加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车有人去美国买subaru吗
回复: 有人去美国买subaru吗去隔壁买奔驰宝马差价大吧?
BC 雪山生活去隔壁买奔驰宝马差价大吧?点击展开...outback的两地差价好像一点都不比奔驰宝马小吧?这车是美国产的,省掉6.1%的税。看网上有说省了将近两万呢
回复: 有人去美国买subaru吗没有两万这么厉害,OUTBACK最贵的3.6R起价才3.8万加元,和美国相差只有5000加元左右。车价才4万出头,不可能相差2万这么离谱的。奔驰宝马那些动辄5、6万以上的车型的话差2万就比较正常。
回复: 有人去美国买subaru吗没有两万这么厉害,OUTBACK最贵的3.6R起价才3.8万加元,和美国相差只有5000加元左右。车价才4万出头,不可能相差2万这么离谱的。奔驰宝马那些动辄5、6万以上的车型的话差2万就比较正常。点击展开... 是哦,能差两万好象很惊人哦...
超赞 没有两万这么厉害,OUTBACK最贵的3.6R起价才3.8万加元,和美国相差只有5000加元左右。车价才4万出头,不可能相差2万这么离谱的。奔驰宝马那些动辄5、6万以上的车型的话差2万就比较正常。点击展开...In my case, I offered a Toronto Subaru dealer $51,000 + freight for a fully-loaded Outback 3.0R Premiere edition. It was promptly turned down.I bought the LLBean (which was a higher trim level than the Premiere) in the US minus navigation (a $3000 Canadian Upgrade!) for $29,150 US driveaway priced. The exchange rate then was about .92.Do the math....Canada:I offered $51,000 (turned down)$1595 freight$299 security$399 administrativeWould have been $53293GST = 2664.65PST = 4263.44A/C Tax $100Total = $60321.09 (my math could be slightly off)The price would be more since remember, the dealer TURNED ME DOWN!US:$29,150 USD (inclusive of freight and accessories)Exchange (about 8%) = 2332 (average since I transferred cash over the period of months)Total $31482 CanadianGST = 1574.1PST = 2518.56A/C Tax $100Total = $35674.66RIV $205Transit permits ($70)Total = $35949.66But to be fair, bus to Buffalo cost me $38..and $30 in gas to get homeTotal: $36055.66I didn't take into account the four hour round trip. but I could....Now don't forget that the Canadian version has navigation so I will ADD $3000 MSRP to my cost. The total is now approximately $39,000 Canadian inclusive. To be petty some will say "you didn't add the tax to that". True, but who really pays MSRP anyway?But wait, I got a $1500US ($1620 Cdn) rebate which you can no longer get. That jacks up the Canadian total to about $40,600.I said it before, if ANYONE can get a new 3.0R Premiere Subaru in Canada for that price, please post it. It will never happen. The pricing and model line for the 2010s has changed but the disparity in pricing remains.
回复: 有人去美国买subaru吗从网上的实例来看,似乎超过两万!
回复: 有人去美国买subaru吗其实验证的最好办法就是自己去调查而不是纯粹看别人怎么说。你分别去subaru.com和subaru.ca比较一下就知道了。现在2010款的OUTBACK已经没有3.0的版本,美国最高版本3.6R Limited,裸车卖US$31K起,加拿大对应的Limited版本,比美国的还多了个天窗(美国版要加$1000)起价才CAD$38K左右,相差也就是CAD$5000左右。至于09款3.0R的车型,加拿大只有Premiere 一种选择,所以才会这么贵。你转贴的那个人拿加拿大fully-loaded的价格去跟美国的裸车比简直就是傻B一个,他根本不明白什么叫fully-loaded。
回复: 有人去美国买subaru吗呵呵,颇有田忌赛马的感觉~
回复: 有人去美国买subaru吗哦
回复: 有人去美国买subaru吗outback 一定要买。 今年钱不够,明年再说吧
去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重。其实验证的最好办法就是自己去调查而不是纯粹看别人怎么说。你分别去subaru.com和subaru.ca比较一下就知道了。现在2010款的OUTBACK已经没有3.0的版本,美国最高版本3.6R Limited,裸车卖US$31K起,加拿大对应的Limited版本,比美国的还多了个天窗(美国版要加$1000)起价才CAD$38K左右,相差也就是CAD$5000左右。至于09款3.0R的车型,加拿大只有Premiere 一种选择,所以才会这么贵。你转贴的那个人拿加拿大fully-loaded的价格去跟美国的裸车比简直就是傻B一个,他根本不明白什么叫fully-loaded。点击展开...如果看,2.5的一些价格,美加差距更大些。 差不多 $6000-$10000
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