加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民登陆后,CIC网站怎样修改mailing address
登陆时在机场入境处跟官员确认了加拿大的居住地址,1个月了,cic网站状态上居住地址是加拿大,可是mailing address还是国内的地址,今天发现了怎样修改mailing address,而且要在180天内修改完成。原文:Within 180 days of becoming a permanent resident, you must send your Canadian address to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) using our Address notification tool. CIC will then mail your first card to you, within four to six weeks. If you do not send CIC your address within 180 days, the PR card will be cancelled and you will have to apply for a new one. 链接网页是:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/faq/pr-card/index.asp 再点开第一个问题,I’m a new permanent resident of Canada. Do I need to apply for a permanent resident (PR) card?
回复: 登陆后,CIC网站怎样修改mailing address都登陆了,还修改地址干什么?
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake 超赞 赏 孩儿她爹 0$(VIP 0) 3,2532012-07-27#3 回复: 登陆后,CIC网站怎样修改mailing address晕!登陆了,你的file就close了,谁还care你的mailing address?
Having a place to go is HomeHaving someone to love is FamilyHaving both is A Blessing 超赞 赏 L Lynnliuliu 0$(VIP 0) 452012-07-27#4 回复: 登陆后,CIC网站怎样修改mailing address我也发现同样的问题,当时也很着急,写信给北京,回信说枫叶卡只会寄到加境内地址,所以就没管它。登陆两个月后突然有一天,地址变成加拿大的了,一两天后枫叶卡就驾到了。呵呵,希望对你有用。
回复: 登陆后,CIC网站怎样修改mailing address谢谢各位的回复。主要是担心CIC上面的mailing address 关系到枫叶卡的准确邮递。
回复: 登陆后,CIC网站怎样修改mailing address看来CIC的记录还有用的,记下了。谢谢
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