加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车[多伦多以西]转让2000 Acura TL-V6安全豪华舒适耐用,获安检证书和尾气检测
准备去别处发展,忍痛割让爱车,正式开卖! 这是一台12岁的、保养较好、容易维护的本田高级车,我心仪的好友。此车已获得政府汽车标准安全测试合格证书和优秀的的尾气排放结果报告,E-Test Pass and with Safety Standard Inspection Certificate。提供无事故记录和政府的UVIP报告,拥有令人满意的安全得分,一台日本豪华车同样能帮您节省昂贵的保险费。现寻觅爱车之买主,包过户底价$3,200加币(不包本属于买家自己应当承担的费用,如HST税、上牌费等)。 联系电话:647-648-5988 过户日期可安排在9月10-14日之间,多伦多以西、密市和奥克威尔的朋友可更方便地安排看车。#9楼有更多的最新照片和细节信息,谢谢各位朋友的捧场。
回复: 转让一台2000 Acura TL-V6 实用耐用而安全的豪华车pm我价格吧,价格如果自己都觉得高,就不要pm了。
回复: 转让一台2000 Acura TL-V6 实用耐用而安全的豪华车pm我价格吧,价格如果自己都觉得高,就不要pm了。点击展开... 感谢各位关心此车的朋友。我想给大家说明一点,虽然广告登出,可这台车依旧是我日常工作生活代步爱车,我本人开的这些年头里没有事故,汽车没有行驶安全问题。
回复: 转让一台2000 Acura TL-V6 实用耐用而安全的豪华车若照片无法显示,请访问加拿大华人论坛: http://car./used/showsecondhand.aspx?id=8550
回复: 转让一台2000 Acura TL-V6 实用耐用而安全的豪华车才3000块的车子而已,楼主辛苦了。
回复: 转让一台2000 Acura TL-V6 实用耐用而安全的豪华车很有专业精神的车主。
回复: 转让一台2000 Acura TL-V6 实用耐用而安全的豪华车谢谢楼上两位朋友鼓励!本人是骨髓级的车迷,对这台车确实有感情有感觉,要去外地,所以不得不转让。
Acura 2000 TL高端本田好车寻懂车懂生活得的买家更多的照片和细节信息,请参见后面的回复,谢谢各位朋友的捧场。以下为细节介绍和安全参考。
Acura 2000 TL高端本田好车寻懂车懂生活得的买家此车已获得政府汽车标准安全测试合格证书和优秀的的尾气排放结果报告,E-Test Pass and with Safety Standard Inspection Certificate。提供无事故记录和政府的UVIP报告,拥有令人满意的安全得分,一台日本豪华车同样能帮您节省昂贵的保险费。找爱车之买主,包过户底价$3,200加币(不包本属于买家自己应当承担的费用,如HST税、上牌费等)。 联系电话:647-648-5988 过户日期可安排在9月10-14日之间。 若照片无法显示,请访问加拿大华人论坛:http://car./used/showsecondhand.aspx?id=8550Overall Review 综述:2000 Acura TL - Fully Loaded - USA made Mid-size Japanese Safe Executive Luxury Car. 车名:2000 本田极品 / 讴歌 / 阿库拉 TL - 顶配 中型日本高级行政房车, 美国制造A well maintained powerful engine brings quick acceleration and driving pleasure with fuel efficient among the class.Always EASY Pass Drive Clean Emission Tests with EXCELLENT result.Efficient Climate Control Cool / Heat Air-conditioner with rear seats vent / HVAC;Other Pros like its reliability, power, feul efficiency, quietness and smooth-running performance, still feels young;Comfortable Leather Seats great for daily business / work / student / romantic activities; Ideal Large trunk great for going shopping, golfing and touring.动力强劲,维护好、加速快、效率高、尾气清洁,同级别房车中突出的驾驶乐趣。自动气候控制冷/暖空调,状态良好并带后排出风口。行使如新车般平顺安静、高速稳健、底盘扎实、安全耐用。舒适的真皮座椅适合日常学习,或带给您惬意的上下班之旅,宽大的行李箱适合购物、旅行或高尔夫。Safety Review 安全:Dual Front and Side SRS Airbags; 前排双前面/侧面SRS安全气囊。Remote Access chip-in key to anti-theft system; 芯片防盗钥匙带遥控器。Original HID Xenon Head Lamps; 原厂HID氙气头灯;TCS: Traction Control System; 牵引力控制系统(防止驱动轮路面打滑)。Rear Spoiler: with Original LED Break Light; 原厂尾翼及LED刹车灯。 Break System: Fully Updated in early 2011 with new Discs, new Ceramic brake pads / shoes which are more stable and last longer than the regular type; 2011年初全面更新升级的刹车系统,包括碟盘、陶瓷刹车片等。陶瓷刹车属高级刹车系统,制动力更大更耐久。Spec Review 参数: Power Moon Roof / Power Doors / Windows / Mirrors / Front Seats; 电动大天窗、电动车门窗、电调后视镜、电调前排座椅。Heated Anti-fog Mirrors, Heated Front Seats, E-glare proof main mirror;电加热除雾后视镜、电加热前排座椅、电动防眩倒车镜。Engine: 3.2L-V6, performance 225hp@5600rpm, Mileage: 26,6000+km; 3.2升V型6气缸引擎,保养好,高速提速快,公里数: 26.6+万余,综合油耗9.5L/100km(春秋两季,高速市区对半)。 Transmission: 5-speed Automatic Transmission with Sport Shift +/-. Cleaned and Oil Changed on 2012-03; 五速自动波箱手动模式,变速箱润滑油2012年初春已清洁更新。Windshield Wipers: Newly replaced by Michelin; 无级变速“米其林”雨刮。 Color: Metallic Black / Black; 颜色:黑外(蓝色金属漆)/黑内。Chassis: Already updated / painted to anti-hazard of snow salt corrosion; 底盘已做长年冬季防锈漆保护处理。OEM Installed Garage Door Remote Control: 原车配的车库门遥控器(三组记忆,识别不同的车库遥控门,避免车上携带多个遥控器)。 Entertainment Review 娱乐: Original Premium BOSE Sound System + CD / Cassette / FM /AM with separate anti-theft system; 原厂独立防盗BOSE高保真低音炮、杜比模式放大器、CD机和磁带机卡座。 