加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车遇到交通事故后,应做的10件事 (转贴)


Tips on Filing Insurance Claims After a Car Accident Hopefully you'll never be in a car accident or need to file an insurance claim. But if you do, here are a few points to remember that will help make the process easier. Always report a car accident to the police if someone is injured, or if the damage is over the provincial limit (e.g. In Ontario the limit is $1,000).Take reasonable steps to protect your vehicle from another loss. Move it out of the flow of traffic.Try to take notes at the scene that include details of the accident, identification of the vehicles and people involved and the names and badges of emergency personnel. If possible, take pictures.Get a driver information-exchange form from the police officer. This is a quick checklist that covers all the information you should be collecting from the other party.Collect names, addresses and phone numbers of witnesses to the accident. You might need to get their statements later.Don't accept money, don't accept fault and don't agree to forget about the accident.Contact your insurer as soon as possible after the accident, and make sure that you file a complete claim. You might have difficulty processing a claim if you're late contacting your insurer, or if you're found withholding details. Make sure that your insurance company agrees to pay for all repairs before you have the work completed.Check all repairs at the auto shop and also when you've returned home to make sure that you're satisfied with the work.Get an official receipt from the repair shop that details all the work they completed. Make sure that name and address of the shop are clearly identified. You might need to submit this with your insurance claim. Find out how your insurer handles supplemental repairs just in case the repair shop finds more damage to your car that wasn't on the original estimate.Ask us if they have a list of preferred repair shops in your area. Sometimes we have systems already set up with these shops that make processing the claim and getting your car repaired even faster.


alex_lz2005 说:us是谁呢?点击展开...保险公司。


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