加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民不解?!申请加航里程卡的同学们请进......
今天根据家园的指导,到http://www1.aeroplan.com/home.do注册了,就是在网站最上方注册新会员。不知道这个网站注册的aeroplan card跟加航的里程卡是一个概念吗?还是这个aeroplan card是所有航空公司共通的积分卡呢?有的人直接去加航官网注册的那个里程卡和这个有区别吗?我注册完是9位数字的,### ### ###这个模式的另外我注册时,写了LG加拿大的地址,还有LG加拿大的电话,因为我担心他们电话打来,我英文还在补习,讲不清楚。以后能更改地址吗?他们会在我注册后多久后,寄实物的卡去我注册时登记的加拿大的地址呢?
回复: 不解?!申请加航里程卡的同学们请进......加油
回复: 不解?!申请加航里程卡的同学们请进......Aeroplan卡就是加航的里程积分卡,只有星空联盟的里程才可以积分。卡号是9位数字没错,注册了只要慢慢等就可以收到实物卡片了。在网上注册的地址可随时通过登陆该网站进行更改,没任何问题。
回复: 不解?!申请加航里程卡的同学们请进......和国内其他的航空里程卡一样的,没人打电话确认。地址就是收卡用的,填国内地址也一样能收到
回复: 不解?!申请加航里程卡的同学们请进......Aeroplan卡就是加航的里程积分卡,只有星空联盟的里程才可以积分。卡号是9位数字没错,注册了只要慢慢等就可以收到实物卡片了。在网上注册的地址可随时通过登陆该网站进行更改,没任何问题。点击展开...在这个网站的哪里更改地址啊?发个链接给我。这个Aeroplan卡是不是只要坐星空联盟名单上航空公司的飞机,都可以积分/比如国航也可以用这张卡积分????
回复: 不解?!申请加航里程卡的同学们请进......输入卡号和密码,登陆Aeroplan网站,找到Your Profile,点击进入后再找到“Your mailing address”,就可以更改地址,修改完成后点击右下角的“Update”,一切OK。对,是星空联盟的就可以积分。
回复: 不解?!申请加航里程卡的同学们请进......mark
回复: 不解?!申请加航里程卡的同学们请进......谢谢啊
回复: 不解?!申请加航里程卡的同学们请进......输入卡号和密码,登陆Aeroplan网站,找到Your Profile,点击进入后再找到“Your mailing address”,就可以更改地址,修改完成后点击右下角的“Update”,一切OK。对,是星空联盟的就可以积分。点击展开...要是买票时或者办登机牌时忘记积分,我们自己在网络上怎么操作啊??请指导下,大侠,是飞机已经起飞后才能在网上操作是吗??
回复: 不解?!申请加航里程卡的同学们请进......积分可以怎么用呢,除了以后买机票用。还可以在哪里消费呢??
回复: 不解?!申请加航里程卡的同学们请进......要是买票时或者办登机牌时忘记积分,我们自己在网络上怎么操作啊??请指导下,大侠,是飞机已经起飞后才能在网上操作是吗??点击展开...登录Aeroplan网站,找到Request Mileage Credit,详细阅读即可发现答案:Request Mileage Credit If the miles for a recent activity have not appeared in your Aeroplan account, you can request to have the missing miles credited within six months of the activity date. You may request your mileage credits online for most flights operated by Air Canada and Jazz®, Air China, Air New Zealand, Asiana Airlines, Austrian, Blue 1, Brussels Airlines, Continental Airlines, EGYPTAIR, Lufthansa, Scandinavian Airlines, Shanghai Airlines, Singapore Airlines, SWISS, TAM, TAP Portugal, THAI, Turkish Airlines, United and US Airways. Please allow four to six weeks for the mileage to be credited to your account.See below for online request form.For flights operated by all other Star Alliance and airline partners, you must submit your request in writing to the following address*:Aeroplan CentreP.O. Box 7737Station TerminalVancouver, BCCanada V6B 5W9*Air Canada Top Tier Members: please click here for your dedicated address.Remember to include your name, address, telephone number(s), and Aeroplan number, a legible copy of your ticket or your e-ticket receipt, and your original boarding passes. From the date your request is received, please allow up to four to six weeks for mileage to be credited to your account.For missing miles earned via hotel, car rental, financial, telecom or retail and services partners, please click here for instructions. Helpful reminders Show your Aeroplan Card! Make sure to provide your Aeroplan account number at the time of reservation, purchase or check-in.Keep your receipts! Always keep your original boarding passes, paper or e-ticket receipts and partner receipts until the flights or the activity has been credited to your account.Your name is important! Make sure that the name on your airline ticket is identical to the name on your Aeroplan account.Know how many miles you should earn! Every partner has specific terms and conditions relating to mileage accumulation. Please refer to our Earn Miles section and select the corresponding Aeroplan Partner. Review our Help section for frequently asked questions about mileage crediting.
回复: 不解?!申请加航里程卡的同学们请进......积分可以怎么用呢,除了以后买机票用。还可以在哪里消费呢??点击展开... 积分的使用参见该Aeroplan网站“Use Your Miles”,点击后即可发现积分有如下用途:FlightsHotelsCar RentalsActivities & Merchandise 总而言之:你的问题都可以在网站上找到答案。
回复: 不解?!申请加航里程卡的同学们请进......想问一下,这也就是AMERICAN EXPRESS 信用卡吗?可以在COSCO消费吗? 积分的使用参见该Aeroplan网站“Use Your Miles”,点击后即可发现积分有如下用途:FlightsHotelsCar RentalsActivities & Merchandise 总而言之:你的问题都可以在网站上找到答案。点击展开...
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