加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车我3个月前买的车车行改过公里数,如何办


我3个月前买的车车行改过公里数,去车行对方还说随便你告icbc,police,都不怕,还是老外车行呢?在435 brunete ave,我现只能到法院告吗?不知道哪个律师价低,水平高,有知道的吗?

《血 书 》 我 ,一个公产党员,有光荣执则。 (特此通告) 毛主席于温哥华 1949,10,1。我3个月前买的车车行改过公里数,去车行对方还说随便你告icbc,police,都不怕,还是老外车行呢?在435 brunete ave,我现只能到法院告吗?不知道哪个律师价低,水平高,有知道的吗?点击展开...只要你有证据,去icbc 和 police (rcmp) 就可以了。


加西万里行旅途杂记 比较几个省的亲属团聚类省提名温哥华家庭旅馆通讯录 温哥华的成人高中 莲藕家的新房子--自建房过程全记录(进行中)藕也织围脖:http://t.sina.com.cn/1852492914 2006-02-12#4 hedoudou 1,297 $0.00 同情


菩提本无树 明镜亦非台 本是无一物 何处染尘埃只要你有证据,去icbc 和 police (rcmp) 就可以了。点击展开...我只有1张车行收我50元押金的收据,可以吗?上面写有总价,xx年nissan车,签名,没日期。和icbc保险单

《血 书 》 我 ,一个公产党员,有光荣执则。 (特此通告) 毛主席于温哥华 1949,10,1。 2006-02-12#7 lilianou
11,442 $0.00 得有车行修改里程表的证据才行吧?

加西万里行旅途杂记 比较几个省的亲属团聚类省提名温哥华家庭旅馆通讯录 温哥华的成人高中 莲藕家的新房子--自建房过程全记录(进行中)藕也织围脖:http://t.sina.com.cn/1852492914我只有1张车行收我50元押金的收据,可以吗?上面写有总价,xx年nissan车,签名,没日期。和icbc保险单点击展开...为什么是押金的收据啊?

加西万里行旅途杂记 比较几个省的亲属团聚类省提名温哥华家庭旅馆通讯录 温哥华的成人高中 莲藕家的新房子--自建房过程全记录(进行中)藕也织围脖:http://t.sina.com.cn/1852492914 2006-02-12#9 好



《血 书 》 我 ,一个公产党员,有光荣执则。 (特此通告) 毛主席于温哥华 1949,10,1。http://www.bbbvan.org/before_complaining.php找BBB,他这属于不诚信商业行为,去上面填表投诉,比你打官司什么的都好。你这应该不属于ICBC或者RCMP管辖范围。找你GIRLFRIEND出面哈,她是西人,语言沟通应该方便些点击展开...BBB?

《血 书 》 我 ,一个公产党员,有光荣执则。 (特此通告) 毛主席于温哥华 1949,10,1。为什么是押金的收据啊?点击展开...同上

《血 书 》 我 ,一个公产党员,有光荣执则。 (特此通告) 毛主席于温哥华 1949,10,1。楼主是如何发现里程表给动了手脚的呢?如果有确凿证据应该是能告的吧.点击展开...应该到哪里去告

