加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有谁知道:再寄照片后多久能收到枫叶卡?
Start from scratch 超赞 赏 superstar1 0$(VIP 0) 7282011-11-10#2 回复: 有谁知道:再寄照片后多久能收到枫叶卡?我也想知道。
回复: 有谁知道:再寄照片后多久能收到枫叶卡?同问!
坚信前途是光明的! 超赞 赏 superstar1 0$(VIP 0) 7282011-11-13#4 回复: 有谁知道:再寄照片后多久能收到枫叶卡?听说是6-8周,对吗?
回复: 有谁知道:再寄照片后多久能收到枫叶卡?大家都是枫叶卡照片有问题吗?我们家也是一人的枫叶卡收到了,一人没有,担心照片问题呢。如果照片问题,补寄照片就可以了吗?不用回到加国海关去拍照?我们现在国内,担心死了。
回复: 有谁知道:再寄照片后多久能收到枫叶卡?今天刚打了电话。我是十月29日从温哥华寄出的照片,给温本地的移民局办公室。11月14日才从那寄出,悉尼还未收到。Agent建议我至少等六周。以上供大家参考。另,打电话建议在周四和周五,是call center的建议。我周二打电话,都不给等待的机会。
Start from scratch 超赞 赏 L lin_kz 0$(VIP 0) 152012-09-18#7 回复: 有谁知道:再寄照片后多久能收到枫叶卡?我们一家三口,LP和孩子的枫叶卡收到了.我的一直没有收到. 上周打电话给CIC问了一下,说我的照片不合格,让我补.给我的地址是悉尼. 我今天寄了出去了.直接寄给悉尼. 谁知道什么时间可以打电话问进度? -我在多伦多, LP和孩子回北京了
回复: 有谁知道:再寄照片后多久能收到枫叶卡?I called PR Card center on Aug 23 to check the status for my son's card. The lady in the office told me that they could not produce my son's card because they mixed up my son and daughter's files......Anyway, she would have their office correct the information and we could expect my son's card in two months. Then, on Sep 20, I received a letter from Card Processing Center (letter dated on Sep 14) asking my son to return his card which we never received. The timeline is just for your reference, if you are lucky enough, for example, only need to resend photos, then, you might be able to receive your card within 4-5weeks...We received a letter in stead though, and apparently, there still will be another two months to go if everything goes well.
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