情报局长 说:只查到要进行视力检查,可以戴眼镜矫正。有知道具体视力要求的TZ请回个贴,谢谢。点击展开...看看下面的有关规定是否帮的上忙,转自安省交通部的网站: Medical Condition ReportingThe Physician's Requirement to Report PatientsSection 203 of the Highway Traffic Act requires that all legally qualified medical practitioners must report to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles the name, address and clinical condition of any patient sixteen years of age or older who, "is suffering from a medical condition that may make it dangerous for the person to operate a motor vehicle".To simplify the medical reporting process, the Joint Ministry of Health and Long Term Care/Ontario Medical Association Forms Committee has worked with the Ministry of Transportation to develop a reporting form for legally qualified medical practitioners.Please complete the form on your computer. Indicate with an "X" the medical condition(s) you are reporting, and print for signature.Mail or fax completed forms to:Registrar of Motor Vehicles, Medical Review SectionMinistry of Transportation2680 Keele StreetDownsview ON M3M 3E6Fax: 416-235-3400 or 1-800-304-7889.For your convenience, this form can also be saved on your computer for future completion and printing.To ensure document recognition, please do not photocopy this form.To obtain copies of the Medical Condition Report form:Download the Medical Condition Report (PDF - 713 K)(To complete this PDF file, you will require Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0.) Order a bundle of forms:e-mail [email protected], orcall 416-235-1773 or 1-800-268-1481Requirement to Report PatientsSection 203 of the Highway Traffic Act states:Every legally qualified medical practitioner shall report to the Registrar the name, address and clinical condition of every person sixteen years of age or over attending upon a medical practitioner for medical services, who, in the opinion of such medical practitioner is suffering from a condition that may make it dangerous for such person to operate a motor vehicle.No action shall be brought against a qualified medical practitioner for complying with this section.The report referred to in subsection (1) is privileged for the information of the Registrar only and shall not be open for public inspection, and such report is inadmissible in evidence for any purpose in any trial except to prove compliance with subsection (1). R.S.O. 1980, c. 198, s. 203.How to Complete the FormYou are required by law to provide the patient's name, address and the clinical condition, however, by including the patient's sex and date of birth, we can accurately identify the individual. We suggest you keep a copy for your records. If you send by fax, please do not mail the original. To expedite your patient's file, please provide further elaboration of clinical condition (if available) or attach as a separate report: Diagnosis; Other Relevant Clinical Information (i.e current status - including results of investigations, medication(s), treatment and prognosis); and whether or not the condition is a serious risk to road safety, threat to road safety is unknown or condition is temporary - weeks/months.What Conditions to ReportThe Canadian Medical Association publishes the "Physician's Guide to Driver Examination" to assist physicians in determining which conditions may make it dangerous to drive safely. The guide is available from the Canadian Medical Association.How the Ministry Determines Licence StatusThe ministry considers the details of the individual's clinical condition reported by the attending physician, using guidelines established by the Canadian Medical Association, and advice from the Ministry's Medical Advisory Committee, whose members are experts in the fields of neurology, cardiology, psychiatry, endocrinology, ophthalmology, internal medicine, substance abuse, geriatric medicine and physiatry. The ministry relies on information provided on this form to help identify individuals who are at significant risk so that immediate action to suspend the licence of any individual reported to have a chronic or deteriorating condition that is likely to impair judgement or psychomotor skills or to be experiencing recurring or unexplained episodes of loss of consciousness.If an individual is reported to have a clinical condition that is well controlled and the individual is under physician care, the ministry generally does not suspend the licence. Where stability may be questionable, the ministry may request follow-up medical information to confirm stability or request the individual undergo a driving examination or other appropriate assessments.Patient's Right to Access This ReportThe Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act requires the ministry to provide your patient with a copy of this report if requested. It may be withheld only if there is evidence that its release would threaten the health or safety of yourself, the patient or another individual. If you are concerned that the release of this report would threaten someone's health or safety, make sure you notify the ministry by checking the appropriate box on the front of this form or by calling the ministry at 416-235-1773 or 1-800-268-1481. http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/driver/medreport/index.html
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