/profile 超赞 赏 J jingnan0229 0$(VIP 0) 2782011-02-20#10 回复: 在上海亲身实践BMO开户、退社保(养老、医保)、退公积金事宜我在天津,为什么公积金不能马上提取呢。说是什么出国定居两年之后才能取出来

回复: 在上海亲身实践BMO开户、退社保(养老、医保)、退公积金事宜养老都退了。。。万一再回来。。。不晓得北京有没有这么办的利索的

回复: 在上海亲身实践BMO开户、退社保(养老、医保)、退公积金事宜请问LZ,是不是应该把全部身家都换成加币带过去? 还是说带个两三万加币起步就行了?

腹有诗书气自华,儿童教育从阅读开始。加拿大儿童中文书 http://www.nabooks.com 超赞 赏 O o0迷失Oo一代水王 0$(VIP 0) 3,9432011-03-06#13 回复: 在上海亲身实践BMO开户、退社保(养老、医保)、退公积金事宜那些啥啥公积金社保之类的是不需要单位出证明也可以办的吧? 想想N年后 离开单位那么久了 一切都变了 谁还愿意出证明?

回复: 在上海亲身实践BMO开户、退社保(养老、医保)、退公积金事宜就退个公积金就够了,其他的先存着不动吧

Live in 3rd gear![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 反馈:cobweb K klonoandjane 0$(VIP 0) 822011-03-07#15 回复: 在上海亲身实践BMO开户、退社保(养老、医保)、退公积金事宜Mark 一下! 很有用,不过考虑是不是自己交满15年

回复: 在上海亲身实践BMO开户、退社保(养老、医保)、退公积金事宜楼上真实破釜沉舟呀。佩服。另外说一句,入境不需要什么“资金证明”!点击展开...好像还是需要的哦,1.3万加币

09.12.31诺省投档 10.2.26 RN 10.4.16补料HK 10.4.18妥投HK 10.5.5 FN 10.6.1 IP(信内日期2010.5.27)10.6.8 ME(信内日期2010.5.27)10.6.14体检 10.7.7扣登录费 11.2.22 MER 11.3.7 PL 11.3.8 寄出护照 11.3.9 香港签收 11.3.22 地址栏消失一天 11.3.29 DM 11.3.30 VISA到家 11.4.8 短登温哥华 光荣毕业+新的开始就退个公积金就够了,其他的先存着不动吧点击展开...同意

回复: 在上海亲身实践BMO开户、退社保(养老、医保)、退公积金事宜好像还是需要的哦,1.3万加币点击展开...入境绝对不需要资金证明, 第一我入境就没有提供这个. 第二, 我今天专门上移民局的网站仔细看了一遍, 那上面说的很明白: 在取得VISA前,移民官要求提供资金证明,以确认你有足够的钱在加拿大生活;我们在办理移民手续的时候都在国内银行开过此类证明。在发了签证之后,就不再需要了。在入境所需要的文件里面,加拿大政府明确要求了:签证,护照,移民纸。其他一概没有。国内有些人出于其自身利益,造谣说登陆要提供资金证明,劝大家在国内开一个加拿大银行的户头,然后预先把钱存上去,这完全是造谣。奉劝大家以官方信息为准,不要再以讹传讹了。 建议你们上移民局网站,在BEFORE ARRIVAL里面对于入境的要求说得再明白没有了。我到加拿大感觉最好的就是政府信息公开明确。绝对没有什么含糊的地方。要求的,那100%要求,不要求的,绝对不要。根本没有什么“可能”“或许”之类的含糊用语;也没有任何政府官员自行编造政府公开信息之外的条件出来。绝对没有,别用国内的那套思维了,否则如何适应和融入加拿大社会呢?

