加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车汽车保险费是由哪些因素来计算出来的?(转贴)


How Car Insurance Premiums are CalculatedCar insurance premiums, like all insurance premiums, are determined based on risk. That is, how likely it is that a customer and a group of customers with the same set of circumstances will make a claim, and how much those claims will likely cost. Actuaries (those with mathematical training in the principle of large numbers and the theory of probability) must also predict how much it will cost to settle these claims, the company’s overhead, selling costs, industry taxes and the amount that must go into reserve funds to cope with catastrophes. Some of the factors used to determine auto insurance premiums include:Where you live. If you live in a bustling city, for example, accidents and vehicle theft are more likely, which may translate into higher premiums.The type of vehicle you drive. Newer, more expensive vehicles cost more to replace, so they are more expensive to insure. In determining your vehicle’s risk and expected claim severity, your insurance company may rely to some degree on IBC’s Canadian Loss Experience Automobile Rating Clear。(见2楼)How you use your car. The more time a car spends on the road, the higher the chance of an accident. That means higher premiums if you drive a lot, you drive long distances or you drive to work everyday.Your driving record. Your driving record has a big impact on the premiums you pay. For example, a long driving history with no accidents can help keep your premiums down, and every accident where you're at-fault (见3楼)may push your premiums up. Speeding tickets and other moving violations may also increase your premiums, but parking tickets will not.Your statistical group. Depending on what province you live in, your insurer may consider the claims history of the group to which you belong as a driver for example, the group of drivers of the same age and in the same geographic location. If you belong to a group that is more likely to make claims, your premiums may be higher.Because insurers consider a policyholder’s individual history in combination with that of his/her group, there is no one-size-fits-all method of determining premiums. Therefore, it is not the case that all 30-year-olds driving Fords and living in downtown Calgary pay the same amount for their car insurance. If the factors listed above weren’t considered, lower-risk policyholders would be subsidizing the higher-risk ones.Other factorsIn the highly competitive field of insurance, prices are also affected by the interplay of market forces, government regulations, taxes at many levels, discounts and unpredictable catastrophic events.

CLEAR - Canadian Loss Experience Automobile RatingWhat is CLEAR? There are a number of factors used to determine how much your auto insurance will cost, including, for example, where you live, your driving record and the type of car you drive. To determine what effect the specific type of car you drive will have on your insurance premiums, insurers use the Canadian Loss Experience Automobile Rating (CLEAR) system to assess how likely it is that that type of car will be involved in a claim, and what that claim is likely to cost. Based on insurance claims data, CLEAR offers an accurate and credible assessment of the expected and actual claims loss experience for each make, model and model-year of car. Simply put, every model of car and light truck for every model-year is grouped according to assessed risk ? expected claims frequency and cost, and the likelihood the vehicle will be stolen. The higher the CLEAR number, the higher the risk.The concept behind the CLEAR system is simple: Lower Claims Risk = Lower RatesHigher Claims Risk = Higher RatesBefore CLEARPreviously, insurers had only the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) and some very basic information about vehicle damageability and repairability to assess the type of car when determining premiums. That is, vehicles with similar MSRPs would be classified into the same rate group and result in equivalent insurance premiums. Generally, the greater a vehicle’s MSRP, the higher the premium charged.The MSRP-based rating system resulted in a number of inequities, because it ignored facts such as:Most Collision claims result in repair rather than replacement of the vehicle, and vehicle price is not the only predictor of repair costs.The added costs of features like anti-lock brakes, airbags, and theft deterrent systems, which lower the likelihood of claims and/or claim costs, shouldn’t necessarily result in higher premiums.Vehicle price, by itself, is not always the best predictor of either claim frequency (i.e., likelihood of being involved in a claim), or severity (i.e., average claim cost).Vehicles do not all depreciate at the same rate.Vehicles may exhibit different track records for different types of claims.Why CLEAR is good and fairCLEAR allows vehicle insurers to predict future claims more accurately and fairly and reward vehicle owners for buying vehicles that experience fewer claims and smaller losses.One vehicle, for example, may have anti-lock brakes, dual airbags, side-impact door reinforcements, anti-theft devices and premium tires. Of course, such a car will cost more than a similar vehicle with fewer loss-prevention features. But, it would be unfair to charge a higher insurance premium for the vehicle that is better designed and equipped.The CLEAR system has the support of both insurance regulators and consumer associations. By rewarding consumers for buying vehicles that are less likely to incur insurance losses, the CLEAR system also serves to encourage manufacturers to build vehicles that are safer, less expensive to repair, and less likely to be stolen. Data sources and adjustmentsCLEAR uses insurance claims data to accurately and credibly reflect the expected and actual claims experience of each make, model and model-year of vehicle. All rate groups are updated annually to reflect such factors as aging and experiential changes.The data are provided by IBC, le Groupement des assureurs automobiles (GAA), the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC), the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation (MPIC), Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI), and Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ). After being checked for consistency, the data are normalized (i.e., mathematically adjusted) to eliminate influences that are not directly linked to the vehicles. Information about vehicle characteristics is obtained directly from automobile manufacturers and importers.

at-faultFault determination rules In Quebec, New Brunswick and Ontario, charts or rules are used to determine fault or responsibility for Direct Compensation ? Property Damage claims, but not for injury claims in cases of car collisions. In some other jurisdictions, insurers use inter-company "settlement" charts for handling claims against each other; these are not legally binding on the policyholder, however.The circumstances of a collision may show that more than one driver was negligent. Each driver's insurance company may then become involved in the settlement based on the degree of responsibility attributed to each person. If there is a dispute about responsibility, court action may be required to resolve it.


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回复: 汽车保险费是由哪些因素来计算出来的?(转贴)太复杂了,用中文解释一下问什么大多地区的保险特别高吧。

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake 超赞 赏 oO大家拿Oo 0$(VIP 0) 7762010-05-30#7 回复: 汽车保险费是由哪些因素来计算出来的?(转贴)有用啊,帮顶! 这可是我第一个帖子!献给楼主了!

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