加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民哪位能讲讲用美国驾照换加拿大驾照的详细流程
我有美国驾照,2006年11月的。最近准备短登多伦多,想用美国驾照换加拿大驾照,这样以后就不用在多伦多考驾照了。 想问几个问题。1. 哪位能否详细讲述一下用美国驾照换加拿大驾照的流程,比如,怎么测试视力,多长时间能弄好等?2. 我能换哪种类型的加国驾照?G还是什么G1?3. 原美国驾照是当场还给本人,还是要扣一段时间? 希望有经验者分享!
回复: 哪位能讲讲用美国驾照换加拿大驾照的详细流程顶顶!
回复: 哪位能讲讲用美国驾照换加拿大驾照的详细流程再顶顶!
回复: 哪位能讲讲用美国驾照换加拿大驾照的详细流程直接上安大略省交通局查详细信息,看你是哪个州的照,有的州没有联网,你需要到你驾照办理地的DMV开好证明, 你的估计可以换G, 我的美国驾照不到3年,换的是G2, 实力检查不用担心,2分钟就好了。 美国驾照就是没收了,不给你了。
回复: 哪位能讲讲用美国驾照换加拿大驾照的详细流程去的时候,带上你的护照,LANDING PAPER还有美国驾照就可以了。
回复: 哪位能讲讲用美国驾照换加拿大驾照的详细流程多谢楼上的。我当年是在美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥边上的一个小镇考的美国驾照。当年是持J1签证出差时考的,现在要去那里开证明的话,我也去不了了,呵呵。去了看看吧,能换就换,不能换就算了,以后再考。
回复: 哪位能讲讲用美国驾照换加拿大驾照的详细流程http://www.drivetest.ca/en/license/ExchangeReciprocal.aspx美国驾照换安大略的驾照。要点:1。驾照不能过期超过1年2。某些州需要提供driving abstract3。如果驾照年限超过2年了,可以直接换G,如果是2年以下,换G24。美国驾照没收Exchanging a Reciprocal LicenceApplies to Drivers from the Following Jurisdictions:Canadian provinces and territories;Canadian Forces Europe;United StatesApplicants from Alabama Arizona, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Maine, Minnesota, North Dakota, New Jersey, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Washington must provide a driving abstract dated within 6 months. The driving abstract must be an original and must indicate the date the licence was first issued. Fax, electronic copies (i.e. PDF documents, emails or email attachments) and photocopies are not acceptable.US IRE (Interprovincial Record Exchange) search is mandatory for all other applicants and may present a delay in processing an exchange if a successful search is not completed. It is therefore recommended that you obtain a driving record (dated within six months of your application and indicating the date the licence was first issued) to prevent any delays in processing. The driving record must be an original; Fax and photocopies are not acceptable.Australia, Austria, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Germany, Isle of Man, Japan, Korea, Northern Ireland and Switzerland.PLEASE NOTE:Applicants requesting an exchange with a driver's licence issued by a Canadian or U.S. jurisdiction are now required to provide documentation to satisfy all three (3) identification requirements2. Driver licences issued by a Canadian or U.S. jurisdiction are only acceptable for signature purposes. However, a Canadian or U.S driver licence may still be presented as proof of driving experience and must be surrendered at time of application. Commercial class licensed drivers from a jurisdiction in the United States may exchange their licence for an Ontario class G driver’s licence. If a higher class of licence is requested a driving test is required. If your driver’s license is not in English or French, it must be accompanied by a written translation from a qualified translator. Please refer to the "Qualifications of Interpreters and Translators" page for information on the Ministry’s requirements for qualified interpreters and translators. Applicants from Australia, France, Isle of Man, Japan, Korea or Northern Ireland must present the following documents:Australia and Isle of Man and Northern Ireland Driving abstract dated within 6 months preceding the date of application for an Ontario Driver’s LicenceFrance - Driving abstract dated within six months of application for an Ontario Driver's Licence, obtained from the French prefecture that issued the original licence. Consulates are unable to supply this document.Japan - Certificate from Japanese ConsulateKorea - Letter of Confirmation from Korean Consulate or Korean Transport Authority (National Police Agency of the Republic of Korea)Japanese Licences are not required to be surrendered. If you have an existing driver licensing record in Ontario and the name on your current driver’s license does not match your record in Ontario, you are required to provide a supporting document (e.g. Marriage Certificate, Change of Name Certificate) in order to link your records before you can do an exchange of license. For acceptable Identification , please refer to the section on "How to Apply for a Driver’s License in Ontario". 2 Proof of legal name, date of birth (must state the day, month and year of birth), and signatureApplicants with 2 or More Years of Driving Experience within the Last Three YearsIf you are a licensed driver with two or more years of driving experience (excluding experience gained with a learner’s licence) from one of the above jurisdictions you may get full class licence privileges without taking a knowledge or road test. However, you must pass a vision test and show acceptable proof of your previous licence status and driving experience.If you hold a controlled class licence (A,B,C,D,E,F) from a Canadian province or territory, you may exchange your licence for the equivalent Ontario class of licence (a class B or E licence will be exchanged for a class C or F licence respectively). Please note any applicant choosing to exchange a controlled class drivers license must provide a medical at the time of exchange failure to do so will result in obtaining only a G class licence if eligible.Less than 2 Years of Driving Experience within the Last Three YearsIf you have less than two years of driving experience, you may get credit for your experience for graduated licensing and be issued a Class G2 or M2 licence. Once you have a total of two years of driving experience, you may take the G2 or M2 road test to earn full driving privileges.If you hold a controlled class licence from a Canadian province or territory, once you are eligible to attempt the G2 road test, you must pass the road test within one year of the licence exchange to be issued the equivalent controlled class licence. If you pass the G2 road test after one year from the date of exchange, you will be issued a class G licence.Note: These conditions also apply to licensed motorcycle riders from other Canadian provinces, from the United States, Australia, Northern Ireland, Switzerland and Canadian Forces Europe. However there is currently no exchange agreement for motorcycle riders from the remaining jurisdictions.YOUR DRIVER’S LICENSE MUST NOT BE EXPIRED FOR MORE THAN A YEAR AT THE TIME OF EXCHANGE IN ORDER TO BE VALID. YOU MAY QUALIFY FOR EXPERIENCE ONLY DEPENDENT ON THE TIME OF EXPIRY.
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