加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车US spied on Merkel, EU officials through Danish cables


  • TheUnited States used a partnership with Denmark’s foreign intelligence unit tospy on European leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, accordingto Danish public broadcaster Danmarks Radio (DR).

    Thefindings are the result of an internal investigation conducted by the DanishDefence Intelligence Service (FE) in 2014 and 2015, DR said in a report onSunday, citing nine unnamed sources who had access to the classifiedinformation.

    Accordingto the investigation, the US National Security Agency (NSA) used acollaboration with FE to eavesdrop on Danish information cables to spy onsenior officials in Sweden, Norway, France and Germany from 2012 to 2014.

    Inaddition to Merkel, the NSA also spied on then-German Foreign MinisterFrank-Walter Steinmeier and former German opposition leader Peer Steinbruck, DRsaid.

    Theinvestigation found the NSA had access to extensive data streams that runthrough internet cables to and from Denmark and intercepted everything fromtext messages and telephone calls to internet traffic including searches, chatsand messaging services.

    Denmark,a close US ally, hosts several key landing stations for subsea internet cablesto and from Sweden, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

    OneDR source described FE’s access to the cables as having “strategicsignificance” for relations between the US and Denmark.

    TheFE launched the internal investigation – code-named “Operation Dunhammer” –following concerns about Edward Snowden’s leaks in 2013 revealing how the NSAworks.

    Butupon receiving the Dunhammer findings, FE’s top management at the time did notscrap the collaboration with the NSA, according to DR.

    DanishMinister of Defence Trine Bramsen, who took over the defence portfolio in June2019, was informed of the spying in August last year. That same month, shesuspended the head of the Defence Intelligence Service and three otherofficials.

    DRsaid Bramsen declined to comment on its report but told the broadcaster thatthe “systematic eavesdropping of close allies is unacceptable”.

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