加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车【转贴】驾照国内保险证明的英文格式
标 题:如何从中国开驾驶执照无事故保险证明样本, 仅供参考. (3千字)发信人:老切 [发短消息]时 间:2004-10-27 16:10:41阅读次数:175详细信息:样本1: =========================== (呃里?上你的地址,已翻译为英文的) Whom to be concerned: This is to certify that Ms. 名字, 性?, born on 生日, 1965 hold the driving license of the People’s Republic of China. (No. 身份酌?瘁). And she has motor vehicle policy No . The driving record of her is excellent. From March 21 1996 until now, there is no any claim reports involved her. On the records of our company. In testimony whereof, I have affixed my signature and the seal of. PINGAN PROPERY INSURANCE COMPANY OF CHINA LTP. SHEN BRANCH SHEKOU SUB-BRANCH. (这里是签名) June 10,2003 ------------------- 注意事项: 1, 一定要用印有保险公司抬头的标准的信签纸。 2, 盖章并签名 样本2: ============================================================ POLICY HOLDER NAME: XXX ADDRESS: (中国的地址) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to verify that Mr. XXX, born on 年月日 hold the driving license of the People’s Republic of China. (No. 123456789011111111) carried vehicle insurance with (保险公司名称,英文) under policy number: XXXXX(保单号). On the records of our company, his driving record is excellent. From 年月日 until now, there is no any claim report involved him,. In testimony whereof, I have affixed my signature and the seal of our company. SIGNATURE: (保险公司办理人签名,最好是个经理,签中文) NAME:(上述签名人的拼音) POSITION:(职务,英文) TEL: FAX: 在上述合适位置盖上公章 样本3 ============================================================================================ 找保险公司开证明当然要英文的,用印有保险公司抬头的信笺打印,然后签字盖章。证明可以这样写: To whom it may concern: This is to certify that XXX (Drive Lincese No.xxxxxxx),born in xxxxxx, has no accident records, nor claims of any sort at XXX (insurance company name) from (date) to (date). If there are any question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact Mr XXXXX at Tel No. xxxx or Fax No.xxxxx. (Signature): Date: 样本4: ===================================================================== 驾照国内保险证明的英文格式 To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that Mr. xxx(driver license no.xxxxx) carried vehicle insurance with China xxx Insurance Co. Ltd under policy no.xxxx. The insurance policy above has been in effect from 1st of JAN xxx to 1st of JAN of xxx. During this period, the client named above has never lodged any claims in our company. 200X.00.00. 样本5: ======================================================================= 保险证明,发给大家供参考。最好用保险公司红头信纸打印。 The insurant Shang Huijiu has insured against vehicle in our company from March 6, 1995 to September 6, 2000. The registration number of insured vehicle is 辽K10157. The policy of the insured vehicle is pdaa200021100401/00107. The kinds of insurance that Shang Huijiu took are the lost vehicle insurance, the blame for the third person insurance and the addition insurance. During the above period the insurant has not gotten any records of claim for compensation on his insured vehicle. People's Insurance Company of China Liaoyhua Branch September 16, 2000
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