加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车请问已到卡尔加利的前辈 :中国驾照在卡城能用吗



根本没用.我在国内有7.8年驾龄,照样得上驾校,因为这里更重交通规则,驾驶技术倒在其次.保险公司更不会认什么中国驾照,连美国南部驾照都得多付保险费.我的建议:买旧车,单保(只管你撞别人in case).有了几年Calgary驾龄,再买新车.


2001.11 FN2004.10 ME2005. 2.1 DM2005. 4.26 PL2005.10.5 Landing Calgary孙小美的卡城日志 http://bjfy.spaces.live.com我家宝宝的故事 http://annikababy.spaces.live.com 2005-12-23#4 风 1 $0.00 有用,办完英文公证可以不用等一年考G5。

这个最好先和上两位楼主联系,then call the insurance company and check with driving school.


关于驾照中国驾照我不知道能否在CALGARY直接使用(似乎不行),但2年以上的驾照可以找驾校(前提必须报名学习)翻译(约10~40加元不等),买保险的时候,可以打折,大约每年折扣5%,10年以上最多50%.以买100万第三者保险计算,10年中国驾龄的驾照证明只需要925加元(一次付清价). 正常价格为1800多加元.我报名学习加上翻译费,共花费了400加元左右.比较值得.(在国内来得时候,最后托保险公司的人开个证明,多少年没有事故证明,我办了一个,同时在CALGARY 花钱翻译的驾照,都给了保险公司). 我的教练是香港人,他找的考官也是熟悉的香港人,基本上一次都可以通过.我的保险也是通过教练介绍的,对中国驾照的翻译件也认可(有些保险公司不认可翻译的中国驾照)


real 说:中国驾照我不知道能否在CALGARY直接使用(似乎不行),但2年以上的驾照可以找驾校(前提必须报名学习)翻译(约10~40加元不等),买保险的时候,可以打折,大约每年折扣5%,10年以上最多50%.以买100万第三者保险计算,10年中国驾龄的驾照证明只需要925加元(一次付清价). 正常价格为1800多加元.我报名学习加上翻译费,共花费了400加元左右.比较值得.(在国内来得时候,最后托保险公司的人开个证明,多少年没有事故证明,我办了一个,同时在CALGARY 花钱翻译的驾照,都给了保险公司).我的教练是香港人,他找的考官也是熟悉的香港人,基本上一次都可以通过.我的保险也是通过教练介绍的,对中国驾照的翻译件也认可(有些保险公司不认可翻译的中国驾照)点击展开...考官考试时说中文还是说英文?



鱼无鳞 说:考官考试时说中文还是说英文?点击展开...The officer is from Hongkong, speak Chinese.

