加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车讨论下,收到一张无签字的Parking Ticket
在Highway 7一带收到一张Parking infraction ticket,刚从风档上取下来单子,脑子里嗡~~~~扫一眼,明显这不是多伦多市的黄罚单,很怀疑他有没有这个权利开?后来查了下办公地址开单出处是Markham By-law enforcement & licensing division,开出方的办公地址101 town center blvd.,好象是markham镇政府啊,大概不是乱开的。(还好Parking单是不影响保险的)看了下单子上的信息是 手写 的,准确(i xxx believe from my personal knowledge and certify that on the xxx日期xxx时间XXX在哪里怎么着了),哎,俺要考虑要么交钱要么上庭了。这时候注意到单子正面开出方的签字和日期位置是空白的。他没签。各位大侠,这个单子是不是没生效啊,是不是什么都不需要做。请给俺指点一下,谢谢!显然他是故意没签字,我猜测可能有以下几种情况。(1)很nice一人,只想教育一下我。(2)忘记签字了,这个可能太小了。(3)他不确定我有没有这个位置的parking permit?我车上贴了几个实际是别处的parking permit纸。(4)他想教育所有人,当时停的车可是一串,他给我放张纸没签字的单,我出来一看,边上的车的确吓走了几只。他把所有人全教育了。 讨论讨论,声望送。要是这人真很nice,我考虑打个电话给他道个谢。要是要交,只好去镇政府当面要罚款折扣去了。
如果CA是头牛,我们要用心去理解它、爱护它,要有耐心,要熟练地说牛语,冷静地对牛弹琴,还要记住牛X要适度。 超赞 赏 M Michael Zhang 0$(VIP 0) 9012009-11-24#2 回复: 讨论下,收到一张无签字的Parking Ticket不了解.没签字的算不算.我以前收过多伦多的,但是没注意有签字么.打电话问问.
Nice to meet ya! 超赞 赏 反馈:passport78 bryan bai我爱雾都天安门 0$(VIP 0) 4,4232009-11-24#3 回复: 讨论下,收到一张无签字的Parking Ticket内容很山寨
如果CA是头牛,我们要用心去理解它、爱护它,要有耐心,要熟练地说牛语,冷静地对牛弹琴,还要记住牛X要适度。 超赞 赏 小 小富即安厨子 0$(VIP 0) 4,4822009-12-01#5 回复: 讨论下,收到一张无签字的Parking Ticket路过
回复: 讨论下,收到一张无签字的Parking Ticket我几年前收到过类似的罚单,因为刚来加拿大,不想信用记录受影响,就开了一张支票寄了过去,结果对方一直没有划款。
回复: 讨论下,收到一张无签字的Parking Ticket近来比较忙,刚上来。一周前我拿着票自己去了markham towncenter的Parking office,去他们接待办公室(就是票上面写的登记上庭的那房间).考虑要么给我把票cancel掉要么我就签字准备上法庭。办公室里很正式一老头,估计是个律师,我说“Sir,I got a Parking ticket without officer's signiture.”老头满吃惊,然后拿着票看了半天,又拿强光灯照票,确定确实少签字和ID,点点头,盖了个VOID章在上面,告诉我说没事了。然后票收走,复印了个带日期和他签字的东西给我做纪念。然后和他随便聊了两句,他说要以后还是要遵守规则啊什么什么的。
如果CA是头牛,我们要用心去理解它、爱护它,要有耐心,要熟练地说牛语,冷静地对牛弹琴,还要记住牛X要适度。 超赞 赏 passport78 0$(VIP 0) 1,3292009-12-02#8 回复: 讨论下,收到一张无签字的Parking Ticket以下是一个在Toronto的Parking office上班的伙计告诉的情况,希望对大家有帮助。PARKING TICKET PROCESS1) Once you get that yellow ticket on your windshield (For example $30 ticket), you have exactly 15 days to pay the ticket or go to court.2) Once the ticket has passed 15 days you will be sent a "Notice of IMPENDING Conviction? and the cost of the ticket is still the same ($30). Once you receive that you will have another 15 days to pay the ticket or send it for court. 3) Once the due date has been reached you will then receive a ?Notice of FINE and DUE DATE? which means you have been convicted and it is too late to send to court. At this time they charge you an additional $16 in court fees (Eg. the $30 ticket is now $46). You will now have an additional 30 days to pay for the ticket.a) If you still want to take it to court you have to go see a JP(Justice of the Peace) to reopen the case, in which he may or may not grant a reopening.4) If you ignore that notice and do not pay for your ticket after you have been convicted and after the 30 days, the ticket is then forward to the MTO(Ministry of Transportation) in which they add their charge of $20 (eg. The $30 ticket -> $46-> $66 that is due) When is sent to the ministry you have three optionsa) go to the ministry and pay the fine off as soon as you canb) don?t pay the fine until you need to get your sticker renewed as the ticket will not increase any morec) go to the parking office, request a print out($1/ticket) and then see the JP and request a reopening, which he may or may not grant.5) When it is forwarded to the ministry, it will stay there until you need a sticker renewal for your car, at that time the ministry will ask for any outstanding parking tickets. If for whatever reason you do not need the sticker renewed, after about 2 years it eventually gets forwarded to collections. COURTTo file a court date you have to appear in person to any of the Parking Tag Offices. Grab court document and fill out the former with the owners information. If you don't own the car but got the ticket you still have to put the owners information on top and put