加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车请教一下各位关于卖家非要走ebay卖车的问题
最近看到buysell上有几部性价比极高的二手车,比如06年得Acura TL,28000KM,卖6000,或者99年得BMW540i 11万KM,卖5000之类。很奇怪,因为这些车随便找一个dealer卖的价格都会比现在的价格高很多,而且简单。于是尝试性的联系了几个卖主,除了性价比低的几个跟我说可以见面交易外,性价比高的不是在英国工作,就是在罗马当兵,又或者是飞行员,经常不在本地。。。然后在罗马当兵的告诉我他们军队可以免费送货,但是要走ebay卖车流程;当飞行员的也说要走ebay,说那样对买卖双方都好;在英国工作那个更有疑点,因为我室友看上的另一部车貌似也是他的,他说他现在在英国,车他运到了安大略的thunder bay,如果我要他能给我免费送货至我家,然后我看的另一部车也是如此情况,也在thunder bay,也能免费送货,巧的是那个车主也在英国工作。。。我下面会黏贴几份他们的邮件,请大家帮我分析一下,小弟先谢谢大家了!第一份,06年Acura TL,28000KM 1、I apologize for the delay, My time is limited due to my job in the army, my regiment has been deployed to another base in Rome, It and in three weeks I will be in Iraq and I think I'll stay there for a while that's why I'm selling it so cheap. I intend to buy a new car when I'll get back home. The car is available. Here is the car info:Body type: SedanEngine: 6 - Cyl. Cylinder Exterior color: WhiteTransmission: AutomaticFuel type: Gasoline2、Thanks for getting back to me The car is in very good condition, good engine, no accidents and have all papers ok . As I've told you in my first email, I'm in Rome as much as I'd like to meet you and close the deal in person or sell it locally, this is impossible for me. That's why I have decided to sell the car over the Internet. Before leaving CA I drove my car at the military base because from there the car can be sent back to my house free, this is military benefit. Since I have this huge advantage I will let them know to have it sent directly to your home address for free, the vehicle will arrive at the nearest military airport terminal from your location and after that it will be send with a trailer to your door and all the shipping process will not take more than 2-3 days, depending on your exact location. The car will be delivered with the title, owner's manual, 2 sets of keys, service records, and of course the bill of sale authorized and signed by me. As for the payment I want the deal closed only through eBay's Vehicle Purchase Protection Program, and it is designed for vehicle transactions. Using eBay, the transaction will be fully protected by them, you will receive the car before I'll get paid. According with eBay you have 5 days from the time you receive the car to inspect it and decide if you want to keep it or not. If, by any reason, the car is not as described, or if you find any problems with it, I will pay for the returning fees. I'm sure it won't be the case because it's a state of art vehicle inside and out. Basically, it's similar to buying a car locally, no funds exchange hands until you inspect/test the car. If you wish to proceed with the purchase, please provide me your full name and shipping address so I can reserve the car for you and register the transaction with eBay and they will contact you with all the instructions step by step on how to complete the transaction. 3、Ok here is the info 2006 Acura TL , 28,000 kms $6000. If you are decided to buy please reply me with your full name and shipping address.4、Its a TL Tech PKG $ 4door sedan you don't need to repair anything at the car you will have those days to test it if anything is not as i am saying you will send the car back and you will be refunded. But i can assure you that won't be the case. You will love YOUR Acura. Give me your full name and shipping address and you will receive the rest of the details. Thank you第二封,来自02年Acura TL 18W KM售价3000Hi there,Thank you for the question.I'm Velva and I reply you with my 2002 Acura TL which has 176,543 original kms, runs and drives excellent. This car has been