加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车Vancouver 现在是否允许用GPS?
Vancouver 现在是否允许用GPS?
回复: Vancouver 现在是否允许用GPS?难道现在不能用吗?
回复: Vancouver 现在是否允许用GPS?不能用gps难道摊着地图开车?
回复: Vancouver 现在是否允许用GPS?据说所有电子设备开车时都不能用,包括GPS, 我也觉得特不方便,问一问到底怎样?
回复: Vancouver 现在是否允许用GPS?据说所有电子设备开车时都不能用,包括GPS, 我也觉得特不方便,问一问到底怎样?点击展开...谁说的问谁去
回复: Vancouver 现在是否允许用GPS?据说所有电子设备开车时都不能用,包括GPS, 我也觉得特不方便,问一问到底怎样?点击展开...那意思是听音乐也违规了?
喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?据说所有电子设备开车时都不能用,包括GPS, 我也觉得特不方便,问一问到底怎样?点击展开...道听途说是不对的。禁止的只是使用手持设备。手机上的gps还是可以用,但是必须有个卡座,而且在开车过程中使用gps也是违法的,不管是车载的,后来配的,还是手机上的。
回复: Vancouver 现在是否允许用GPS?http://www.drivecellsafe.com/docs/bannedandpermitteddevices.pdf from icbc site.A person may use a Global Positioning System (GPS) for navigation purposes whiledriving if:• It is programmed before the person begins to drive or operate the vehicle; or• It can be programmed in a voice-activated manner, and• If it is a hand-held GPS device, it must not be held in the hand; and• It must be securely fixed to the motor vehicle in a manner that does notobstruct the person’s view of the front or sides of the motor vehicle orinterfere with the safety or operating equipment of the vehicle.
回复: Vancouver 现在是否允许用GPS?(针对司机):必须固定在车上,不能拿在手上。必须提前设定好,驾驶中不能操作。GPS就ok。
回复: Vancouver 现在是否允许用GPS?只要在开车过程中不操做GPS就可以了
回复: Vancouver 现在是否允许用GPS?http://www.drivecellsafe.com/docs/bannedandpermitteddevices.pdf from icbc site.A person may use a Global Positioning System (GPS) for navigation purposes whiledriving if:• It is programmed before the person begins to drive or operate the vehicle; or• It can be programmed in a voice-activated manner, and• If it is a hand-held GPS device, it must not be held in the hand; and• It must be securely fixed to the motor vehicle in a manner that does notobstruct the person’s view of the front or sides of the motor vehicle orinterfere with the safety or operating equipment of the vehicle.点击展开... Thank you, now it is clear.
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