加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车渥太华Walkley驾照考试中心G牌考试线路上,发生严重车祸,闯红灯垃圾卡车撞断Honda CR-V


http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/M...dump+truck+crash+Hunt+Club/2517705/story.htmlTruck driver charged in three-vehicle crash The Ottawa CitizenFebruary 4, 2010OTTAWA ― A 25-year-old garbage truck driver who police believe caused a three-vehicle crash that sent a woman and an infant to hospital late Wednesday morning has been charged with careless driving.The truck driver also suffered serious injuries in the collision that began when his vehicle careened into an SUV just after 11 a.m. at the intersection of Hunt Club and Conroy roads.Police said his eastbound truck T-boned a Honda CR-V travelling north on Conroy. The momentum carried the two vehicles into a Chevrolet Cavalier waiting in the westbound turning lane on Hunt Club, and knocked a light standard over onto the Honda. An Ottawa Police news release said an investigation concluded that the garbage truck’s driver failed to stop for a red light at the intersection. Following the collision, the two occupants of the Honda and the driver of the truck were taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.Ottawa paramedics said the 29-year-old woman was taken to hospital with a fractured pelvis, a fractured lower leg and internal injuries. The woman remains in hospital, but her two-month-old baby has been released.The male driver of the Cavalier was not injured.With files from Tony Spears© Copyright (c) The Ottawa Citizen

回复: 渥太华Walkley驾照考试中心G牌考试线路上,发生严重车祸,闯红灯垃圾卡车撞断Honda CR-V The intersection of Hunt Club and Conroy roads was reopened Wednesday afternoon following a spectacular three-vehicle crash earlier in the day that sent three people to hospital, including a mother and infant, Ottawa police said.

回复: 渥太华Walkley驾照考试中心G牌考试线路上,发生严重车祸,闯红灯垃圾卡车撞断Honda CR-V The intersection of Hunt Club and Conroy roads was reopened Wednesday afternoon following a spectacular three-vehicle crash earlier in the day that sent three people to hospital, including a mother and infant, Ottawa police said.Photograph by: Chris Mikula, The Ottawa Citizen

回复: 渥太华Walkley驾照考试中心G牌考试线路上,发生严重车祸,闯红灯垃圾卡车撞断Honda CR-V The intersection of Hunt Club and Conroy roads was reopened Wednesday afternoon following a spectacular three-vehicle crash earlier in the day that sent three people to hospital, including a mother and infant, Ottawa police said.Photograph by: Chris Mikula, The Ottawa Citizen

回复: 渥太华Walkley驾照考试中心G牌考试线路上,发生严重车祸,闯红灯垃圾卡车撞断Honda CR-V The intersection of Hunt Club and Conroy roads was reopened Wednesday afternoon following a spectacular three-vehicle crash earlier in the day that sent three people to hospital, including a mother and infant, Ottawa police said.Photograph by: Chris Mikula, The Ottawa Citizen

回复: 渥太华Walkley驾照考试中心G牌考试线路上,发生严重车祸,闯红灯垃圾卡车撞断Honda CR-V The intersection of Hunt Club and Conroy roads was reopened Wednesday afternoon following a spectacular three-vehicle crash earlier in the day that sent three people to hospital, including a mother and infant, Ottawa police said.Photograph by: Chris Mikula, The Ottawa Citizen

回复: 渥太华Walkley驾照考试中心G牌考试线路上,发生严重车祸,闯红灯垃圾卡车撞断Honda CR-V The intersection of Hunt Club and Conroy roads was reopened Wednesday afternoon following a spectacular three-vehicle crash earlier in the day that sent three people to hospital, including a mother and infant, Ottawa police said.Photograph by: Chris Mikula, The Ottawa Citizen

回复: 渥太华Walkley驾照考试中心G牌考试线路上,发生严重车祸,闯红灯垃圾卡车撞断Honda CR-V The intersection of Hunt Club and Conroy roads was reopened Wednesday afternoon following a spectacular three-vehicle crash earlier in the day that sent three people to hospital, including a mother and infant, Ottawa police said.Photograph by: Chris Mikula, The Ottawa Citizen