《血 书 》 我 ,一个公产党员,有光荣执则。 (特此通告) 毛主席于温哥华 1949,10,1。得有车行修改里程表的证据才行吧?点击展开...同上

《血 书 》 我 ,一个公产党员,有光荣执则。 (特此通告) 毛主席于温哥华 1949,10,1。 2006-02-12#16 好


找到bbb上的该企业http://www.bbbvan.org/before_complaining.php找BBB,他这属于不诚信商业行为,去上面填表投诉,比你打官司什么的都好。你这应该不属于ICBC或者RCMP管辖范围。找你GIRLFRIEND出面哈,她是西人,语言沟通应该方便些点击展开... body { font-family: Verdana; }p { font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana; }td { font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana; }th { font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana; } a:link { color: 0000FF; } a:visited { color: 0000FF; } a:active { color: 0000FF; } a:hover { color: 0000FF; }a { text-decoration: none; }.header_ReliabilityReport { font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; }.header_ReliabilityReport:first-line { font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; }.header_BureauInfo { font-size: 16px; }.header_BureauInfo_firstLine { font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; }.header_CompanyName { font-size: 16px; text-align: center; }.header_CompanyName_firstLine { font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; }.advisoryLanguage { font-style: italic; }.generalinfo_left { font-weight: bold; background-color: F5F5F5; vertical-align: top; }.generalinfo_right { vertical-align: top; }.generalinfo_dbas_left { font-weight: bold; }.generalinfo_dbas_right { }.sectionHeader { font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; }.disclaimer { font-style: italic; } .customerExperienceDisclaimer { font-weight: bold; } .header_MembershipRoster { font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } .header_TOBName { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } .rosterTopLetters { } .rosterTOBList { } .rosterMemberList { } .rosterMemberName { }a { text-decoration: none; }function showhidedefinition(id) {var el = document.getElementById(id);if (el.style.visibility == 'hidden') {el.style.visibility = 'visible';} else {el.style.visibility = 'hidden';}}[URL="http://www.spock.usshurdman.com/~van/commonreport.html?bid=1188762&header=N"]Click Here for Printer Friendly Version​BBB Reliability ReportThe Better Business Bureau of Mainland B.C.788 Beatty St., Suite 404Vancouver, BC V6B 2M1 Truck Time Auto Sales435 Brunette AveNew Westminster, BC V3L3G1Telephone: (604) 526-8090Fax: (604) 526-8050www.trucktimeauto.comThe BBB reports on members and non-members. If a company is a member of the BBB, it is stated in this report BBB Definition:report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB membership information, and Bureau complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues or other information that results from activity conducted by the BBB..Original Business Start Date:January 2001 Entity:Limited Liability CorporationPrincipal:Ahmed (Alex) Rezaei , Owner Incorporated:January 2001, BCEmail Address:var n94c892dbb0f4824f092b1c84fe3ae2d4 = 'm';var xbff3b77d09cbe97314c00c2d09097cbb = 'a';var l3fd814a99fad3c571f88a2df6aac332d = 'i';var te1b8b2fe95b747d2eb4709ec8922b567 = 'l';var t369ce3d3fbb7059b6dae6704bd7b2108 = 't';var o871807ee60e8ebf70924d87a3781d09f = 'o';var a8a5ba328c6d32937e1391fb3c0a0c7fe = String.fromCharCode(58);var zad394f16de8ee79e2e605d0429b95f66 = String.fromCharCode(109);var me6183065e89c0fa5a97dcf7f50806e64 = 'a';var a7754fd336dbdddba21902fb9bc999a70 = 'r';var l824e7a9ee460b6742954dea45d57be43 = 'y';var b31c39ba14effce14d835c26c14d3d7ab = '_';var na40d427c17af6b58032feaac3e006eed = String.fromCharCode(101);var r1c3a157c953cb47a7643d68935a4fae1 = 'n';var be44b229c39ee311cfa4765afa333fa66 = 's';var pef664f48cd66075e7af916b2bb699cb9 = 'h';var afcbdb17ee6d27c52a6631359b5fdd3f2 = String.fromCharCode(97);var y2682d9281701437247c6377f6c33c7bf = String.fromCharCode(101);var xb266665110e1e7982d9f3065a454b3e2 = String.fromCharCode(105);var af0ae49b50324c0db7fe972f34cae995d = '@';var l3825070b62b1fd4d07c58dd5208a0dc3 = String.fromCharCode(121);var ya69a4cec8ec662635e3e481efc9b2175 = String.fromCharCode(97);var a7987d92c02c4f68f21d335c335422303 = 'h';var ra438a6d1ff29654619d466bd4cb4c069 = String.fromCharCode(111);var i07cf5b3a9ba3c3d19479ebd6ce77521d = 'o';var l4e1dab07d86c643f17865a7531487bab = String.fromCharCode(46);var w380515fd31169235833c7e57ee987751 = 'c';var wde456b8d5f21d6647c70711649617e4b = 'o';var u2b7a6f4761d1e0095501e0c6a059f47e = 'm';document.write("" + zad394f16de8ee79e2e605d0429b95f66 + me6183065e89c0fa5a97dcf7f50806e64 + a7754fd336dbdddba21902fb9bc999a70 + l824e7a9ee460b6742954dea45d57be43 + b31c39ba14effce14d835c26c14d3d7ab + na40d427c17af6b58032feaac3e006eed + r1c3a157c953cb47a7643d68935a4fae1 + be44b229c39ee311cfa4765afa333fa66 + pef664f48cd66075e7af916b2bb699cb9 + afcbdb17ee6d27c52a6631359b5fdd3f2 + y2682d9281701437247c6377f6c33c7bf + xb266665110e1e7982d9f3065a454b3e2 + af0ae49b50324c0db7fe972f34cae995d + l3825070b62b1fd4d07c58dd5208a0dc3 + ya69a4cec8ec662635e3e481efc9b2175 + a7987d92c02c4f68f21d335c335422303 + ra438a6d1ff29654619d466bd4cb4c069 + i07cf5b3a9ba3c3d19479ebd6ce77521d + l4e1dab07d86c643f17865a7531487bab + w380515fd31169235833c7e57ee987751 + wde456b8d5f21d6647c70711649617e4b + u2b7a6f4761d1e0095501e0c6a059f47e + "[/URL]");[email protected] File Open Date:March 2004TOB Classification:Automobile Dealers-Used CarsBBB Membership:This company is a member.