加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车既然加拿大人可以在美国买房,难道就不可以在
另外一个问题: 一个海外访客(例如中国来的访客),他持中国驾照,可以在加拿大租车开三个月,那么三个月以后他是否就可以考个加拿大的驾照呢?如果不可以,那他在加拿大合法停留的六个月里面的后三个月岂不是不能开车? 另外,除了租车,那访客可否买车并购买ICBC的保险?
We regret to inform you that only non-residents are permitted to drive a U.S. vehicle in Canada. As an example, Canadian residents cannot bring a U.S. rental vehicle into Canada without meeting the below requirements. Under the Temporary Importation of Conveyances by Residents of Canada Regulations (see Memorandum D2-4-1 at www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/pu...1-eng.html ), a conveyance may be imported temporarily by a resident in the following cases: For personal transportation only from the point of arrival to a specified destination in Canada when the purpose of importation is to transport personally owned goods into or out of Canada. Return must be within 30 days. When authorized by a customs inspector in instances where a resident is required, due to unforeseen circumstances or emergency reasons, to utilize a conveyance on which duties have not been paid for personal transportation to reach a specified destination in Canada and return. Under no circumstances are conveyances admissible under these regulations for touring purposes or for leisure activities in Canada, nor is any local use permitted (e.g., point-to-point movement in Canada). We trust you find this information helpful and we thank you for contacting the Canada Border Services Agency.
在美国买车回加拿大开,有的是人这么干 我想,一个加拿大人开着他在美国的公司车到加拿大,可能是合法的,而一个加拿大人在美国成立公司也是合法的。
换保险的时候,该补缴的一分都少不了 ???
另外一个问题: 一个海外访客(例如中国来的访客),他持中国驾照,可以在加拿大租车开三个月,那么三个月以后他是否就可以考个加拿大的驾照呢?如果不可以,那他在加拿大合法停留的六个月里面的后三个月岂不是不能开车? 另外,除了租车,那访客可否买车并购买ICBC的保险? 访客即使不开车,也可以直接入境考领本地驾照; 访客在加拿大期间可以使用外国驾照开车(每次连续六个月,无限次数),无需受移民的三个月后必须换驾照的限制。 访客当然可以租车,或者买车并购买车险。 ICBC的规定: www.icbc.com/autoplan/.../who-needs Who needs Autoplan? Basic Autoplan is the compulsory insurance for anyone in B.C. who owns and drives a motor vehicle on a highway. Tourists, visitors, visiting students and armed forces personnel are exempt from buying Autoplan insurance. If you are exempt, make sure you are covered by an existing policy from elsewhere. To ensure that all British Columbians are protected, you are required by law to hold at least the ICBC Basic Autoplan coverage. Some groups described below are exempt from this requirement. Tourists and visitors If you are just visiting B.C. as a tourist and brought your vehicle with you, you can drive with your existing insurance for up to six months for touring purposes only. Students Visiting students can drive in B.C. without Autoplan insurance but must be registered full-time at a recognized institution. Visiting students need to obtain a Combined Certificate of Registration of a Non-Resident Motor Vehicle and Insurance Certificate to operate a vehicle in B.C. within 30 days of arrival. Ask your Autoplan broker for more details. Armed forces personnel Some non-resident military personnel may be exempt and may need to obtain a Combined Certificate of Registration of a Non-Resident Motor Vehicle and Insurance Certificate to operate a vehicle in B.C. within 30 days of arrival. For more insurance information on driving in B.C. as a visitor, please visit an Autoplan broker. Any questions? Call our interjurisdictional licensing line: Anywhere in B.C.: (604) 443-4624 Toll-free: 1-800-665-4336
另外一个问题: 一个海外访客(例如中国来的访客),他持中国驾照,可以在加拿大租车开三个月,那么三个月以后他是否就可以考个加拿大的驾照呢?如果不可以,那他在加拿大合法停留的六个月里面的后三个月岂不是不能开车? 另外,除了租车,那访客可否买车并购买ICBC的保险? 访客即使不开车,也可以考领本地驾照; 访客在加拿大期间可以一直使用外国驾照开车,无需受移民的三个月后必须换驾照的限制。 访客当然可以租车,或者买车并购买车险。 如此说来,美国人可以在加拿大以访客的身份考领加拿大驾照,在加拿大买车和在加拿大使用,只是不能将他的加拿大车子开到美国去。 而加拿大人是否也可以以游客身份在美国考领驾照,在美国买车,在美国使用,只要不把车子开回加拿大就Ok?
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