加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车这车怎么样?:2007 dodge caliber自动档加95%新雪胎=$8000+8%tax
卖车,2007 dodge caliber自动档加95%新雪胎=$8000+8%tax卖车,dodge caliber 2007, 自动档,橙色(是dodge caliber最popular的颜色,男女都适合),我是从montreal的知名二手车行autoprix买的,autoprix专门收lease收回的状态很好的车,我2009年秋天买的,很少开,到现在也就6万多公里,买的时候$9900+税(有deed of sale为证,所有的买卖文档都保存很好,可看到当时的价钱,里程数),另外我买了4个雪胎,只用了一个冬天,95%新,因为车的轮胎大,所以雪胎比regular sized的贵,当时花了800多买雪胎,现在车+雪胎一起卖8000,一口价,不划价,另外买方学要负担8%的税8%税就直接无视了!
回复: 这车怎么样?:2007 dodge caliber自动档加95%新雪胎=$8000+8%taxI have to say, it's a good deal for buyer.
回复: 这车怎么样?:2007 dodge caliber自动档加95%新雪胎=$8000+8%tax车是挺新的,公里数也不高;不过这车买回来以后再转手估计是不可能了;KIJIJI上不少07,08的CALIBER在卖,没人买,更不用说年头远点的了。
回复: 这车怎么样?:2007 dodge caliber自动档加95%新雪胎=$8000+8%tax车是挺新的,公里数也不高;不过这车买回来以后再转手估计是不可能了;KIJIJI上不少07,08的CALIBER在卖,没人买,更不用说年头远点的了。点击展开...为什么呢?九几年的日本车不是都在卖吗?好车你位什么卖啊?这车新车也就一万三四啊?8000是不是有点贵了?
印刷小业主,名片,海报,宣传单,菜单,无碳复写联单,各类画册,书刊,室内招贴、装饰画。夏季特价,全彩名片20元1000张!多伦多最低价!!!为什么呢?九几年的日本车不是都在卖吗?好车你位什么卖啊?这车新车也就一万三四啊?8000是不是有点贵了?点击展开... you can't really compare an used Jap car to an used US car the second one is almost garbage when it hits 10 yrs
回复: 这车怎么样?:2007 dodge caliber自动档加95%新雪胎=$8000+8%tax车是挺新的,公里数也不高;不过这车买回来以后再转手估计是不可能了;KIJIJI上不少07,08的CALIBER在卖,没人买,更不用说年头远点的了。点击展开... 能说说为什么这车不好卖吗,我觉挺好的车阿
回复: 这车怎么样?:2007 dodge caliber自动档加95%新雪胎=$8000+8%taxyou can't really compare an used Jap car to an used US car the second one is almost garbage when it hits 10 yrs点击展开... 请教,为什么10年以上的美国车就是垃圾?
不知道签些啥子,所以就签了这个请教,为什么10年以上的美国车就是垃圾?点击展开... 同问。 另:参观我们这里的老牌啤酒厂,几十年前的北美货车保养的超好,每年上街游行呢,几乎成了啤酒厂的标志了。
回复: 这车怎么样?:2007 dodge caliber自动档加95%新雪胎=$8000+8%tax看出来了,说不好的觉得顶楼这车贵了是不?6000多我就买一个,还是觉得这车形状好看
回复: 这车怎么样?:2007 dodge caliber自动档加95%新雪胎=$8000+8%tax请教,为什么10年以上的美国车就是垃圾?点击展开... mainly b/c it's not drivable. b/c of the way they were built in the first place, cheap and rough
回复: 这车怎么样?:2007 dodge caliber自动档加95%新雪胎=$8000+8%tax同问。 另:参观我们这里的老牌啤酒厂,几十年前的北美货车保养的超好,每年上街游行呢,几乎成了啤酒厂的标志了。点击展开... lol first thing first, are you sure they haven't changed the engine and transmission and almost everything in those cars? How do you know that what you have seen was not just the shell? secondly, do you know how many times a year those antiques get driven? it might be good for a 10km ride every year, try 100km, try 100km everyday. thirdly, do you have any idea how much it will cost you to take care of them? the value in Jap cars is not just that they are reliable, but also the cost on maintenance and the cost on parts in case it does break down.
回复: 这车怎么样?:2007 dodge caliber自动档加95%新雪胎=$8000+8%taxlol first thing first, are you sure they haven't changed the engine and transmission and almost everything in those cars? How do you know that what you have seen was not just the shell? secondly, do you know how many times a year those antiques get driven? it might be good for a 10km ride every year, try 100km, try 100km everyday. thirdly, do you have any idea how much it will cost you to take care of them? the value in Jap cars is not just that they are reliable, but also the cost on maintenance and the cost on parts in case it does break down.点击展开... 你还挺较真,哈哈。 你去问问你们公司的老修理工,2002年以前的奥德赛是不是变速箱比较容易坏。
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