加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车2009 Rav4 vs Santa Fe vs Escape
Vancouver area. If you were me, which deal are you going to pick?------------------------------------------------2009 Toyota RAV4 4WD 4dr V6 Sport Invoice Price $29,750.00Delivery and Destination $1,440.00Federal Air Conditioning Excise Tax $100.00Tires and Battery Levy $30.00Dealer profit $1,640.00Subtotal $32,960.00Tax $3,955.20OTD price $36,915.20 0% finance 36Monthly Payment $1,025.42------------------------------------------------------------2009 Hyundai Santa Fe AWD 4dr 3.3L Auto GLS Invoice Price $30,718.00Delivery and Destination $1,760.00Federal Air Conditioning Excise Tax $100.00Tires and Battery Levy $30.00Stackable Cash Discount -$3,000.00Dealer profit $500.00Subtotal $30,108.00Tax $3,612.96OTD price $33,720.96 0% finance 48Monthly Payment $702.52-------------------------------------------------------2009 Ford Escape 4WD 4dr V6 Auto Limited Invoice Price $32,823.00Delivery and Destination $1,350.00Federal Air Conditioning Excise Tax $100.00Tires and Battery Levy $30.00Delivery Allowance -$1,500.00Dealer profit $0.00Subtotal $32,803.00Tax $3,936.36OTD price $36,739.36 0% finance 60Monthly Payment $612.32Thanks for your opinion!
回复: 2009 Rav4 vs Santa Fe vs Escape体重:Santa Fe 1,824kgRav4 1,672kgEscape 1,609kg油耗:Santa Fe 12.6/8.4Rav4 11.1/7.7Escape 12.1/8.3
回复: 2009 Rav4 vs Santa Fe vs EscapeRAV4
回复: 2009 Rav4 vs Santa Fe vs Escape肯定rav4
回复: 2009 Rav4 vs Santa Fe vs Escape强烈建议买Chevrolet Equinox 或PONTIAC TORRENT
密西沙加群:85574447 超赞 赏 E Esq 0$(VIP 0) 2932009-05-14#6 回复: 2009 Rav4 vs Santa Fe vs Escape在国人的坛子问这个,不用问也能知道结果。
回复: 2009 Rav4 vs Santa Fe vs Escape最终在5月份的时候买了个Santa Fe,so far so good.谢谢大家都回复!
回复: 2009 Rav4 vs Santa Fe vs Escape思密达、、、、
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