加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车要换城市,能拿回全部考驾照费吗?
听说要重考G1和G2已经考了G1, 共交了125刀,官方网站说可以退路考的钱,想问一下G1的钱能不能退,或是让新城市charge老城市这笔费用?难道每换一个城市,就要重考G1和G2?
明 天 会 更 好 !!! 赏 2006-01-01#3 H 2,083 $0.00 应该不至于吧,换一个城市就要重新考驾照,那还不乱套了,,,,,
骐骥一跃,不能十步;驽马十驾,功在不舍。弃而舍之,朽木不折;弃而不舍,金石可镂。 赏 2006-01-01#4 C 205 $0.00 对不起,是我的表示有问题,我们要从安省搬到BC省,听说BC省办卡也要收费,具体不清楚。健康卡也是个头痛的问题。问了周围的朋友,好像有这种经验的人不多。
http://www.doic.com 赏 2006-01-02#7 小 760 $0.00 How to Apply for a Driver's Licence Refund Moving Out of Ontario?If you have moved to another province, state or country, you can request a refund on the unused portion of your driver's licence.The following proof is needed to apply for a refund: A copy of your new driver's licence issued by the jurisdiction you are living in now, showing the date of issue; OR: A confirmation letter from the other jurisdiction's licensing authorities, confirming you are now a licensed driver in that province, state or country and the date that you surrendered your Ontario licence. If the licensing fee was paid at a Driver Examination Centre prior to September 2, 2003, or anytime at a Driver and Vehicle Licence Issuing Office, you may request a refund by mailing the requested items to:Ministry of TransportationFinancial Services Delivery Branch40 Elm Street, Suite 41ASudbury, ON P3C 1S8If the licensing fee was paid at a DriveTest Driver Examination Centre on or after September 2, 2003, you may request a refund by mailing the requested items to:Serco DES Inc.5000 Yonge Street, Suite 1402Toronto, ON M2N 7E9处理这类事情最准确的方法就是立即查询官方网站.
祝大家:埋瑞可蕊丝摸思俺的海呸牛夜僚 How to Apply for a Driver's Licence Refund Moving Out of Ontario?If you have moved to another province, state or country, you can request a refund on the unused portion of your driver's licence.The following proof is needed to apply for a refund: A copy of your new driver's licence issued by the jurisdiction you are living in now, showing the date of issue; OR: A confirmation letter from the other jurisdiction's licensing authorities, confirming you are now a licensed driver in that province, state or country and the date that you surrendered your Ontario licence. If the licensing fee was paid at a Driver Examination Centre prior to September 2, 2003, or anytime at a Driver and Vehicle Licence Issuing Office, you may request a refund by mailing the requested items to:Ministry of TransportationFinancial Services Delivery Branch40 Elm Street, Suite 41ASudbury, ON P3C 1S8If the licensing fee was paid at a DriveTest Driver Examination Centre on or after September 2, 2003, you may request a refund by mailing the requested items to:Serco DES Inc.5000 Yonge Street, Suite 1402Toronto, ON M2N 7E9处理这类事情最准确的方法就是立即查询官方网站.点击展开...呵呵,首贴中不是说了嘛:“官方网站说可以退路考的钱”。只不过想知道G1是不是作废了
cathy 说:对不起,是我的表示有问题, 我们要从安省搬到BC省,听说BC省办卡也要收费,具体不清楚。健康卡也是个头痛的问题。问了周围的朋友,好像有这种经验的人不多。点击展开...哈哈,俺是从BC搬过来的。健康卡肯定是这边的作废,那边重新开(以家庭为单位, 交108/月);因为要有3个月的等候期,走之前,你可以问一下这边是否能cover那3个月,就是说这头3个月如果在温看病,费用是由安省付的。驾照如果你这边通过路试G2了,到那边应该是可以换7的(这个,你去坛子的汽车版问问ZHOU,他更清楚)。我是在温只考了笔试,过来以后要重新考(那边笔试成绩作废)。
星子 说:听教练说他有个学生要搬去阿省,那边好像没有G2和G,安省的G2去了就可以直接换正式牌了,不知道bc有没有分g2和g。这个问题应该随便找个驾校问一下就行了,我觉得这边的G1应该也可以换其他省的G1吧。点击展开... G1没用,作废。G2相当于那边的7好像。BC省是分7,6,5....这边的G相当于5好像。
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