加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车请教考驾照问题:短登能考吗?
Servants talk about People; Gentlefolks discuss Things. 我的Gaspé半岛自驾之旅原创小说:圆同路情愫不要让自己变老一个杠精的自白 超赞 赏 黑 黑白照片 0$(VIP 0) 2952009-10-31#2 回复: 请教考驾照问题:短登能考吗?不行,没枫叶卡连笔试都不能报名。枫叶卡要2个月拿到。然后路考,预约已经到明年了,而且就算能插进考也不容易过。FORGET IT
回复: 请教考驾照问题:短登能考吗?在多伦多是可以的,拿移民纸就可以...
超赞 赏 反馈:霜岳 霜岳宅男战记 5$(VIP 0,#181) 19,6462009-10-31#4 回复: 请教考驾照问题:短登能考吗?是有人说短登时拿移民纸和护照就可以考g1。所以我才问。有没有专业人士的解释啊?
Servants talk about People; Gentlefolks discuss Things. 我的Gaspé半岛自驾之旅原创小说:圆同路情愫不要让自己变老一个杠精的自白 超赞 赏 M MALIANGYU 0$(VIP 0) 222009-10-31#5 短登可以考驾照,请见官方文件。BC短登可以考驾照,请见官方文件。如下:你只要有登陆纸ID1,护照ID2,就可以考笔试。记得带大陆的有效驾照,2年以上的请翻译公证(15元)笔试后可以直接考5级。一次拿正式驾照。省了很多钱。但TORONTO不行。必须考两次路试。http://www.icbc.com/driver-licensing/id Primary ID Driver's licences and BCID cards can only be issued in your legal name. We use primary ID to establish your legal name.We will accept any one of the following as primary ID. Original document must be presented. Issued by ICBC: B.C. driver's licence or learner's licence (must have your photo)B.C. Identification (BCID) card (Must not be expired for more than three years. Older cards without an expiry date are not acceptable)Issued by provincial or territorial government: Canadian birth certificate(Sorry: we do not acceptbaptismal certificates,"live birth" certificates,pre-1994 Quebec birth certificates, orManitoba birth certificates signed by a division registrar.)Issued by Government of Canada: Canadian passport - must be valid and show your FULL legal name as shown on your Canadian birth certificate or Canadian Citizenship card OR as changed through a Vital Statistics Office (e.g., marriage)Canadian Citizenship CardPermanent Resident CardCanadian Record of Landing/Canadian Immigration Identification RecordStudy, Work, Visitor or Temporary Resident Permit (formerly Minister's Permit). See important note.Identity Card (Issued by Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade to foreign representatives accredited to Canada and eligible members of their family)We will accept any one of the following as secondary ID. (Must show your name, signature and/or photo.) Original document must be presented.Secondary IDB.C. CareCard (or a government-issued health card from another Canadian province or territory)School ID card (student card)Bank card (only if applicant's name is on card)Credit card (only if applicant's name is on card)Passport (Canadian or foreign. Must be valid)U.S. Passport cardForeign birth certificate (sorry, a baptismal certificate is not acceptable)Canadian or U.S. driver's licenceNaturalization certificateCanadian Forces identificationPolice identificationForeign Affairs Canada or consular identificationVehicle registration (only if applicant's signature is shown)Picture employee ID cardFirearms Acquisition CertificateSocial Insurance Card (new style without signature strip not acceptable)Native Status CardParole Certificate IDCorrectional Service Conditional Release Card
最好先在国内考个驾照,可以省很多钱。多伦多承认国内的驾照但有限的免1年的G1的路试的等待期。即有国内驾照1年以上的(不管多少年)可以笔试后不用1年的见习期马上考G1,G1通过再1年考G2.VANCOUVER则相对宽松,2年以上的中国驾照可以考笔试后直接考5级(G2),否则只能考7级(G1)笔者有国内7年驾龄,去年短登TORONTO, 结果8月只考了G1,今年到Vancouver,6月直接可以考5级拿到正式驾照了。如果没有国内驾照,那你可得准备大巴MONEY了。所以不如短登时不考,在国内先考个驾照,争取下次来时满了一年再考这里的笔试。就可以缩短这里的等待期了。也方便了很多。不然你一年内都不能自己单独开车。这是最优的省钱又方便的方案。
回复: 请教考驾照问题:短登能考吗?忘记这个帖子了。真抱歉。给回复的同学加分分了。谢谢各位!
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