加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车美国costco换胎归来
赶上打折,michelin的胎4条含税才558美金,不错。回来看了看人家给的NOTES,还有点事情不明白:1. 给了一张michelin的明信片,看样子是要填好后邮寄到指定地址,注册成为他们的用户,以后有召回的时候会收到通知。还没想好是不是要填。2. 下面这段话是不是说最好回costco去给车胎加氮气?这个服务收费么?还有什么地方可以加?“Tires inflated with nitrogen. Nitrogen stabilizes a tires inflation pressure more efficiently than regular air. If needed, air and Nitrogen may be mixed; return to any Costco afterward for purge and refill to the proper Nitrogen purity level.”3. 下面这段话没看明白,要我回去检查lug studs/nuts?这是什么,<25M是什么意思?“LUG STUDS/NUTS CONTAINED A HUGE AMOUNT OF ANTISIEZE; CLEANED W/ WIRE BRUSH/BRAKE CLEANER. RECOMMEND RETURNING TO ANY US/CANADA COSTCO FOR LUG NUT TQ CHECK < 25M.”哪位明白人请不吝赐教,多谢了!
圣经学习中,请多多指教!求购像这样的儿童乐高玩具 超赞 赏 E ESL Level 1 Student 0$(VIP 0) 262010-11-10#2 回复: 美国costco换胎归来it should spell "antiseize" not " antisieze".... TQ is the shorthand of "torque" is it "25 N•M" or "25 M"??? it supposed to be the amount of torque which should be applied to the nuts when tightening...
Nobody Is Perfect, I Am Nobody... 超赞 赏 山 山风 0$(VIP 0) 3212010-11-13#3 回复: 美国costco换胎归来美国的扭矩单位应该是:lb*ft. 螺栓/螺母上的防咬死剂抹得太多? 英文录入是否有问题,最好上照片。
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·生活百科 那里有什么Goodwe技术吗?