加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车定了!今天,正式执行!多伦多50个测速摄像头换








市长约翰·托里(John Tory)曾表示:迄今为止收集到的数据“证明了自动车速执法对超速行驶具有很强的威慑作用”,并表示,该项目将继续努力扩大到尽可能多的地区。


Golfdown Dr. East of Turpin Ave.

Visit the location page ofGracedale Blvd. Near Crimscott Rd.

Visit the location page ofMount Olive Dr. West of Kipling Ave.

Topcliff Ave. Near 96 Topcliff Ave.

Dovehouse Ave. West of Keele St.

Ancaster Rd. Near Plewes Rd.

Jane St. North of Lambton Ave.

The Kingsway South of Hartfield Rd.

Rockcliffe Blvd. Near Rockcliffe Court

Willard Ave. Near Rexford Rd.

Visit the location page ofLaughton Ave. Near Talbot St.

Ava Rd. East of Westover Hill Rd.

Mill Rd. North of Bloor St. W.

Mountview Ave. Near 51 Mountview Ave.

Visit the location page ofRuskin Ave. West of Perth Ave.

Avenue Rd. Near Castlefield Ave.

Visit the location page ofBedford Park Ave. West of Yonge St.

Doris Ave. North of Spring Garden Ave.

Visit the location page ofChurch Ave. East of Doris Ave.

Visit the location page ofTweedsmuir Ave. South of Heath St. W.

Essex St. West of Christie St.

Erskine Ave. West of Redpath Ave.

Visit the location page ofStanley Ave. Near Elizabeth St.

Visit the location page ofMimico Ave. West of Station Rd.

Denison Ave. South of Grange Ave.

Orde St. West of Murray St.

Brant St. South of Adelaide St. W.

Visit the location page ofSherbourne St. South of Wellesley St. E.

Visit the location page ofBerkeley St. South of Gerrard St. E.

Sheppard Ave. E. West of Don Mills Rd.

Seneca Hill Dr. West of Don Mills Rd.

Thorncliffe Park Dr. Near 79 Thorncliffe Park Dr.

Visit the location page ofLesmount Ave. South of Cosburn Ave.

Dundas St. E. East of Broadview Ave.

Fenside Dr. South of Roywood Dr.

Visit the location page ofUnderhill Dr. Near Bevridge Dr.

Visit the location page ofGooderham Dr. South of Murray Glen Dr.

Visit the location page ofEdge Park Ave. East of Victoria Park Ave.

Kingston Rd. Near Heyworth Cres.

Visit the location page ofBirchmount Rd. South of Huntingwood Dr.

Visit the location page ofEllesmere Rd. East of Mondeo Dr.

Southlawn Dr. Near Buena Vista Ave.

Spruce Hill Rd. North of Queen St. E.

Visit the location page ofBirchcliff Ave. Near Freeman St.

Brimwood Blvd. Near Bridley Dr.

McCowan Rd. North of Kenhatch Blvd.

Visit the location page ofHolmfirth Terrace West of Vanwart Dr.

Scarborough Golf Club Rd. North of Lawrence Ave E.

Durnford Rd. North of Rylander Blvd.

Visit the location page ofCharlottetown Blvd. Near McCulley St.



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华人网注意大车的内轮差唷! 大型车转弯时,前後轮不会在同一个轨迹,其中内侧前轮画出的圆半径较大,後轮画出圆半径较小,前、後轮差距称为「内轮差」,车辆越大,内轮差也越大。前 ...



华人网昨天早上去cypress滑雪 上山时看到一台车滑到对向车道旁 车主 (应该是Audi?) 尝试加油门脱困 看起来有点困难 即便有四驱雪胎 通常我只要 气温一度以下就会放慢驾车的速度 就怕有黑冰之 ...



华人网互联网 享耆寿97岁。 评论 图为2000年5月24日,日本丰田汽车前社长丰田章一郎在东京的展示会上,坐在公司新型号汽车中。 评论 丰田汽车2月14日称,丰田汽车公司创办人丰田喜一郎之子 ...



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