加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车咨询混合动力车



2014.02.21 入籍申请签收2014.03.28 IP2014.06.23 RQ (06.30 收到)-> 2014.08.05 寄出RQ -> 2014.08.06 RQ签收2014.08.26 考试信(08.29收到)-> 2014.09.12 考试2015.06.30 收到唱歌信 -> 2015.07.16 宣誓入籍 超赞 赏 S seesea 0$(VIP 0) 2632010-11-17#2 回复: 咨询混合动力车There are quite a few Hybrid cars on the market. For Honda, there's Insight and CR-Z Insight is a hatchback, 5 doors CR-Z is a sporty hybrid, 2 seats only

回复: 咨询混合动力车There are quite a few Hybrid cars on the market. For Honda, there's Insight and CR-Z Insight is a hatchback, 5 doors CR-Z is a sporty hybrid, 2 seats only点击展开...说是安省有rebate,能仔细讲讲这个相关的政策么?谢谢

2014.02.21 入籍申请签收2014.03.28 IP2014.06.23 RQ (06.30 收到)-> 2014.08.05 寄出RQ -> 2014.08.06 RQ签收2014.08.26 考试信(08.29收到)-> 2014.09.12 考试2015.06.30 收到唱歌信 -> 2015.07.16 宣誓入籍 超赞 赏 S seesea 0$(VIP 0) 2632010-11-18#4 回复: 咨询混合动力车Did you know that if you purchase or lease a vehicle that operates on alternative fuels, you may qualify for a rebate? People who purchase or lease new or used vehicles licensed under the Highway Traffic Act (e.g., automobiles, buses, trucks, and vans) may qualify for a rebate of retail sales tax (RST) if the vehicles operate or are converted to operate on an alternative fuel.How much is the rebate?A rebate of the 8% RST paid on vehicles powered by alternative fuels, including RST paid on any conversion costs, is limited to:$750 for propane vehicles$1,000 for vehicles powered by any other alternative fuel$1,000 for HEVs delivered to purchasers after May 9, 2001 and before March 24, 2006$2,000 for HEVs delivered to purchasers after March 23, 2006 and before April 1, 2012.The rebate dollar limits do not apply to buses.Are there time limits to qualify?A vehicle that is converted after purchase may also qualify for a rebate of RST (including the TFFC). To qualify for a rebate, the vehicle must be converted within 180 days from the date it was purchased.Rebate applications must be received within four years from the date the RST was paid.Who can apply for the rebate? People who purchase or lease new or used vehicles licensed under the Highway Traffic Act (e.g., automobiles, buses, trucks, and vans) may qualify for a rebate of RST if the vehicles operate or are converted to operate:exclusively on electrical energyexclusively on propane, natural gas, ethanol, methanol, or other manufactured gases; oras dual-powered vehicles (vehicles that use one of the alternative fuels mentioned above and that can also be powered by gasoline or diesel fuel).Who cannot apply for the rebate?A rebate is not available on vehicles using a mixture of an alternative fuel and gasoline or diesel fuel. The RST paid when an extended service contract or warranty is purchased is also not rebated.How do I apply for the rebate? To claim your rebate, you need to complete the RST Application for Rebate - Vehicles Powered by Alternative Fuels, and then return it signed with the required documents to:Ministry of RevenueRetail Sales TaxPO Box 646Oshawa ON L1H 8X2

回复: 咨询混合动力车that's the most I could find

回复: 咨询混合动力车that's the most I could find点击展开...辛苦了。谢谢

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