不是考完笔试就可以拿G1吗?为什么还有Class G1 Road Test ???总共要$125,好贵啊难道整个顺序不是下面这样吗:先考笔试-->拿到G1-->拿G1上驾校,找教练练习-->预约G2 路试-->拿到G2摘自交通部网站:Licence Fees G and M Class Licence Cost G1 Licence - cost includes knowledge test, G1 road test and five year licence $125.00 Knowledge Test $10.00 Class G1 Road Test $40.00 Five Year Licence*This amount includes the portion of the fee required to be paid by the licence applicantinto the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund under the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Act. Currently, this amount is $15.00 for applicants receiving a 5 year licence. $75.00*
GROWING UP...... 赏 2006-07-23#2 1,579 $0.00 我们常说的G2路考,就是英文里的G1 road test/exit,考过了以后可以拿G2驾照。
dkaren 说:我们常说的G2路考,就是英文里的G1 road test/exit,考过了以后可以拿G2驾照。点击展开...原来是这样,我明白了,3Q~~~.还有一个问题,5年的LICENSING FEE必须在考笔试的时候就一次交清吗?因为还没打定主意以后会一直呆在这里,只想尽快先拿到G2,所以不知道如果离开安省LICENSING FEE有没有REFUND?
GROWING UP...... 赏 2006-07-23#4 小 760 $0.00 有refund
祝大家:埋瑞可蕊丝摸思俺的海呸牛夜僚 赏 2006-07-23#5 632 $0.00 呵呵你交的45块是考路试的钱,等你考G1路试就不用付钱了过了就是G2
因经济困难,本人现欲想做兼职,有意者来电来函咨询,本人承接以下业务:苦力搬运,装卸,车工,钳工,焊工,水电工,瓦工,砸墙,砌墙,筛沙,油漆,通水道,贴瓷砖,拆洗油烟机,拆装空调,Vb,C++,.NET,C#,Java,j2ee, j2me,asp,delphi,php,汇编,PC游戏开发,网络游戏代练。网络维护管理,三维建模,照片上色,平面设计,建筑效果图,flash动画,硬件设计,电路板设计,单片机开发, 四六级替考,办证,代开发票,黑枪,黑车,暗杀,洗钱,要债,洗头,搓澡,按摩,刮痧,拔火罐,算命,割双眼皮…另:本人长期代写小学生(3年级以下)寒、暑假作业。替小学生欺负其他同学(年龄在10岁以下)有意者请与本人联系。注意新增加的业务:给火车补胎,给蚂蚁做绝育手术。 NB的诗:一个光棍的呐喊!!!---心声啊!!! 赏 2006-07-23#6
4,040 $0.00 G1 exit 是40块 10块笔试费 75 5年的驾照费评论
Baby tell me how can I tell u that I love u more than life. Show me how can I show u that I am blinded by ur light. When u touch me I can touch u to find out the dream is true. I love to be loved by u. 赏 2006-07-23#7 1,366 $0.00 哦
[FONT=宋体]Go, China![/FONT] 赏 2006-07-24#9
4,040 $0.00 过来了就别整天折算贵不贵了,再贵的饭,你也得吃能买的就买,买不起得就少买不买。评论
Baby tell me how can I tell u that I love u more than life. Show me how can I show u that I am blinded by ur light. When u touch me I can touch u to find out the dream is true. I love to be loved by u.不是考完笔试就可以拿G1吗?为什么还有Class G1 Road Test ???总共要$125,好贵啊难道整个顺序不是下面这样吗:先考笔试-->拿到G1-->拿G1上驾校,找教练练习-->预约G2 路试-->拿到G2 摘自交通部网站:Licence Fees G and M Class Licence Cost G1 Licence - cost includes knowledge test, G1 road test and five year licence $125.00 Knowledge Test $10.00 Class G1 Road Test $40.00 Five Year Licence *This amount includes the portion of the fee required to be paid by the licence applicantinto the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund under the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Act. Currently, this amount is $15.00 for applicants receiving a 5 year licence.$75.00*点击展开...125刀的话就是把G2考试的费用也帮你收掉了,你第一次考G2是不用交钱的.
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