加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车请教国际驾照问题
回复: 请教国际驾照问题安省规定在你未获得安省驾照,可以用其他国家,如中国驾照开车60天。国际驾照也应该是一样对待。
回复: 请教国际驾照问题于教练,请教问题一下。加拿大救护车司机需要什么驾照?需要通过什么特殊培训考试?除了驾照外,还需要什么医学培训?多谢
回复: 请教国际驾照问题本人有国内驾照,驾龄11年,将于近期登陆。考虑登陆初期的需要,在美国办理了国际驾照,但不知加拿大是否认可国际驾照?如果认可,可以使用多久?谢谢知道的大侠指导!点击展开...你让美国鬼子骗了。
暂住 vancouver于教练,请教问题一下。加拿大救护车司机需要什么驾照?需要通过什么特殊培训考试?除了驾照外,还需要什么医学培训?多谢点击展开...
回复: 请教国际驾照问题安省规定在你未获得安省驾照,可以用其他国家,如中国驾照开车60天。国际驾照也应该是一样对待。点击展开...谢谢于教练!我在春节已经登陆过了,不知国内的驾照还可以使用吗?
回复: 请教国际驾照问题多谢于教练哈。
回复: 请教国际驾照问题那就意味着你已经超过60天,就不可以继续用国内驾照独立开车。可以把国内驾照翻译公证后,不用等待,尽快考G1,然后考出G2就可以了。谢谢于教练!我在春节已经登陆过了,不知国内的驾照还可以使用吗?点击展开...
回复: 请教国际驾照问题于教练,本人国内驾龄6年,安全行车8W公里,请问我考完G1,直接考G能行吗?大概正常要练多少小时?
2009.2 魁省FN,2010.2补料一,2010.5补料二,2010.8免面,2010,10 CSQ,2010.11联邦FN,2011.6ME,2011.9PL,2011.10.12 CIC签收,2011.11.01收到LP,2012.3.17登陆CANADA.2013.3.28 定居CALGARY(全家团聚)... 超赞 赏 H huang.janne 0$(VIP 0) 152011-05-30#10 回复: 请教国际驾照问题于教练,我想问我们的加拿大驾照能在其他欧美国家开吗?(如果我们去那里旅行的话)
回复: 请教国际驾照问题加拿大驾照是可以在欧洲大部分国家开车的,有的应该要求有国际驾照,但是在租车是也不要求你出示国际驾照。以下是英文解答: Driver's Licenses and International Driving Permits: Your Canadian driver's license is all you need in most European countries, but some countries also require you to have an International Driving Permit (IDP), which provides a translation of your license making it easier for the cop to write out the ticket. You can get an IDP at your local Canadian Automobile Association office ($15 plus the cost of two passport-type photos). Exactly where you need an IDP depends on who you talk to. People who sell them say you should have them almost everywhere. People who rent cars say you need them almost nowhere (though in some countries such as Spain and Italy it's possible you may be asked to show the permit to pick up your car). People who drive rental cars say the IDP is overrated, but can come in handy as a complement to your passport and driver's license. Those driving in Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, and Spain are technically required to carry a permit and could be fined if found without one. While that's the letter of the law, I've rented cars in dozens of countries without an IDP and have never been asked to show one. Even if you have an IDP, remember that you must carry your American or Canadian driver's license as well.于教练,我想问我们的加拿大驾照能在其他欧美国家开吗?(如果我们去那里旅行的话)点击展开...
回复: 请教国际驾照问题Got it! Thanks a lot!
回复: 请教国际驾照问题International driving permitsTo be eligible for an International Driving Permit you must be at least 18, have a Canadian home address and a valid driver’s licence. Apply directly to BCAA to get your permit. Please note: ICBC does not issue International Driving Permits. Contact BCAA directly to apply for yours.A Canadian International Driving Permit is a translation of your current valid licence and when accompanied by that licence legally allows you to drive for up to one year in other countries. These permits are not valid in all countries, so check with BCAAbefore you travel. 1.国际驾照是你有效驾照的译本。2.在认可国际驾照的国家,它的有效期是1年。3.你必须带着你的有效驾照,国际驾照只是证明你有效驾照的文件。
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