加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车请教!有人从美国买过二手车的吗?
回复: 请教!有人从美国买过二手车的吗?自己开过去不就行了?不过听说美国车速度盘是mile+km, 加拿大是km, 要叫你换的。
卷雪重来如题.从美国买二手车如何办理到加拿大?有什么手续?请教坛子里的高人指点.点击展开... I don't know why you want to do this, but what I can tell you right now is, it's not worth it. You are going to pay tax in Canada, and a lot of other fees, so, if you are going to get a $50,000+ car, then go for it, if not, just buy one in Canada. The more expensive the car is, the better the deal will be. I drove my car from US to Canada, and did all the paperwork by myself, it's not too hard, but usually people pay for brokers to do these. So, that's some extra cost you might want to consider.
回复: 请教!有人从美国买过二手车的吗?网络上有专门教你怎么运车来加拿大的。 差价大的好车比较值得这样折腾。
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