加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车被警察送去法庭..求助


下面是事情的经过,大家觉得我是认罪好还是不认罪好?它上面写如果我认罪,那就是500的罚款以及停牌,没具体说多久。可我认为我有excuse,我该如何跟法庭解释?I took a L license this march, and one day when i drive to school, i was driving 94 out of 60 on the lougheed high way (i didn't notice there was a construction zone, and i was following the flow, so I thought the speed was acceptable) . I got cop by the speed trap, then I got 2 tickets which were driving without supervisor and speeding. After a couple of weeks I got a mail from ICBC said my license got prohibit i need to give my license back to ICBC, so i drive my car with my Chinese license after. The other day I was driving safely and a police pulled me over , he told me my license got prohibit and I couldn't drive in this period in BC even though I have my Chinese license, so he gave me a court day and I need to go to the court at the end of this month.I do have a Chinese international driving license which can show I have been driving more than two years. I took this L test because of my dad, he wants me to get through the Canadian system again to make sure I can drive safely in Canada. when I drive my car after I got my L license it's because I had my Chinese license and I didn't really know that after I have my L license I couldn't use my Chinese license anymore, i thought i can use both of them together. So why I still driving after my BC license got prohibit? it's because I think I was lacking of communication with ICBC and my limited English skill made me misunderstand about the prohibit policies. Because the paper said my license was cancelled by ICBC, then I thought I couldn't use my Chinese license because I had a BC license, but if my BC license got cancelled then I can start to use my Chinese license again.

回复: 被警察送去法庭..求助很难打祝你好运

不知道签些啥子,所以就签了这个 超赞 赏 A ATIO认证翻译 0$(VIP 0) 5402011-09-07#3 回复: 被警察送去法庭..求助Good luck ~

回复: 被警察送去法庭..求助楼主一脑袋的浆糊,还觉得自己很有道理。错了就是错了,别找什么理由。更别说你的理由是非常可笑的。

回复: 被警察送去法庭..求助enough! idiot!

人生何处不相逢,与人为善,乐事也! 超赞 赏 H huhoou 0$(VIP 0) 5192011-09-08#6 回复: 被警察送去法庭..求助google后才知道L牌照是学习牌照。很同情你的愚蠢。话难听点,别介意。中国不是联合国道路公约的缔约国,中国根本没有国际驾照。访客中国驾照6个月,居民3个月有效(安省是这样)。“不知道”不能作为借口啊!

2011.1.23 Buffalo,01.28妥投,04.11:RBVO;新址现--2013.4.15 转墨西哥,5月27号补料体检,6.18补料成功,7.20补寄登陆费妥,ME收到,9.10补国外无刑材料,10.24PPR,11.5签收,11.18DM,11.27收到大信封。毕业! 超赞 赏 S sob1976Guest 0$(VIP ) 2011-11-27#7 回复: 被警察送去法庭..求助1) Ignorance of law is not an excuse (there is a legal principle that everybody is presumed to know the law).2) You are likely to be prosecuted for: a) driving without a license, and b) driving without an insurance.3) Your English needs improvement.

回复: 被警察送去法庭..求助google后才知道L牌照是学习牌照。很同情你的愚蠢。话难听点,别介意。中国不是联合国道路公约的缔约国,中国根本没有国际驾照。访客中国驾照6个月,居民3个月有效(安省是这样)。“不知道”不能作为借口啊!点击展开...BC的情况不知道,安省,一旦你考了G1之后,你的中国国际驾照就不能用了(我们想用中国国际驾照租车时被告知的,当时我记得我也在交规中看到过这条规定,具体不是太记得了)。

登陆Toronto四年,生活还是有不少起色的,目前拿到了电工证了 超赞 赏 tbg 0$(VIP 0) 1612011-11-30#9 回复: 被警察送去法庭..求助你把拿理由跟法官讲讲,看他同意不同意,呵呵。。。

回复: 被警察送去法庭..求助我不知道,祝你好运吧

回复: 被警察送去法庭..求助两国驾照一起混用肯定是不行的, 但关于“访客”和“居民”的区别还是很多人搞不懂? 这“访客”的三个月有效期,到底是根据身份来算,还是根据入境时间来算的呢? 因为很多“短登”过的移民再次来加都会为这件事情烦心, 理论上他们早过了“居民”的三个月有效期了, 但护照上又证明他们在“访客”的三个月有效期内, 据一位大侠说,给警察看中国驾照和中国护照即可! 不要出示枫叶卡,就算是“访客”了! 不知道有没有砖家来拍个砖啊?

从不到6%的样本中,居然得出100%的结论!能得出如此“驴唇不对马嘴”结果的神奇人物是谁? 超赞 赏 B bcllr 0$(VIP 0) 222011-12-02#12 回复: 被警察送去法庭..求助it is actually against the law to hold two licenses at the same time...maybe you can explain to the judge that you are new here and having language barrier...anyway,,good luck

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