回复: 在上海亲身实践BMO开户、退社保(养老、医保)、退公积金事宜你可以看下面移民局到达加拿大后的第三条,http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigra...d/arriving.asp You must present the following documents upon your arrival: Your valid passport and/or travel documents. Your passport must be a regular, private passport. You cannot immigrate to Canada with a diplomatic, government service or public affairs passport.Your valid permanent resident visa, and your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR). The officer will make sure you are entering Canada before or on the expiry date shown on your permanent resident visa. Please note that this document cannot be extended. Make sure you use it before it expires.Proof that you have sufficient funds to support yourself and your family after you arrive in Canada. You can find more information under Proof of funds in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page.这不是白纸黑字写了需要证明移民和移民的家人需要提供proof of fund吗,这种存款证明可以是银行开的,也可以是现金,或者旅行支票。点击展开...谁告诉你的,还学会自己编辑网页了呀?佩服你的执著。我把整页都给你粘过来,你找找看哪有你这句话?也请你指教你是从哪贴过来的!Crossing the border: documents you needPrepare your documents with careIf you wish to enter Canada, there are documents you must have in order to cross the border. Without these documents, you will not be allowed into Canada.You may also need many of the other documents listed below. You may wish to have your important documents translated into English or French before arriving to make it easier for people in Canada to understand them.Essential documentsTo enter Canada, you will need to present the following:A Canadian immigrant visa and Confirmation of Permanent Residence for each family member traveling with youA valid passport or other travel document for each family member traveling with youTwo (2) copies of a detailed list of all the personal or household items you are bringing with youTwo (2) copies of a list of items that are arriving later and their money valueDo not pack these documents in your luggage. Keep them with you at all times.Before you arrive, you should prepare two copies of a list (preferably typed) of all the goods you intend to bring into Canada as settler’s effects, showing the value, make, model and serial number, if the item has one. Divide the list into two sections: the goods you are bringing with you and the goods to follow.Present this list to the border services officer on your first point of arrival in Canada, even if you are not bringing in any goods at that time.You can make the process easier by completing a B4 form in advance and presenting it to the officer when you arrive. Visit the Canada Border Services Agency website to download a copy of the Form B4, Personal Effects Accounting Document.Disclosure of fundsIf you are carrying more than CDN $10,000, tell a Canadian official when you arrive in Canada. If you do not tell an official, you may be fined or put in prison. These funds could be in the form of:CashSecurities in bearer form (for example, stocks, bonds, debentures, treasury bills)Negotiable instruments in bearer form (for example, bankers’ drafts, cheques, travelers’ cheques or money orders)Find out more about your responsibilities to disclose funds either before you leave or once you arrive in Canada.Health documentationChildren in Canada are vaccinated―also called immunized―beginning when they are newborns. Vaccinations help to prevent serious infections or diseases.When you travel to Canada, bring official documents that state what vaccinations you and your family have already had. If you or your child has not been vaccinated, call your doctor or local public health clinic right away.In Canada, immunization or vaccination records are required for children to enroll in school.Other documents you may need:Birth certificates or baptismal certificatesMarriage certificatesAdoption, separation or divorce papersSchool records, diplomas or degrees for each family member traveling with youTrade or professional certificates and licencesLetters of reference from former employersA list of your educational and professional qualifications and job experience (for your résumé)Driver’s licence, including an International Driver’s Permit and a reference from your auto insurance companyPhotocopies of all essential and important documents, in case the originals get lost (be sure to keep the photocopies in a separate place from the originals)Car registration documents (if you are importing a motor vehicle into Canada)Customs declaration cardBefore you arrive in Canada, you may be asked to complete a Customs Declaration Card. You must complete this card before you meet with customs and immigration officials, even if you are not a Canadian citizen. If you are traveling by air, it is a good idea to complete the card before you leave the airplane.What to declareUse the Customs Declaration Card to declare the following:Any items that you must pay duty on, including alcohol, tobacco and gifts that you are bringing in to CanadaAny business goods, plants, food, animals, firearms or other weapons that you are bringing into CanadaAny amount of money more than CDN $10,000 that you are bringing into CanadaDo not use this form to list the personal and household goods that you are bringing with you or are following you to Canada. You will show your lists of those items separately to a customs officer.Declare all itemsIf you do not tell an official that you are carrying items that should be declared, you may be fined or put in prison. The money you declare can be in the form of cash, securities in bearer form (for example, stocks, bonds, debentures or treasury bills) or negotiable instruments in bearer form (for example, bank drafts, cheques, travellers cheques or money orders).For more information, contact the Canada Border Services Agency. 下面是这页的链接:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/before-border.asp自己拿本字典好好查查你那句话在哪出现过!

回复: 在上海亲身实践BMO开户、退社保(养老、医保)、退公积金事宜你可以看下面移民局到达加拿大后的第三条,http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigra...d/arriving.asp点击展开... 您那链接是什么年头的呀,早打不开啦,哈哈。看看这个吧:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/before-border.asp

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