加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教多伦多如何申请牛奶金?
我们一家移民来多伦多不到4个月,早就看到有牛奶金可以领取。上网申请,填写rc66-fill-21e.pdf文件,其中要提供一些证明文件,其他的基本搞定,但有一个不清楚要提供哪些资料: • proof that you were the person who is primarily responsible for the care and upbringing of the child (at least three documents). See the list of acceptable documents on the next page 这些的内容举例是: As proof that you were the person who is primarily responsible for the care and upbringing of the child, you have to provide a photocopy of at least three documents, such as: • a letter from the daycare or school authorities indicating the child’s home address and contact information on file • a letter from a social worker, a band council, or a resettlement officer stating that they have personal knowledge that the child lived with you for the period you indicated • a registration form or a receipt from an activity or club the child was enrolled in for the period you indicated • a court order, decree, or separation agreement that explains the type of custody arrangement you have (for example, shared custody) and clearly shows the living arrangements for the child • any other document showing that the child lived with you for the period you indicated 我仔细的看了一下,感觉要求挺模糊的,不确定具体哪些证明,而且要三类证明文件。我只搜集到了学校寄来的孩子成绩单,其他的就不知道还有哪些能证明了。不知道大家在申请牛奶金时这项时提供了哪些资料?谢谢!
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我的感觉正相反,我觉得加拿大人喜欢diy, 中国人爱找经纪,
sabre的马甲 说:我的感觉正相反,我觉得加拿大人喜欢diy, 中国人爱找经纪,点击展开...哈哈,在加拿大生活久了都能DIY.但很多中国人刚来加拿大对DIY很不习惯的,在国内旅游签证DIY的也比较少哦。
lundoneye 说:哈哈,在加拿大生活久了都能DIY.但很多中国人刚来加拿大对DIY很不习惯的,在国内旅游签证DIY的也比较少哦。点击展开...在加拿大,租房子,办签证,申请学校,自己弄的比较多,就是旅游也是自己定,中国人喜欢跟个团,
sabre的马甲 说:在加拿大,租房子,办签证,申请学校,自己弄的比较多,就是旅游也是自己定,中国人喜欢跟个团,点击展开...哈哈,我也是大部分都是手动操作的。。。 相关网站内容很具全。
lundoneye 说:哈哈,我也是大部分都是手动操作的。。。 相关网站内容很具全。点击展开...我最喜欢这边网站,啥玩意都写的贼详细