Additional Accessories and their prices另售附件和价格:GPS - $50 cash; GPS导航 50加币现金。Running-Camera - $50 cash; 汽车黑匣子行车记录仪 50加币现金。A set of original snow tires with rims available for 2+ winters usage - $350 cash;一套4个同品牌同规格、至少可用2个漫长冬季的雪胎 - 350加币现金。 For Detail Please Call: 647-648-5988本车的过户日期可安排在9月10号至14号之间。如果您确有诚意,对这个价格可以接受,我可以安排您看车试驾,请提前电话联系,以便我为TL做清洁。因为我本人在密市西北,来去士嘉宝和万锦市不太方便,近期只能满足大多地区西部 Mississauga / Oakville / Etobicock 确有诚意购买的朋友的试车要求。试车请您带好本人有效驾驶执照,并需要签订安全试车责任协议。Yes, we are none smoking family! 是的,车主不吸烟! 为了消除您对一些不必要的疑虑,我已自费购得的了AutoCheck出具的官方历史记录报告:请注意,我的TL得分67分高于类似车型的得分范围34-65分,您也可自费去查询我的VIN记录。所有汽车都要这样或那样的小毛病,但这是一台好车,我出的是最低实惠价,讲价请绕行。Your AutoCheck Vehicle History Report 2000 Acura TLReport Run Date: 2012-08-12 22:52:06.382 EDTReport Summary Class: Upscale - Near LuxuryEngine: 3.2L V6 EFICountry of Assembly: United StatesVehicle Age: 12 year(s)Calculated Owners: N/AVIN: 19UUA5667YA803628Year: 2000Make: AcuraModel: TLStyle/Body: Sedan 4DThis vehicles AutoCheck Score The AutoCheck Score is a summary of your vehicles history. It lets you compare similar vehicles with ease.About the AutoCheck Score This vehicle qualifies for Buyback Protection Safeguard your investment with AutoCheck Buyback Protection. It reduces the risk in buying a used vehicle.About Buyback Protection AccidentCheck Reported accidents: 0Title and ProblemCheck Your vehicle checks out!OdometerCheck Your vehicle checks out! Last Reported Odometer Reading: N/A Vehicle Use and EventCheck No vehicle use reported View Full History AccidentCheck Not all accidents / issues are reported to AutoCheck. Your Vehicle Checks Out! There have been no accidents reported to AutoCheck for this 2000 Acura TL (19UUA5667YA803628). AutoCheck receives its accident data from government sources and independent agencies, and based on the information available to us, we have found that no accidents have been reported on this vehicle. Title and ProblemCheck Your Vehicle Checks Out! AutoChecks database for this 2000 Acura TL (19UUA5667YA803628) shows no negative titles or other problems. When reported to AutoCheck, these events can indicate serious past damage or other significant problems, and disqualifies the vehicle for AutoCheck Buyback Protection. Check the Vehicle Use and EventCheck for reported accidents that can affect vehicle safety and value. 0 Problem(s) Reported:15 Title/Problem areas checked: No abandoned title record No damaged title or major damage incident record No fire damaged title record No grey market title record No hail damage title record No insurance loss title or probable total loss record No junk or scrapped title record No manufacturer buyback/lemon title record No odometer problem title record No rebuilt/rebuildable title record No salvage title or salvage auction record No water damaged title record No NHTSA crash test record No frame/unibody damage record No recycling facility record OdometerCheck Your Vehicle Checks Out! AutoCheck examined the reported odometer readings reported to AutoCheck for this 2000 Acura TL (19UUA5667YA803628) and no indication of an odometer rollback or tampering was found. AutoCheck uses business rules to determine if reported odometer readings are significantly less than previously reported values. Not all reported odometer readings are used. Title and auction events also report odometer tampering or breakage. 