加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车GTA drivers face 14% rise in car insurance rates
这是今天Toronto Star上的有关汽车保险涨价的新闻。James Daw 20 October 2009Copyright (c) 2009 The Toronto Star Millions of Ontario drivers are about to be slammed with double-digit premium hikes, with the average Toronto-area driver likely to pay nearly 14 per cent more.Their policyholders will be hit with increases averaging between 11 and 19 per cent when the policies come up for renewal, joining drivers insured by several other companies that had already been cleared for double-digit increases. Another seven companies have been cleared for smaller increases in the latest round of approvalsBut these are only provincial averages, which do not represent what most GTA drivers can expect to pay.Calculations by the Star show that Toronto-area policyholders of the 17 companies face an average increase of 14 per cent, while in the province as a whole drivers will see an increase of 9.1 per cent.But some Toronto-area drivers - depending on the company they are with, their driving record and the neighbourhood they live in - face increases of 30 per cent or more
回复: GTA drivers face 14% rise in car insurance rates安省的保险本来就已经够高的了,却还在不停的涨。人家魁省怎么就能那么低呢?
回复: GTA drivers face 14% rise in car insurance rates噩耗啊,也涨得太过分了吧...
超赞 赏 DNW 0$(VIP 0) 7,9702009-10-21#4 回复: GTA drivers face 14% rise in car insurance rates前段时间在TORONTO STAR上面看到一篇文章,说是因为TORONTO想骗保的人太多了,导致保险公司成本高居不下。车的损失是小数,主要是很多人出车祸之后找一些垃圾律师和医生联合起来要求赔偿医疗、误工等费用。而保险公司即使要REJECT这些CLAIM也要请专业人士进行权威鉴定,有时候保险公司请人做鉴定的成本比受害人索赔的数目还要高,这个成本就得摊分到所有人身上了。那些特别多人有高额赔付的地区应该是会升得最厉害的,例如SCARBOROUGH。
回复: GTA drivers face 14% rise in car insurance rates前段时间在TORONTO STAR上面看到一篇文章,说是因为TORONTO想骗保的人太多了,导致保险公司成本高居不下。 车的损失是小数,主要是很多人出车祸之后找一些垃圾律师和医生联合起来要求赔偿医疗、误工等费用。而保险公司即使要REJECT这些CLAIM也要请专业人士进行权威鉴定,有时候保险公司请人做鉴定的成本比受害人索赔的数目还要高,这个成本就得摊分到所有人身上了。那些特别多人有高额赔付的地区应该是会升得最厉害的,例如SCARBOROUGH。点击展开... 目前Scarborough的保费比率最高,其次是North York,Richmond hill 和 Markham, East York 的保费都比较低。相差都在10块钱左右。
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