加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民登陆后一直收不到PR CARD,怎么进行Address notification
登陆的时候还没有地址,移民官告诉我确定地址后通知他们,后来我就在网络上通知他们,可是一直没有收到,最近去看看,发现地址一直没更新过了。再看了FAQ,原来变更地址有两种方式,而我的情况应该用Address Notification而不是Change of Address但是我根本就不知道用什么方式进行Address Notification,反而Change of Address在网站上就有online service。很快就登陆超过180天了,到时要找我另外收费办PR card,很着急啊,到底应该怎么进行Address Notification啊。有什么电话可以问问? http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?q=629&t=4I have changed my address online but the changes are still not visible. What should I do?Go through the following steps.Ensure that your home address is in Canada and that your case is being processed in Canada.Ensure that it has been 5 business days since you gave your new address information to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).If you are a new permanent resident, you should notify CIC of your new Canadian address through Address Notification. All other clients should use Change of Address (see “Who can use the Change of Address and the Address Notification online services?” for details).If you have followed these steps and your address is still not updated, please contact us.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?q=620&t=4What is the difference between the Change of Address and the Address Notification online services?Address NotificationUse the Address Notification service if you are an immigrant who has just arrived in Canada as a permanent resident. Doing so will ensure you automatically get your permanent resident card.Note: If Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) does not get your address within 180 days of the date you entered Canada, you will have to re-apply for a permanent resident card and pay the fee.Change of Address All other clients should use the Change of Address service to notify CIC of their new home or mailing address. For more information, see “Who can use the Change of Address online service?”
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