加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车请教各位,关于笔试后能否独立开车



回复: 请教各位,关于笔试后能否独立开车你在哪个省,得到的是什么级别的驾照。然后到省交通部网站上看关于这个级别驾照的限制其实,考驾照笔试的时候,这些都是必须清楚的内容。仔细查看驾照笔试的学习资料,也可以找到答案。

回复: 请教各位,关于笔试后能否独立开车与所在省份的规定有关。

回复: 请教各位,关于笔试后能否独立开车你在哪个省,得到的是什么级别的驾照。然后到省交通部网站上看关于这个级别驾照的限制 其实,考驾照笔试的时候,这些都是必须清楚的内容。仔细查看驾照笔试的学习资料,也可以找到答案。点击展开...谢谢你,我在yukon地区的其中一个小镇,学习资料只有一本drive handbook ,没有提到关于这方面,笔试也是全英文的,我们拿到的是class 7,我老公可以马上考路试,路试只有一次,只要通过了就是class 5,而我在国内没驾照,要等半年才能考,也只有一次,通过了也是class5,这里考驾照会比其他省容易,说实话,我们英文不是很好,而且我在网站也没有看到这方面的信息

回复: 请教各位,关于笔试后能否独立开车英文不好,还得想办法多学一些了http://www.community.gov.yk.ca/motorvehicles/mvdrlic.htmlWhat are the steps to get a licence?The first step is to obtain a Learners Licence by passing a written exam. There is a $20.00 fee for this test and no appointment is necessary. Tests are available in Whitehorse and with your Territorial Agent and Territorial Representative Offices. Once the written test is passed an eye exam will be given and a class 7 GDL learners' licence will be issued for a fee of $10.00 per year for either a 2 year or 5 year period.The second step is to practice driving for at least six months with a co-driver under specific conditions and restrictions.The third step is to graduate to a Novice Licence. You must be at least 16 years of age and have passed a road test.The fourth step is to practice driving as a Novice for 18 months, which means you can drive without a co-driver except between the hours of midnight 5:00 a.m.The fifth step is to apply for your full privilege Yukon Drivers Licence.http://www.community.gov.yk.ca/motorvehicles/gdl.htmlThe Graduated Learner's Licence ConditionsThese conditions apply to drivers holding a GDL Car/Truck or MotorcycleLearner’s Licence:Co-driver (s)The holder of a Car/Truck Learner Licence or a Motorcycle Learner Licencemust be accompanied by a co-driver at all times, although it is not necessary forthe same co-driver to always accompany the learning driver.A co-driver is a person who: holds a valid licence other than a Learner's or GDL Licence for the class ofvehicle the learner will be driving. It should be noted a Class 6 motorcyclelicence holder is not eligible as a co-driver to teach a car or truck learner todrive a car or truck. However, the holder of a class 5 car/truck or the holder ofa Class 4, 3, 2, or 1 Licence is eligible as a co-driver to teach a car or trucklearner to drive a car or truck. The person must have held that specific classof licence for at least the two years immediately prior to teaching the learnerto drive; is seated next to the Learning driver in the car or truck; In the case of the Learning motorcycle driver, the co-driver may be seatedbehind the Learning motorcycle driver or may follow closely on anothermotorcycle or be in a motor vehicle which is following closely. A driverlearning to drive a motorcycle must also learn to balance his/her bodyweight along with the weight of the motorcycle. Carrying even a co-driver onthe motorcycle may interfere with the driver's ability to safely balance thebike during driving manoeuvres. It is recommended that the co-driver followin or on another vehicle; is able to take over lawful control of the vehicle.http://www.community.gov.yk.ca/pdf/gdl_brochure_english.pdf

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