回复: 渥太华Walkley驾照考试中心G牌考试线路上,发生严重车祸,闯红灯垃圾卡车撞断Honda CR-Vhttp://ottawa.ctv.ca/servlet/an/loc...Crash_Charges_100204/20100204/?hub=OttawaHomeDriver charged with running red light in serious crash Updated: Thu Feb. 04 2010 14:51:25 ctvottawa.caA garbage truck driver is charged with running a red light at a busy south-end intersection after a serious crash injured three people, including an infant. Police say their investigation reveals the male driver of a dump truck ran a red light while he drove eastbound on Hunt Club Road at about 11 a.m. on Wednesday. After running the light, police say the truck collided with an SUV driven by a 29-year-old woman who was travelling northbound on Conroy Road. The crash sheared the SUV in half and caused the dump truck to flip on its side, littering the intersection with bits of metal, as well as a downed traffic light. The female driver remains in hospital with serious pelvis, leg, and internal injuries. The woman's two-month-old daughter was treated for a cut to her forehead. Paramedics credit her mother with properly fastening the child in her car seat. Although the baby was sent to hospital for observation, she has since been released. Andrew Allen, 25, is charged with careless driving. He was also sent to hospital where he was treated for injuries to his head, neck and ribcage. Debris litters the intersection at Hunt Club and Conroy Roads, Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2010.The woman driving this SUV was seriously injured in a collision with a garbage truck, Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2010.

回复: 渥太华Walkley驾照考试中心G牌考试线路上,发生严重车祸,闯红灯垃圾卡车撞断Honda CR-V这个严重交通事故恰巧发生在walkley考试中心,G牌考试线路上,非常严重,与大家分享一下我制作的下面的照片,提醒司机:注意交通信号红绿灯Traffic Lights和路旁的交通标识Traffic Signs这场交通事故就发生在下面这张照片中的十字路口!!这个肇事司机,闯的就是这个红绿灯!!

回复: 渥太华Walkley驾照考试中心G牌考试线路上,发生严重车祸,闯红灯垃圾卡车撞断Honda CR-V

回复: 渥太华Walkley驾照考试中心G牌考试线路上,发生严重车祸,闯红灯垃圾卡车撞断Honda CR-V另外一场交通事故Ottawa boy in hospital after being struck by carLast Updated: Thursday, January 28, 2010 | 9:26 PM ETPolice have reopened Walkley Road between Cedarwood Drive and Heatherington Road, which was closed Thursday afternoon after a 13-year-old boy was struck by a vehicle.Paramedics treated the boy for a life-threatening head injury and transported him to hospital, where his condition is listed as critical.Police are still investigating the cause of the accident, which was one of dozens of collisions that happened across the city during Thursday afternoon’s whiteout conditions.Police warned commuters to drive safely as nasty winter weather creates whiteout conditions in some areas.They reminded motorists to give themselves plenty of room to stop when they approach intersections and encouraged them to leave space between vehicles.According to Environment Canada, flurries and blowing snow were expected to continue into the evening, but should clear by morning.上面的图截取自Google地图,非事故现场照片。现场Walkley路,Cedarwood Drive向东和 Heatherington Road向西,全部被警车和路障堵死,现场总共有大约6、7辆警车。现场看到一辆白色的小车,在上面图中的位置,头向西,略微偏向南的方向停着,闪着双闪灯;Walkley路中间Median隔离带上,似乎有两件衣服或者背包什么的,警察不让靠近,无法看清楚,也许就是受伤男孩的衣物。天气原因,今晚视线不好,容易发生交通事故,司机和行人都要注意交通安全。

回复: 渥太华Walkley驾照考试中心G牌考试线路上,发生严重车祸,闯红灯垃圾卡车撞断Honda CR-VMY GOD, THE CRV IS BROKE AGAIN!

悔改吧!主的日子近了 超赞 赏 山 山风 0$(VIP 0) 3212010-02-14#14 回复: 渥太华Walkley驾照考试中心G牌考试线路上,发生严重车祸,闯红灯垃圾卡车撞断Honda CR-V至少说明一点,本田车容易断,无论是雅阁还是CRV.

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·生活百科 太阳能池供暖



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