加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车冬天到了,怎么正确的使用车的ABS? (转贴)


Anti-Lock Brakes dap("&PG=CARH01&AP=1089",300,250); Older drivers may know how to pump the brakes when stopping on slippery pavement to avoid locking the wheels or skidding. But when it comes to ABS brakes, the name of the game is "stomp and steer." Anti-lock brake systems (ABS), which feature onboard computers tied to individual wheel sensors, automatically "pump the brakes" at a rate faster and more precise than human reflexes can duplicate. Anti-lock brakes also apply pressure selectively, by sensing which wheels are close to lockup at any instant and then lowering braking pressure to those wheels until they rotate properly. Like power brakes, which merely boost force in otherwise conventional drum- or disc-braking mechanisms, anti-lock brakes add another layer of control; they are not a new friction-creating technology for slowing a vehicle's wheels. Known Issues ABS does not necessarily provide a shorter stopping distance. It won't stop you on a dime, either. Its primary advantage: It allows a driver to continue to maintain steering control and avoid skidding while stopping. Still, there have been issues with ABS. Safety officials expected to see immediate results in real-world crash data as ABS became more prevalent on new vehicles. But at least two studies in the 1990s, performed in the U.S. by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, showed little overall difference in crash rates between cars with ABS and those without them. A later NHTSA study, which included a wider sample of vehicles and was released in 2000, stated ABS "appears to be beneficial in preventing pedestrian crashes, rollovers, run-off-road crashes and frontal crashes with another moving vehicle." And in 2002, General Motors Corp. officials said they'd no longer put ABS as a standard feature on most of its 58 vehicles, starting in the 2003 model year. ABS would be offered as an option, instead. The company said the move was intended to keep it competitive in price with other automakers' vehicles. GM added that its Cadillac, Saab and Corvette vehicles would continue with standard ABS and would not be part of the change. Must use ABS correctly Safety advocates remind that it's important that drivers know how to use ABS properly. Otherwise, they won't get the benefit from the technology. "Anti-lock brakes are an unfamiliar technology to many people," NHTSA spokesman Tim Hurd said. Drivers who have been trained to brake gently on slippery roads and to pump brakes to avoid a skid must unlearn these techniques, which are often ingrained, safety officials said.

Here's how to use anti-lock brakes : ABS can mean safer stopping under emergency conditions provided you apply them correctly. "Stomp and steer," explained Hurd said. Don't treat ABS gingerly as you would ordinary brakes. Instead of pumping, press hard on the pedal without letting up. Any pulsing you feel or noise you hear is the ABS doing its job. Remember that anti-lock brakes are chiefly designed to provide steerability. So don't wrench the wheel and freeze up. Focus on where you want your car to go and steer there as the ABS does its job to keep the car stable. "If you look at the obstacle you're wanting to avoid, chances are you're going to hit it; it's how the brain works," said Jim Gill, spokesman for Continental Teves, manufacturer of ABS. Make sure to practice how to use your ABS brakes before you get into an emergency. Fred Heiler, Mercedes spokesman, encouraged drivers to "find an empty parking lot" to rehearse panic stopping. This also could help the driver get used to any pulsing or noise that might be associated with ABS.What to Look for When buying a new vehicle : Weigh the extra cost of ABS against your probable use of them. Remember, ABS works only to prevent skids, which generally occur at high speeds and on wet or icy roads. They do not activate during normal stopping. However, if used correctly in an emergency they can stop your car more safely than conventional brakes. On cars, ABS is connected to all four wheels. On trucks and vans, ABS may only involve the rear wheels. Changing tire sizes may affect ABS performance because a different size tire will rotate at a different speed. This will affect the operation of the wheel sensors. For more information, consult the owner's manual for the vehicle or find out from the manufacturer's customer service department. What to Look for When buying a used vehicle : Remember that the function of ABS is simply to operate the brakes automatically in certain driving situations; the brakes themselves are the same as on a conventional vehicle. Whether or not you are shopping for a vehicle with anti-lock brakes, look for brakes in good condition, ones that have been recently serviced or replaced depending on the model's maintenance requirements and individual history. Disc brakes, which are less prone to fading, on all four wheels are best, although many vehicles feature disc brakes only on the front wheels and rely on older-style drum brakes in the rear. Avoid aftermarket "add-on" anti-lock brakes, there aren't any that are effective and some are outright consumer rip-offs. Only electronic anti-lock braking systems are effective at stopping vehicles in the way the systems are designed. Such systems are only available through factory installation."

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