加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车渥太华发生命案,房客杀死房东!凶手被控二级谋杀!死者为Walkley驾照考试中心考官
http://www.ottawapolice.ca/en/Media...-26/20ed7dcf-4cc3-41e9-9ef2-b11c6fb81088.aspx渥太华警方信息:按时间顺序1FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday February 25, 2010 Ottawa Police investigate a suspicious fire on Blake Blvd (Ottawa) - The Ottawa Police Service is investigating a suspicious fatal fire in the 300 block of Blake Boulevard. On February 24, 2010 at approximately 6:55 pm the Ottawa Police Service responded to an apartment fire on Blake Blvd. The body of a deceased male was discovered inside. Due to the suspicious nature of the fire, the Major Crime Unit took charge of the investigation. At this time, a male person is in custody pending further investigation. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Major Crime Unit at 613-236-1222 ext. 5493 or Crime Stoppers at 613-233-8477 (TIPS).2FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday February 25, 2010 10:30 am Update - Ottawa Police investigate a suspicious fire on Blake Blvd (Ottawa) ? The Ottawa Police Service Major Crime Unit is currently investigating a suspicious fatal fire that occurred in the 300 block of Blake Boulevard. The Office of the Fire Marshal has been contacted and will be involved in this investigation. An autopsy is scheduled to be performed later this morning to confirm the deceased’s identity and the cause of death. One male was arrested in relation to this matter and is still in custody at this time. The investigation is ongoing. -30- CONTACT: Media Relations Section Telephone: 613-236-1222, ext. 5366 3FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday February 26, 2010 8:22 am (Ottawa) ? The Ottawa Police Service Major Crime Unit has charged a male in relation to the suspicious fire on Blake Boulevard. The suspicious death has now been confirmed as Ottawa’s fourth homicide of 2010. The victim’s name is not being released at this time pending notification of next of kin. Dalibor ORSAG, 27-years-old of Ottawa, has been charged with second degree murder. ORSAG will be attending court this morning. The investigation is ongoing. Anyone with information in relation to this matter is asked to contact the Ottawa Police Service Major Crime Unit at 613-236-1222 ext. 5493 or Crime Stoppers at 613-233-TIPS (8477) or toll free at 1-800-222-8477.
回复: 渥太华发生命案,房客杀死房东!凶手被控二级谋杀!死者为Walkley驾照考试中心考官http://www.ottawasun.com/news/ottawa/2010/02/24/13017746.htmlSaid Kasbary arrived at the rental building he owned on Blake Blvd. around 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, as he usually does. He had just finished a shift doing driving tests. Just over an hour later, he was dead. Police have charged Dalibor Orsag, 27, of Ottawa, with second-degree murder. Orsag will appear in court Friday. Firefighters responding to a blaze at 303 Blake Blvd. found Kasbary’s body in his burnt-out basement office. The blaze was immediately labelled a suspected arson. It’s believed an accelerant was thrown through a window to the basement. The Ottawa police major crime unit was called in and is investigating. Police said they took a man into custody, but had not officially released any charges or the suspect’s name. Sources confirmed that a tenant who lives in one of the nine properties Kasbary owned is in custody. Andre Bard, the building’s superintendent, said Kasbary planned to give an eviction notice to a tenant Wednesday night. Kasbary’s wife was at the family home Thursday morning in shock. Both she and Kasbary’s brother, Jamal, were at the scene of the fire Wednesday night trying to get some answers to what happened. Police canvassed the area Thursday looking for clues in the snow. There were no other injuries reported as a result of the fire. On Thursday, others who knew Kasbary described him as a kind and generous man. “Said is a very caring man. He has the heart of gold. He will help anyone who is down on their luck. He is amazing,” said Diane Leblanc, who works as a property manager for the group of nine properties. Her apartment building, 309 Blake Blvd., is connected to 303 Blake. Leblanc was in the building when the fire happened. Tenants felt the building shake and heard a loud “boom” from the basement. There were flames shooting from the windows reaching two floors up, leaving the walls blackened. “We heard a bang and looked out the window. It just went boom,” Leblanc said. “It shook my computer desk. I can’t explain it the bang. It went boom. It creeped us out.” Tenants ran outside as two men went door-to-door telling everyone to get out. The door to the rental office was “bulging,” one of the Good Samaritans said. One of the Good Samaritans said he saw a tenant who had been meeting with Kasbary prior to the fire outside, standing on the sidewalk. The tenant’s mother said she was at a friend’s apartment in the building, getting ready to watch the Olympic hockey match between Canada and Russia. She went outside when the fire started. She later saw her son standing with Andre Bard, the building’s superintendent, and said both men were calling Kasbary to see if he was safe, but he didn’t answer his phone. She said they also called Kasbary’s wife, Hala. The mother said she then saw her son board an OC Transpo bus that had been brought in for tenants who had been forced outside. The man later called his girlfriend from a police car. On Thursday, the tenant’s mother sat and cried at her dining room table, in her small third-floor apartment in the city’s east end. She explains in broken English that she hasn’t heard from her son since the fire. She described Kasbary as a likeable man who had given her son some breaks. Her son was charged last September for stealing cheques from Kasbary and cashing them while Kasbary was out of the country. The offences are alleged to have happened Feb. 11, 2008. There’s a court date in August. The suspect remained in police custody Thursday night and charges had not been laid.