0 Problem(s) Reported:MileageDate Reported Vehicle Use and EventCheck No Additional Information Reported! AutoCheck shows no additional vehicle uses or events reported to AutoCheck for this 2000 Acura TL (19UUA5667YA803628). This includes reported vehicle uses such as rental or lease, and events such as whether the vehicle has been reported to have had a loan/lien or a duplicate title issued. Other events show if the vehicle has a reported accident and how many calculated accidents or if it has been reported stolen or repossessed. It is recommended to have pre-owned vehicles inspected by a third party prior to purchase. 0 Event(s) Reported: 6 Vehicle uses checked: No fleet, rental and/or lease use record No taxi use record No police use record No government use record No livery use record No driver education record 0 Event(s) Reported: 9 Vehicle events checked: No accident record reported through accident data sources No corrected title record No duplicate title record No emission/safety inspection record No loan/lien record No fire damage incident record No repossessed record No theft record No storm area registration/title record Full History Below are the historical events for this vehicle listed in chronological order. Any discrepancies will be in bold text.Report Run Date 2012-08-12 22:52:06.382 EDTVehicle: 2000 Acura TL (19UUA5667YA803628) Event dateLocationOdometer readingData SourceDetails11/13/2001 ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 08/20/2002 ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 08/28/2003 MISSISSAUGA, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 09/01/2004 MISSISSAUGA, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 08/31/2005 MISSISSAUGA, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 09/28/2007 MISSISSAUGA, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 06/27/2008 MISSISSAUGA, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 06/01/2009 MISSISSAUGA, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 12/29/2009 MISSISSAUGA, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 06/30/2010 MISSISSAUGA, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 06/30/2011 MISSISSAUGA, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL 06/28/2012 MISSISSAUGA, ON Motor Vehicle Dept. CANADIAN RENEWAL AutoCheck Terms and Conditions This report, and any reliance upon it, is subject to AutoCheck Terms and Conditions . If you obtained the report from a dealer, the dealer has been provided with these Terms & Conditions and can share them with you. These AutoCheck Terms and Conditions are also available at any time at www.autocheck.com/terms or by writing to Experian: Experian Automotive C/O AutoCheck Customer Service 955 American Lane Schaumburg IL 60173 Buyback Protection Terms and Conditions This vehicle (19UUA5667YA803628) qualifies for AutoCheck Buyback Protection . If you obtained the report from a dealer, the dealer has been provided with the terms and can share them with you. These Buyback Protection Terms and Conditions are also available to you at any time at www.autocheck.com/bbpterms or by writing to Experian: Experian Automotive C/O AutoCheckCustomer Service 955 American Lane Schaumburg IL 60173 About AutoCheck AutoCheck vehicle history reports by Experian Automotive is the leading vehicle history reporting service. With expert data handling, the Experian Automotive database houses over 4 billion records on a half a billion vehicles. Every AutoCheck vehicle history report will give you confidence when buying or selling your next used vehicle, with superior customer service every step of the way. Patent Notice Certain aspects of this vehicle history report may be covered by U.S. Patent 8,005,759.
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