加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车Ontario 大多伦多地区二手车的车价是不是比美国midwest 地区便宜啊?
I am living in Ohio now. I just checked the autotrader.ca for Ford vehicles, and I found that the car price for used car cheaper than that in my region. Is it true. Because, one of my friends in Canada told me that the used car in US is cheaper than that in Canada.Also, I learned that the used car sold in Canada mostly has the mileage less than 200,000 km. However, it is very common to find a used car which has more than 200,000 km.My another question: The used car which has more than 200K km mileage has no or much less market value in Canada?
回复: Ontario 大多伦多地区二手车的车价是不是比美国midwest 地区便宜啊?一般来说美国要便宜,车况也也要好一些。你既然能查两地的车的价格,应该可以自己对比了。
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