加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民(英语新闻)由“路怒”而打断女子双臂的男子被警方逮捕


Edmonton man, 28, charged with attempted murder in road-rage crowbar attackPolice have arrested a man in relation to a road-rage attack in southeast Edmonton that left a woman with two broken arms.Jared Matthew Eliasson, 28, is charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault and possessing a weapon dangerous to the public.Eliasson was arrested Wednesday, police said.victim, a 34-year-old woman, was attacked at 6:30 a.m. Tuesday while on her way home after dropping off her husband at work.She had honked her horn at a car stopped on the roadway, police said. The driver of that car followed the woman and attacked her with a crowbar.The woman told CBC News that the man raised the crowbar and hit her as she blocked the blow with her arm. He then swung at her a second time, which she blocked with her other arm.Police had been looking for a silver Pontiac Wave as the suspect vehicle.Police said Thursday that tips had been "flowing in," and that the suspect vehicle had been seen Wednesday in the King Edward Park neighbourhood where Tuesday's attack took place.Staff Sgt. Christa Pennie would not say why the suspect was in the area on Tuesday morning, but that "he has reason to be in the neighbourhood ... at that time."Police credited the arrest to tips received from the public."It was quite amazing to watch how everybody banded together," Pennie said. "I am still getting Crime Stoppers tips."Eliasson is scheduled to appear in court Monday.

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