加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车考驾照的问题



2000.10.23 BJ FN2005.01.30 -> ME2005.02.07 -> 完成补料2005.02.17 -> 5变122005.05.09 -> 补存款证明2005.06.11 -> 172005.06.15 -> visa到达中介2005.06.16 -> visa到手2006.01.21 -> 短登温哥华2006.09.03 -> 长登温哥华 2006-07-28#2 anwei 556 $0.00 来了就可以开车,考完笔试马上可以路试(7级),然后可以单独驾车(7级路试通过)。

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]赞反馈:qjdragon 2006-07-28#3 qjdragon 866 $0.00 谢谢楼上的老兄了,已填声望

2000.10.23 BJ FN2005.01.30 -> ME2005.02.07 -> 完成补料2005.02.17 -> 5变122005.05.09 -> 补存款证明2005.06.11 -> 172005.06.15 -> visa到达中介2005.06.16 -> visa到手2006.01.21 -> 短登温哥华2006.09.03 -> 长登温哥华 2006-07-28#4 zhinan 7,034 $0.00 少于2年的大陆驾照不可以马上考路试,笔试完得等12个月。

2006-07-30#5 qjdragon 866 $0.00 是这样啊,那在中国学车不是白学了,去了还不能路考。

2000.10.23 BJ FN2005.01.30 -> ME2005.02.07 -> 完成补料2005.02.17 -> 5变122005.05.09 -> 补存款证明2005.06.11 -> 172005.06.15 -> visa到达中介2005.06.16 -> visa到手2006.01.21 -> 短登温哥华2006.09.03 -> 长登温哥华少于2年的大陆驾照不可以马上考路试,笔试完得等12个月。点击展开...中国驾照少于2年,跟没有驾照的人一样对待。下面是BC省对外来驾照的规定, New B.C. residents If you are new to B.C. and drive a vehicle, you need to obtain a B.C. driver's licence within 90 days after moving here. It is best to apply for your B.C. driver's licence well within 90 days of moving to British Columbia. New residents who hold a Canadian, American, Austrian, German, Swiss, Japanese or South Korean licence can usually complete their licence exchange the same day, provided they bring:Primary and secondary identification Their current licence, andProof of driving experience(Acceptable translations of these documents may be required.) New residents who hold any other type of driver's licence will require more time because a road test is required. Note: If you wish to apply for a full-privilege BC driver's licence (Class 5, 6, 1, 2, 3 or 4), you need to prove you have held a licence for at least 24 months. Otherwise, you will be placed in BC's Graduated Licensing Program. If you hold only an out-of-province learner's licence, you are eligible to apply for a Class 7 or 8 GLP learner's licence. See Getting licensed for more information about GLP.The tests you will need to take to get a B.C. licence depend on the type of licence you have now:Canadian, American, Austrian, German, Swiss, Japanese or South Korean licence?Any other type of driver's licence?Never held a full-privilege driver's licence, or have had one for less than 24 months?Canadian, American, Austrian, German, Swiss, Japanese or South Korean driver's licence?You will be issued a new equivalent class B.C. driver's licence. In most cases, you will not need to take a road test if you hold: a Canadian or American passenger car or motorcycle operator's licence, oran Austrian, German or Swiss Category B or German Class 3 driver's licence for passenger cars, ora Japanese Ordinary driver's licence or a South Korean Class 2 Ordinary driver's licence for passenger cars, ora Canadian licence equivalent to a B.C. Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 (commercial) licenceand your licence is valid or expired less than 3 years ago.Here's how to get your B.C. licence:1. Take your licence and one piece of primary and one piece of secondary identification to any driver licensing office. You may also be required to provide a translation of your driver's licence and a driver's abstract. 2. Answer some traffic safety awareness questions (you may wish to review RoadSense for Drivers, available at an ICBC driver licensing office). 3. Undergo a vision screening and answer some questions about your medical and physical fitness. You may also be given a medical form to complete if you have a medical condition [click for definition] that might affect your ability to drive or if you're applying for a commercial licence. 4. Fill out and sign the application form and other documents. 5. Have your photo taken, and receive your new B.C. driver's licence. Fee: $31. ​Your licence is valid for 2 years. Then it can be renewed for 5 years. Any other type of driver's licence?You will need to qualify for a B.C. licence if your driver's licence —is from a jurisdiction other than B.C. and does not meet the Canadian, American, Austrian, German, Swiss, Japanese or South Korean licence criteria above, ordoes meet the Canadian, American, Austrian, German, Swiss, Japanese or South Korean licence criteria but you've had your full-privilege licence for less than 24 months (see note, above), orhas expired more than 3 years ago, orhas been cancelled or revoked.To qualify for a B.C. licence, you will need to pass a road signs test, a knowledge test, a vision screening and a road test. You will also need to meet the medical and application requirements. Here's the process: 1. Review the appropriate ICBC driving guide: RoadSense for Drivers (for Class 5, 7 or 7L -- passenger vehicles)Tuning Up (for Class 5 or 7 -- passenger vehicles)RoadSense for Riders (for Class 6, 8 or 8L -- motorcycles)Tuning Up for Riders (for Class 6 or 8 -- motorcycles)Driving Commercial Vehicles (for Class 1, 2, 3 or 4).These are available at any ICBC driver licensing office. They can also be downloaded from this Web site. Also consider taking driver training.2. Take your licence and one piece of primary and one piece of secondary identification to any driver licensing office. You may also be required to provide a translation of your driver's licence.3. Take the knowledge test and a vision screening at any time. You do not need an appointment. Fee: $15 for the knowledge test. There is no charge for the vision screening.4. When you are ready, make an appointment for your road test at an ICBC driver licensing office, over the phone, or online if you live in the Lower Mainland (see Road Test Booking Service on the home page and throughout this section.) There is a fee for the road test.See Preparing for road tests for more information on B.C. road tests.Once you've passed all requirements, you will be issued a new B.C. driver's licence. There is a fee for the licence. Never held a full-privilege driver's licence, or have had one for less than 24 months?If you have never held a full-privilege driver's licence, you must complete B.C.'s Graduated Licensing Program (GLP) to receive your B.C. licence. You will also need to enter GLP if you have had your full-privilege licence for less than 24 months (see note, above).See Getting Licensed for more information about GLP.



从明天起,做一个幸福的人 喂马,劈柴,周游世界 从明天起,关心粮食和蔬菜 我有一所房子,面朝大海,春暖花开 2006-07-31#9 L 75 $0.00 7级怎么了,谁说7级就不能开车了??7N照样可以自己开还是二楼的是正确答案!!!国内驾照不满两年的笔试过了可以直接考7N,不用等

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华人网这些提示對路考很有帮助。1.始終保持張貼的速度限制。2.留意学校和 游乐场区域。3.当你右转时,检查你右边,做should check,看看有没有 骑自行车的人、行人或其他道路使用者。 4.在停 ...



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华人网昨天早上去cypress滑雪 上山时看到一台车滑到对向车道旁 车主 (应该是Audi?) 尝试加油门脱困 看起来有点困难 即便有四驱雪胎 通常我只要 气温一度以下就会放慢驾车的速度 就怕有黑冰之 ...



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