your name as the agent at the bottom. Not matter what they will get the notice for court.When filling out the form, the question relating whether you want to challenge the officer's evidence, you should check yes , unless you are pleading guilty. It does not hurt for him to be there, but it may hurt if hes not there as if you challenge his word with a judge and you requested him to not be there then you will lose your case. If you check yes it is always better as if the officer does not show up you automatically win the case.Court dates take anywhere between 6-8 months on average to recieve a court date. I have seen it where people have been waiting for more then 2 years, its just a process, but rest assured its not going away you will evenutally get your court date. Make sure that if you move address after you set the court date to return to the office and change your address as it will not automatically update and you could potentially miss a court date.Once you have set a court date you have up until the day before your trial to return to the office and pay off the ticket without going to court.If you missed your court date, then you will be convicted and charged an additional $12.75 on top of your ticket.If you cannot attend your court then you have upto 10 business days prior to the date to go to the office and file a motion to change the date. If you cannot attend your court then you can send any representative over the age of 16 to attend for you. There is ONLY DAY COURT there is NO night court. SOME FACTS AND MISCONCEPTIONS FACT ? DON?T ignore parking tickets cause they will never go away, they will catch up to you eventually and usually a high price to pay.FACT ? Parking tickets NEVER affect your insuranceFACT ? IF the officer issues you the ticket and doesn?t put it on your windshield, because you drove away, you are still going to get the ticket, it will be sent as a Notice of Impending Conviction, unless the officer decides to cancel it.FACT ? Only a judge can reduce parking tickets, not the parking tag staff.FACT ? Parking tickets can only be cancelled for valid reasons listed in the Cancellation section of this post. No matter how much you think you are innocent, the parking staff cannot cancel your ticket only a judge.VALID REASON TO CANCEL A TICKET AT PARKING OFFICEThese reasons can be used to cancel tickets at the parking office, if the reason is not listed then it cannot be cancelled at the office, GO TO COURT.1) The MAKE of your vehicle is incorrect. For example, it says you own a NISSAN, but really you own an INFINITI . Bring your valid ownership to the parking office and they will cancel it for you.2) Missing Information. If there is any missing information such as PRICE, OFFENCE, OFFICER ID, OFFICER SIGNATURE, then the ticket can be cancelled. 3) HANDICAP sign. If you own a handicap sign you are exempt from certain situations not ALL. You are not exempt from NO PARKING/ NO STOPPING zones, LOADING ZONE. If anyone other then yourself was driving the car without you present. 4) The sticker EXPIRATION DATE stated on the ticket is incorrect, the ticket can be cancelled, bring valid ownership. 5) If you have a GREENP Parking Receipt, valid for the time you received the ticket, your ticket states the following offence then your ticket can be cancelled.a.FAIL TO DISPLAY RECIEPTb.FAIL TO DEPOSIT FEE IN THE MACHINEIf it is any other offence the ticket will NOT be cancelled under any circumstance. For example, NO PARKING/STAND SIGNED PROHIBTED TIMES AND DAY is not a valid cancellation.
如果CA是头牛,我们要用心去理解它、爱护它,要有耐心,要熟练地说牛语,冷静地对牛弹琴,还要记住牛X要适度。 超赞 赏 青 青椒牛柳 0$(VIP 0) 1012009-12-02#9 回复: 讨论下,收到一张无签字的Parking Ticket学习了
回复: 讨论下,收到一张无签字的Parking Ticketparking tickets status 怎么查?
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