加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车如何在安省换车牌
我的经验(July 2, 2011):1. 在 Service Canada 填申请表。2. 文件:a)Original Car title, b)Safety Standard Certificate, c)Vehicle Emission Inspection report (好像没要我的)d)Insurance: 有insurance policy number 就行了, 我只有e-mail printout, 注明effective date是什么时候.e)RIV inspection Form (Canadian Tire 做的), 因为是美国进口车f)Casual Good Accounting Document (进口, 在custom时交付 GST/HST)g)Application fee (Ontario Registration fee+ 8%HST)h)Driver's licenseI)Custom Vehicle Import Form I (yellow color, 进口车)如有疑问:http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/vehicle/rgoutcan.shtml=====================================LICENSING A VEHICLE THAT IS REGISTERED IN ANOTHER JURISDICTION"To Do" ChecklistLicensing Vehicles Registered Out-of-ProvinceCompleted Application for Registration. A Supplementary Application may be also required if the vehicle is registered to two persons or if the plate and vehicle owners are different. Blank applications are available at Driver and Vehicle Licence Issuing Offices (cannot be downloaded from the Internet).The original copy of the vehicle registration permit in your name. If the permit is not in your name, a signed Bill of Sale describing the vehicle fully from the seller to you is also required. If you have a Certificate of Title in your name and wish to keep it, you must provide a legible photocopy of the title with the original. The licence office will view the original title, keep the photocopy and return the original to you at the same time. The ministry does not mail back titles to applicants. Make sure you collect your title before you leave the licence office.A Safety Standards Certificate (SSC) if the vehicle is registered "fit". This Certificate is not required for new, unregistered vehicles or trailers or motor assisted bicycles (mopeds) or vehicles registered "unfit".A Drive Clean Vehicle Emissions Pass Report may be required if the vehicle is being registered as 'fit" in the Drive Clean program area. Current and future model year vehicles are exempt. For more information on the Drive Clean Program, call the Drive Clean Call Centre at 1-888-758-2999 or visit the Drive Clean Website. Note: Motorcycles/motor scooters do not have to pass an emission test.Ontario insurance company's name and policy number if the vehicle is being plated in Ontario.Odometer information for passenger vehicles, light commercial vehicles (3000 kg or less and for personal and business use only) and buses (non prorate). Heavy commercial vehicles, motorcycles, trailers, off-road vehicles, snowmobiles and mopeds are exempt from the odometer information requirement.Vehicles that are purchased privately in another Canadian province and brought into or delivered in Ontario after June 30, 2010 will generally be subject to either Retail Sales Tax (RST) or Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) at 13 percent. If you are becoming an Ontario resident, instead of paying the RST, an exemption declaration may be completed at the time of vehicle registration. For plated motor vehicles that are 20 years or older, the RST is payable on the greater of either one of the following:the purchase pricethe replacement value for insurance purposesthe appraised value of the vehicle.For other RST exemptions, please contact ServiceOntario's Driver and Vehicle Contact Centre at 416-235-2999 or toll free at 1-800-387-3445 (Canada wide).The Ministry of Transportation collects retail sales tax (RST) on behalf of the Retail Sales Tax Branch of the Ministry of Finance. For further information on RST, please contact them.Fees: $20 for licence plates and a vehicle permit. The owner will also be required to buy plate validation from the date of vehicle registration to the assigned validation expiry. Fees will be calculated according to the class of vehicle and declaration(s).Effective January 1, 2005, all personal cheques must be certified unless payment is sent by mail.Proof of identity (name, date of birth and signature) for applicant who has never registered a plate or vehicle with this ministry.Outside Canada - Additional Requirement Customs Clearance Form (Vehicle Import Form 1)
回复: 如何在安省换车牌顶一个~我还以为是换驾照呢~
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