回复: 渥太华发生命案,房客杀死房东!凶手被控二级谋杀!死者为Walkley驾照考试中心考官视频在下面这个链接:http://www.ottawasun.com/news/ottaw...html#/news/ottawa/2010/02/25/pf-13026861.html
回复: 渥太华发生命案,房客杀死房东!凶手被控二级谋杀!死者为Walkley驾照考试中心考官http://www.ottawacitizen.com/life/Said+knew+what+hardship/2619344/story.html Area residents held a vigil Friday night in memory of Said Kasbary, whose body was found in a burned-out rental office at 303 Blake Blvd., one of the apartment buildings he owned in the area. Also, dozens of people gathered at the Kasbary family home on Walkley Road.Photograph by: Bruno Schlumberger, The Ottawa Citizen OTTAWA Said Kasbary moved to Canada 35 years ago in search of a better life. Wednesday night, that life was cut short in the basement office of a Vanier apartment building, one of several the hard-working Palestinian immigrant owned throughout the city. A 27-year-old man has been charged with second-degree murder following a fire in the office.Despite Said’s success as a property owner, the 58-year-old continued to work during the day as an examiner for DriveTest.He married his wife, Hala, more than 20 years ago. Earlier this year, the couple celebrated their daughter’s graduation from the University of Ottawa. Jennifer is 21.Friday night, dozens of people gathered at the family home on Walkley Road in the city’s south end to support the Kasbarys. The entranceway was piled with shoes, and inside, a group of women dressed in mourning sat with Hala in a living room adjoining the kitchen. In quiet solidarity, they spoke in hushed tones.The widow’s grief was bottomless. Moaning in Arabic, she spent most of the time in tears as men and women by turns offered their condolences.Jennifer, meanwhile, remained in her upstairs room with friends. Said’s brother, Jamal Kasbary, talked with a large group of men in another room adjoining the kitchen. His wife, Nahida, served black coffee in small cups and moved about the house, comforting guests as she went.A short time later, Jamal walked into the kitchen. Breaking down into tears, he could barely stay standing. Nahida supported him while women approached, speaking softly in Arabic. One woman lifted a glass of water to his face before he had to sit down.Nahida says her brother-in-law had nothing when he moved to Canada just a few years before Jamal. Said struggled to build a life for himself. She said he was successful and enjoyed being able to give people employment, but that he never forgot what it was like to be poor.Indeed, by all accounts, Said was a generous man. During a small candlelight vigil earlier Friday night at 303 Blake Blvd., just steps from the rental office where he died, six of his tenants spoke of his giving nature.Lillian Sheppard and her partner, Pierre Desjardins, moved into one of Said’s Blake Boulevard apartment buildings just a few months ago. Desjardins says he was short on cash at the time, and that Said waived the up-front payment of their last month’s rent.“Then things got tougher and I went to see him,” Desjardins remembers. “And he said, ‘Here’s 50 bucks. You can give it to me at the end of the month, don’t worry about it.’ That’s the kind of guy he was.”Desjardins, who helped organize the vigil, said it was pushed back to 7:30 p.m. because fire officials were busy inside the building, installing a working fire alarm system. Wednesday night, 23-year-old Jason Henderson who lives just across the street from 303 Blake Blvd. and ran in with another man to help get residents out when they spotted the smoke and flames said alarms never sounded.Suzanne Samson, 60, says she and Said lived in the same Mona Street building about 33 years ago. He was renting an upstairs unit.“He was a very, very poor guy when he moved, and I used to sit outside and feed him pickles,” Samson remembers. Some of the first friends Said, described as a soft-spoken, quiet man, made when he arrived in Canada in the mid-1970s were Samson’s sister and brother-in-law, Louise and Isa Farach. Isa spoke Arabic.Reached by phone Friday night, Louise says she still has the tablecloth Said gave the Faraches as a gift in 1976 when they spent their first Christmas together. “Every time I put out my tablecloth that’s from Said, I wonder what he’s doing. ... He was a wonderful man, a wonderful man,” Louise says. She says her husband taught Said to drive. The man returned the favour decades later, when he taught Louise’s sons, Michael and George, how to drive.