加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车学车教规书的英文,谁帮翻译一下。谢谢
1.vehicles facing a flashing green arrow and a red light may turn in the direction of thee arrow without stopping,搞不懂为什么闪烁绿灯就行了,干嘛还要搭配个红灯呢?而且还有句英文是a flashing green arrow light may be used in conjuncton with a steady green light.“闪烁的绿色箭头灯也许会和一直亮的绿灯一起用”.只亮一个绿色的知道让走就行下了,干嘛又的两个一起配合呢?是不是画足添蛇呀? 2.什么意思这句英文white lines may also designate the shoulder portion of the roadway. 3.donn't travel over a painted island or use in passing.,那这个岛型是停车带吗?会在高速上出现吗?
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