​BBB Membership StatusThis company has been a member of this Better Business Bureau since May 2005. This means it supports the Bureau's services to the public and meets our membership standards. Program ParticipationThis company participates in the Membership Identification Program BBB Definition:Membership Identification Program - A BBB program that allows members to identify themselves as BBB members in off-line media when the member signs a formal commitment to resolve disputes, if necessary, through arbitration. and has agreed to use special procedures including arbitration BBB Definition:arbitration - http://www.dr.bbb.org/ComSenseAlt/bindArb.asp, if necessary, to resolve disputes. Customer ExperienceBased on BBB files, this company has a satisfactory record BBB Definition:satisfactory record - A business identified in our report as satisfactory has, based on Bureau files, been in business for at least one year, and has voluntarily provided the Bureau with all information requested about the business and its product or service. If any complaints have been received about the business, their number has not been considered by the BBB to be extreme, given the nature of the company's business and the volume of business transacted. Complaints are also generally typical of what might be expected for this type of business. A business stated to be satisfactory has not been the subject of any recent law enforcement actions concerning its dealings with the public. If the business has been contacted by the BBB about its advertising or selling claims, it has modified or substantiated its practices to the Bureau's satisfaction. In addition, the BBB has a clear understanding of the company's business, and the business is not in an industry which has raised significant marketplace concerns. with the Bureau. A satisfactory record BBB Definition:satisfactory record - A business identified in our report as satisfactory has, based on Bureau files, been in business for at least one year, and has voluntarily provided the Bureau with all information requested about the business and its product or service. If any complaints have been received about the business, their number has not ben considered by the BBB to be extreme, given the nature of the company's business and the volume of business transacted. Complaints are also generally typical of what might be expected for this type of business. A business stated to be satisfactory has not been the subject of any recent law enforcement actions concerning its dealings with the public. If the business has been contacted by the BBB about its advertising or selling claims, it has modified or substantiated its practices to the Bureau's satisfaction. In addition, the BBB has a clear understanding of the company's business, and the business is not in an industry which has raised significant marketplace concerns. means a company has been in business for at least 12 months, and properly addressed matters referred by the Bureau. The company does not have an unusual volume of complaints, or any government actions involving its marketplace conduct. The Bureau understands and has no concerns about the company's products, services and type of business.The Bureau processed a total of 0 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Company ManagementAdditional company management personnel include:Karim Walji - Manager​Report as of February 12, 2006Copyright© 2006 Better Business Bureau®, Inc. BBB reports may not be reproduced for sales or promotional purposes.The information in this report has either been provided by the company or has been compiled by the Bureau from other reliable sources.As a matter of policy, the Better Business Bureau does not endorse any product, service or company. BBB reports generally cover a three-year reporting period, and are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment. Information contained in this report is believed reliable but not guaranteed as to accuracy. Reports are subject to change at any time.

《血 书 》 我 ,一个公产党员,有光荣执则。 (特此通告) 毛主席于温哥华 1949,10,1。 2006-02-12#19 新来的 687 $0.00 签名:就是那个经理押金签名和那个经理名字1样,是他本人签的

《血 书 》 我 ,一个公产党员,有光荣执则。 (特此通告) 毛主席于温哥华 1949,10,1。 2006-02-12#20 小蜡 1,380 $0.00 网上查的不能作为证据吧,以前看过几个贴子说网上查的很多公里数都是错的

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