“Said knew what it was, hardship,” Louise says, adding that she and her husband were shocked to hear of their friend’s death. “It hurt us, it really, really did hurt us. And it still does.” A 27-year-old man has been charged with second-degree murder in Said’s death. He appeared in Ottawa court Friday before being remanded in custody.Dalibor Orsag stood with his hands behind his back during the brief appearance before a justice of the peace. Ankles shackled and wearing a blue shirt and dark jacket, the tall, heavyset man with a brushcut and stubble on his face said little during the hearing, except to say his name and agree that he understood conditions not to communicate with members of Said’s family and three other witnesses in the case.There did not appear to be any of members of Orsag’s or Said’s families present in the courtroom. An autopsy was performed Thursday morning to confirm the identity of the body found in the burned-out office and the cause of death. One of Said’s employees, superintendent André Bard, has said Orsag lived in a neighbouring building at 292 Blake Blvd. and did maintenance work there for a few months until he was fired. Before Said’s death, he was about to be evicted from his apartment.Bard has worked for Said since 2007, when the property owner bought apartment complexes in the area. Said also owns properties in the 200-block of Montreal Road, as well as the Walkley Road duplex where his family lives.With files from Andrew Seymour and Meghan Hurley knease@thecitizen.canwest.com Copyright (c) The Ottawa Citizen
回复: 渥太华发生命案,房客杀死房东!凶手被控二级谋杀!死者为Walkley驾照考试中心考官 Police investigate a fatal fire in Vanier.Photograph by: Scott Parker, The Ottawa CitizenVideo: Fatal fire on Blake BoulevardOttawa police could be investigating the fourth homicide of 2010 after a man's body was pulled from a Vanier apartment building after a suspicious fire broke out Wednesday night.February 25, 2010http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/Video+Fatal+fire+Blake+Boulevard/2612288/story.html
回复: 渥太华发生命案,房客杀死房东!凶手被控二级谋杀!死者为Walkley驾照考试中心考官http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/ottsun/100226/canada/mom_stunned_by_murder_charge凶手患有 癫痫 和脑瘤Mom stunned by murder charge Fri Feb 26, 10:43 PM Vojka Orsag sobs as she considers the trouble her 27-year-old son is in.She struggles to comprehend it all."I don't know. I can't believe Dalibor do this, he never do nothing bad for nobody," she says of her son in a heavy eastern European accent. Dalibor Orsag faces second-degree murder charges in the death of his landlord. Said Kasbary died Wednesday evening in a fire at a Blake Blvd. building he owned."Hi, how are you? I love you." she says when asked what she would say to Dalibor if given the opportunity. She hasn't spoken to him since the fire. "I'm worried for my kids."The 50-year-old mother of three says through the tears that Dalibor was running through the apartment building Wednesday, banging on doors, trying to get people out. She was also there, standing outside with friends she'd been visiting when police took him into custody. "He loved man, and man love Dalibor," she says of the relationship her son and the victim shared. Dalibor, who is over six-feet tall and about 260 lbs., enjoyed working at odd jobs for Kasbary. "This man good to Dalibor," she says. "Said, he like him. All the time he's with Said talking." Dalibor hadn't mentioned he was being evicted from his apartment, she says. "Not talk, no, nothing." His girlfriend of three years, who asks not to be named, also didn't know he was being evicted. Dalibor visited her at school Wednesday and the couple talked about their plans for the evening. "He tell me that he was gonna sleep and after that he was gonna meet his boss," she says. Vojka wipes her eyes and says Dalibor is a good boy. So are his brothers, Joseph, 26, and Dario, 10.Dalibor has had his troubles though. He loved school but his classmates bullied him. It got so bad he dropped out, she says, and now he's on social assistance. He's epileptic, Vojka says, and doctors recently discovered a tumour in his brain. They say he has a 35% chance of living through an operation to remove it, she says. Despite that, he calls every day to check up on her because she is sick, too. She's crying again and explains her legs, back, liver and kidney are all bad. She is in a lot of pain. The tears return with force. They build in her eyes and run down her cheeks as the muscles in her face contract with emotion. She has an appointment with a specialist, she says. She has to leave. justin.sadler@sunmedia.ca
回复: 渥太华发生命案,房客杀死房东!凶手被控二级谋杀!死者为Walkley驾照考试中心考官悼念Said Kasbary,是个人情味很浓的人!多年来,我的学生遇到他,罕有不过。希望他在天堂中开心、希望他的家人,能尽快从痛苦中摆脱。
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