extremely well maintained with a full service history. It's in perfect condition without any mechanical problems, with no damages or hidden defects, no need for additional repairs, clear title without any accidents. I have all the car's manuals, all the documents and papers. I have dropped my price to $3,000.00 CA (purchase price) since this is an urgent sale because I am a Flight Attendant and I don't have time to sell it particularly and I have listed the vehicle on several locations as I wanted to attract more interested buyers. I sell it so cheap because I don't need it anymore, i'm always gone. To conclude this deal in a timely manner, the financial part will be managed by the eBay . They are acting like a third party in our deal. Which means that you will have 7 days inspection period before committing to buy the vehicle. In this way both, buyer and seller are 100% covered during the steps of this transaction. If you're interested to conclude this purchase in a timely manner email me your Full Name, Full Home Address and Phone Number to open a case with eBay and they will contact you to explain the entire procedure.Thanks, PS. Sorry for the long email I have tried to touch all bases.第三封,99年的BMW 540i,里程记得好像是11W,售价4000 Hi, The vehicle is still available for sale, price as stated in the ad $4000.It's in perfect working order, no wear and tear, no scratches, it wasn't involved in any accidents.I moved to the United Kingdom with my work but I left the vehicle at a shipping company in Thunder Bay, Ontario.All shipping costs and insurance during transportation are included in the price, I won a promotion(1 free shipping).You will also receive all necessary documents in order to finalize the purchase.Email me back if you're interested and have further questions.Thanks我运气那么好?随便找了几个卖家都在外国?碰巧就都要便宜卖车?他们为什么不找dealer或者开个更高更不可疑的价格,其实肯定也很好卖啊?小弟在国内也是淘宝之类的常客,在国内知道走淘宝的确比较安全,因为需要我确认后支付宝才会打款,但是这边的Ebay好像有点不同,因为我上次在canada post office罢工前我在一家ebay买了点手机配件,恰巧碰到罢工,等了快一个月才送到,但是那个钱貌似早就打给卖家了,东西不错而且不贵,所以这笔买卖没啥问题,但是如果是车得话。。。我就会很担心。。。最后还是先谢谢大家,那么长一篇文章,浪费大家时间了,谢谢!
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。 超赞 赏 C CtoC 0$(VIP 0) 2,6412011-07-03#2 回复: 请教一下各位关于卖家非要走ebay卖车的问题别上当,都是骗子
最新2012年7月后中英对照DiscoverCanada加拿大入籍考试指南,与最新官网音频同步http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=592263 超赞 赏 Zero! 0$(VIP 0) 3,7402011-07-03#3 回复: 请教一下各位关于卖家非要走ebay卖车的问题其实不论怎样,你的钱出去了,就没法追回来,你自己考虑清楚了
回复: 请教一下各位关于卖家非要走ebay卖车的问题别上当,都是骗子点击展开...谢谢朋友回复,问题怎么区分卖家是不是骗子呢?这位比较傻价格开得太低,所以我疑惑了,要是下一个聪明一点,开得比平均价略低一点但还没到引起我警戒的地步,我有没有办法鉴别呢?还有就是我对这边的ebay流程不是很懂,有没有需要买家确认的那一步?还是只要卖家发货了钱就打过去了?谢谢!
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。其实不论怎样,你的钱出去了,就没法追回来,你自己考虑清楚了点击展开...谢谢您的提醒。我现在主要对这边的Ebay流程不是很清楚,国内支付宝的确是买家未确认前,钱是不会打到卖家那边的,由支付宝掌管。这边的ebay是不是一样的呢?或者说在我确认东西没问题前,paybal会不会把钱打给卖家呢?如果不会paybal这样的公司倒是还算可信的,否则心里就真没底了。。。
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。谢谢您的提醒。我现在主要对这边的Ebay流程不是很清楚,国内支付宝的确是买家未确认前,钱是不会打到卖家那边的,由支付宝掌管。这边的ebay是不是一样的呢?或者说在我确认东西没问题前,paybal会不会把钱打给卖家呢?如果不会paybal这样的公司倒是还算可信的,否则心里就真没底了。。。点击展开...我跟你说,即使网络时代,有人网络找老婆哦,但这里一般没有人这样去买车。你要买,请便。天下没有便宜的东西。贪心不足,鸟为食亡。
回复: 请教一下各位关于卖家非要走ebay卖车的问题我跟你说,即使网络时代,有人网络找老婆哦,但这里一般没有人这样去买车。你要买,请便。天下没有便宜的东西。贪心不足,鸟为食亡。点击展开...别误会,我来这边就是来听你们的意见的,就是觉得价格太离谱,所以不敢买。谢谢您的警醒,我还是去见面实地看车吧。还有就是,版主,KIJIJI和Buysell两个网站上如果有可以当面验车的卖家,可信不可信?能买么?车行价格都偏贵啊。。。
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。别误会,我来这边就是来听你们的意见的,就是觉得价格太离谱,所以不敢买。谢谢您的警醒,我还是去见面实地看车吧。还有就是,版主,KIJIJI和Buysell两个网站上如果有可以当面验车的卖家,可信不可信?能买么?车行价格都偏贵啊。。。点击展开...用过,记得 kijiji 下面有一句提醒的话:任何交易必须双方面对面进行。
回复: 请教一下各位关于卖家非要走ebay卖车的问题用过,记得 kijiji 下面有一句提醒的话:任何交易必须双方面对面进行。点击展开...好的,谢谢0版主的提醒!非常感谢!