鱼无鳞 说:考官考试时说中文还是说英文?点击展开...可以自己申请中文考官或者一般的英文考官。

2001.11 FN2004.10 ME2005. 2.1 DM2005. 4.26 PL2005.10.5 Landing Calgary孙小美的卡城日志 http://bjfy.spaces.live.com我家宝宝的故事 http://annikababy.spaces.live.com 2006-01-15#14 孙小美 1,865 $0.00 7号牌 笔试题 1.When approaching a yield sign, you must Yield the right of way to all other traffic and pedestrians 2.When a school bus is displaying alternate flashing red lights , you should: Stop and do not pass 3.What is the basic speed limit outside a city, town or village on a non-primary highway? 80km/h 4.In a highway construction zone, the flagmen’s signal: Must be obeyed 5.When a policeman direct you proceed through an intersection and you are approaching a stop sign, you must: Proceed through without stopping 6.When approaching an intersection with a green arrow and a red light you: May proceed when SAFE, without stopping. In the direction of green arrow 7.What is the basic maximum speed in a city, town or village? 50km/h 8.On school day, what is the maximum speed through school zones in the city, town or villages? 30km/h 9.Playground zones are in affect: From 8:30 am to one hour after sunset everyday 10.Are you permitted to back a motor vehicle into an intersection or a crosswalk? No 11.When a driver leaves a parking lot, he must? Stop before crossing the sidewalk 12.Which direction should your front wheels be turned when parking uphill with a curb? To the left 13.When two vehicle approaching an uncontrolled “T” intersection at approximately the same time: The vehicle on the left must yield the right of way 14.When you intend to turn left, what must you do? Signal, turn from the lane nearest the centre line and get into the lane nearest the centre line 15.A “shoulder check” when driving a vehicle is done by: Glancing (looking) over your shoulder in the direction you intend to move. 16.Pavement marking that show a yellow line means? Traffic lanes are separate to show traffic flows are in opposite directions 17.A solid line, together with a broken line on the centre of the highway means: When the solid line is on your side. You cannot pass, when the broken line is on your side, you may pass if conditions permit 18.When special right hand lanes are provided, the driver of a slow moving vehicle should: Use the right hand lane 19.Are you allowed to exceed the speed limit when overtaking and passing another vehicle? No 20.When overtaking and passing other vehicle in the same direction, you should: Pass on left when you see that way is clear for a safe and reasonable distance 21.After passing a vehicle, do not return into the lane ahead of the passed vehicle until: It is safe and you see the passed vehicle is in your rearview mirror 22.When there is a red X illuminated over your lane, you should: Move safely across to a green arrow lane 23.When entering a highway marked with a merge sign, you should: Signal and adjust your speed to merge safely 24.When rounding a curve or turning, the driver should: Slow down, stay in the proper lane and accelerate after entering to maintain a safe speed 25.On a multi-lane highway, when yield the right of way to an emergency vehicle sounding a siren. You must: Driver as close as possible to the nearest outside curb or edge of the road and stop 26.You must report accidents to the police when the total estimated damage is more than: $10,000 27.Driving during heavy fog or a snowstorm, you should use: Low beam 28.To reduce the effects of glare from approaching headlights. It is best to: Avoid looking directly at the lights 29.When using the two second count in driving to judge a safe following distance, this method: Is accurate at any speed 30.Use of alcohol or drugs will: Lower your driving ability, judgment and reaction 31.If you have any disease or disability that may affect your driving ability, you: Must inFORM the motor vehicle division 32.Are passengers permitted to ride in a trailer while it is being towed? No 33.If your vehicle has a manual transmission, while crossing the tracks without trains Do not slow down and do not change gears 34.When you are approaching the tracks without traffic signal: While the train approaching within 500 metres of the crossing, you must stop no closer than 5 metres from a railway crossing 35.Class 7 licence holder permits to drive: Motor vehicle referred to the class 5 category 36.Does class 5 licence holder permits to drive a three axle motor vehicle? No 37.Flashing red light means Stop, Proceed only when it is safe to do so 38.Flashing green light means: Opposing traffic is facing red signal 39.Flashing yellow light means: Slow down, Proceed with caution 40.School Zones effective time is: School Days only 8:00~1:30am 11:30~1:30pm 3:00~4:30pm Urban area 30km/h; Rural area 40km/h 41.Do not park you vehicle: within 5 metres of any fire hydrant. Stop or yield sign 42.Car parked parallel with the curb must have the curb side wheels within what distance from the curb? 50 centimetres 43.Before turning in a city, town or village. You must signal at least: 30 metres before turning 44.You are driving on a highway and notice a solid yellow line on the roadway to your right. You: Are on the wrong side of the road and must get back on the other side of the line as quickly as possible 45.The criminal code of Canada makes it an offence to be in care or control of a motor vehicle if: You have a blood contest exceeding 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood (over 0.08%) 46.If your blood alcohol contest is 70 milligrams (0.07), will you be convicted us impaired? Yes 47.How many demerit points do the Alberta operator have within a two years period? 15 points 48.When your dermit point have accumulated to 8 points or more. You: Receive a mail of notice for point standing 49.If you see a person holding a white cane on the road, it means: This person is a visually impaired (blind pedestrians) 50.Entering into a highway and approaching the acceleration lane, if there are other vehicles ahead or behind of you, you should: Adjust the speed up or down to match that of the traffic flow. Continue to check traffic ahead and the gap you expect to merge into. 51.You are driving on a freeway and intending to leave the freeway at the next exit. You should: Signal, move into the exit lane, then slow down. 52.On a rural highway, before turning you must signal at least 100 metres

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