FrenchPresident Emmanuel Macron gives a joint press conference with Germany'sChancellor Angela Merkel (on the screen) upon the 22nd German-FrenchMinisterial Council videoconference at the Elysee presidential palace in Paris,France, May 31, 2021. [Photo/Agencies]
PARIS- French President Emmanuel Macron said on Monday that all must be clarifiedconcerning reports that the United States intelligence agency had used theDanish infrastructure to spy on senior European officials, including GermanChancellor Angela Merkel.
This"is unacceptable between allies, even less between allies and Europeanpartners", Macron was quoted by French daily Le Monde following aFrench-German council of ministers. He urged "all the clarity".
Denmark'snational broadcaster DR News reported on Sunday that Danish DefenseIntelligence Service (FE) has given the US National Security Agency (NSA) openinternet access to spy on senior politicians of neighboring countries,including Merkel.
DRNews, in collaboration with Swedish, Norwegian, German and French media, foundout some "startling conclusions" in a secret internal investigationon the FE dubbed as "Operation Dunhammer," which was concluded in May2015.
Asignificant conclusion in the Dunhammer report, according to DR News, is thatthe NSA has purposefully obtained data and thus been able to clandestinely spyon targeted heads of state, as well as neighboring Scandinavian leaders, toppoliticians, and high-ranking officials in Germany, Sweden, Norway, and France.
Earlierin the day, France's Secretary of State for European Affairs Clement Beaunetold Franceinfo radio that what has been found by the media investigation"is extremely serious".
"Wemust verify these facts and denounce them if it is true," he said.
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