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。好的,谢谢0版主的提醒!非常感谢!点击展开...我不是版主。你相信 2006 Acura TL , 28,000 kms $6000?你有常识么?
回复: 请教一下各位关于卖家非要走ebay卖车的问题我不是版主。你相信 2006 Acura TL , 28,000 kms $6000?你有常识么?点击展开...ok,盟主。鉴于这边诚信度比国内高且高出不少,所以才有一点期望值认为这个车及这个价格可能有一点可能性。虽然常理来说是不可能。另外,不好意思,国内也穷,这边更穷,没钱开acura这种车,所以还真没有这个车价格及市场方面的常识。
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。 超赞 赏 O oops自杀用户 0$(VIP 0) 3,8122011-07-03#12 回复: 请教一下各位关于卖家非要走ebay卖车的问题其实楼主常识是肯定有的,自己已经发现了这么多疑点,无非就是想占便宜的心理放不下而已,像所有上当的人一样,吃亏的唯一原因就是像占便宜和贪心。
回复: 请教一下各位关于卖家非要走ebay卖车的问题这骗术还在用?
回复: 请教一下各位关于卖家非要走ebay卖车的问题其实楼主常识是肯定有的,自己已经发现了这么多疑点,无非就是想占便宜的心理放不下而已,像所有上当的人一样,吃亏的唯一原因就是像占便宜和贪心。点击展开...这话其实没错,看到这个价位的这个车的确会有点奢望。没办法,关键还是没钱却又有点想法。
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。这骗术还在用?点击展开...恩,我之前还真在琢磨在国内要是走淘宝的东西基本还比较可信,毕竟有支付宝在那边守着,我国内笔记本单反相机还真都是走淘宝的,而且也没影响保修什么的。大概北美这边paybal跟支付宝概念不同?可靠度没那么高吧,这点的确是我不了解的。谢谢回复。
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。呵呵,这边有很多阿拉伯人,南美人,非洲人,东欧人和中国人。点击展开...是,您说的对,再次感谢你的箴言。
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。 超赞 赏 CAN11 0$(VIP 0) 1,2172011-07-03#18 回复: 请教一下各位关于卖家非要走ebay卖车的问题楼上那么多回帖,没人解答楼主最根本的问题paypal跟支付宝完全不同,没有第三方担保,付款都是实时的,楼主死心了吗?
回复: 请教一下各位关于卖家非要走ebay卖车的问题不知道卖方是否能提供carproof之类的东西。当然最好还是当面交易。车行贵,1是质量有保证;2您可以砍价啊。
回复: 请教一下各位关于卖家非要走ebay卖车的问题楼上那么多回帖,没人解答楼主最根本的问题paypal跟支付宝完全不同,没有第三方担保,付款都是实时的,楼主死心了吗?点击展开...其实我等的就是你这句话。。。哈哈,太感谢了,现在心彻底死了。。。也就是说,ebay上拼的就是人品是么?打一枪就走的可能性还是完全存在的?太感谢了,呵呵
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